TOOLS, CONSTRUCTION, ALTERNATIVE ENERGY > Hand Tools, Power Tools, Welders, etc

Shop Heaters

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Hey all,
Finally moved into my new place and earned my self in my opinion a perfect sized shop (40x40). Growing up my parents built a shop on land well before we ever had a house on it so my dad took his time and did it right, fully insulated, lights and outlets everywhere. It was huge but was set up right and gave me a place to get away and grow up wrenching, welding and learning a ton of skills.

Fast forward 25 years and I'm now in a position that I wanted for so long, big lot, big shop and a modest rambler far enough away from the neighbors I can make noise. So back to the meat of the post:

The shop is not insulated and has tall ceilings,  I'm trying to get the most bang for my back as far as heating it during the winter. My area (eastern Washington) wont see sub zero temps often but it is possible. I would just like to be able to take the chill out of the air without my eyes burning or going deaf from a propane "jet engine" my 7 year old calls my current set up.

Any ideas, suggestions? what is everyone else doing right now for heating their space?

Pictures to follow

Congrats on getting a place that reminds you have your youth and some place to spread out.

assuming you have NG or propane available...,%20Stoves%20%2B%20Fireplaces%20%3E%20Natural%20Gas%20Heaters&utm_campaign=Mr.%20Heater&utm_content=17353&ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=17353&gclid=Cj0KEQiA0-GxBRDWsePx0pPtp4sBEiQACuTLNgWhJjz5E_WvDt5eDpmD6mxEiPQu4DbkXYZCzEPF-VIaAsT-8P8HAQ


--- Quote from: mjmbrown on November 03, 2015, 10:20:54 PM ---The shop is not insulated and has tall ceilings often but it is possible.

I'm trying to get the most bang for my back as far as heating it during the winter.

--- End quote ---

Do you have plans to insulate it? Might help get more out of a smaller heater or having to use the bigger one less.

For "on the cheap" you could build a double barrel stove and burn wood.  Two 30 or 50 gallon barrels some angle iron and some chimney pipe etc. and you can have cheap heat.  Add a box fan and you're in business. 

Best thing I know of is the outdoor wood burning stove unit. It is a boiler which circulates hot water to a grid located in the living space. You could run it to water pipe located in the floor, or to a water heater, or a baseboard or wall mounted or ceiling mounted unit. Or replace the heater grid in your existing forced air unit and hear completely off of wood!


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