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Offline Flyin6

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Never ending assault upon our basic rights
« on: January 06, 2018, 09:20:16 PM »
Ya know, I just don't get it.

Why do socialists, liberals, democrats, and a host of others seek to control guns, register them, prevent their purchase, regulate them, remove them from us, modify their operation and invade our privacy?

We all know that removing the guns from legal citizens will not remove all guns

The military will still have them
Law enforcement will still have them
and, right
Criminals will still have them.
But wait, then if a criminal uses a gun he is not allowed to own to kill someone, is he then committing a crime?

It's backwards day again folks, and we need to pay attention to what's going on.

I for one have an idea I wish to have my congressman examine and somehow craft into what would become the law of the land.

Gun control activists try to invade my privacy every chance they get. Lists, gun registration, forms and tests to carry a weapon concealed, and so forth.

Here's what I propose:

I'd like to see the medical records of everyone who has some authority over this issue as it pertains to me. If you are a congressman or senator, governor, state version of the prior listed, I want access to your health records.
You see, I want to see if YOU are in any way mentally handicapped, ever diagnosed with any mental disorder, taken any psychosomatic drug, or similar.

Hey, fair is fair, right? You gun grabbers want to say we military are mentally handicapped...You do that by having your VA hospitals say that everyone who ever served in combat as having some degree of PTSD. They you say PTSD is a mental disorder...OK, fine, if that is the standard, then let's apply it equally. I'd say if you were ever diagnosed as ADD, or any of those new big pharma money making brands, then you too are mentally incapacitated. Used certain drugs? Same boat. Ever been under the care of a physician for any mental issue, attempted suicide, broke down over stress? Well, then would you then still be legally capable of enacting legislation?

Say you drink a lot...hmmm... You made public statements displaying your hatred for the dreaded gun? Does this perhaps hint of a greater problem? A full blown phobia perhaps? Well, I certainly think so, Let's do a mental exam if you please, and can I pick the doctor? I know a good one fresh out of SOCOM who you may not agree with, but boy, can he write a report!

Yea, so let's just level the playing field. I call this game, "You show me your stupid, and I'll show you mine!

Fun eh?
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
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Offline Wilbur

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Re: Never ending assault upon our basic rights
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2018, 02:47:36 PM »
Glad you started this forum section Don. Of course the pols in my state have all drunk the Kool-Aid and consider me a terrorist for owning guns. Fortunately we have an active anti-gun group that can and does push back on occasion. Its just that its so little and so late. The pols here are all of the mindset that black guns are bad. They made bumpstocks illegal about a week after the LV shooting.

In an attempt to get fewer people to carry they came out with two classes of pistol permits....one a "small capacity" permit (good for 6 rounds or less), and a "high capacity" permit. Oh, but they didn't tell the public the fine print....the Small Capacity permit only allows you to have a pistol outside your house in a locked container going to a gun club or back. In order to carry concealed you need the High Capacity permit, which of course a lot of guys who usually carry revolvers said "nah, I don't need that one." Not knowing that they were effectively cutting off their own noses.

When John Lott's book More Guns Less Crime came out our local Attorney General was on a radio talk show. I called and asked him if he had read it. He said no. I said "You're the top law enforcement officer in the state. Gun violence is a problem, shouldn't you have the most up to date information on gun crimes and laws in the country so you can guide policy in a way that is effective? This is the only study that looked at every county in the country. I think you owe it to the taxpayers who pay your salary to read it and be informed of the facts." They hung up on me. SMH.  Have I said I hate this state?

Offline Flyin6

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Re: Never ending assault upon our basic rights
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2018, 05:54:57 PM »
Glad you started this forum section Don. Of course the pols in my state have all drunk the Kool-Aid and consider me a terrorist for owning guns. Fortunately we have an active anti-gun group that can and does push back on occasion. Its just that its so little and so late. The pols here are all of the mindset that black guns are bad. They made bumpstocks illegal about a week after the LV shooting.

In an attempt to get fewer people to carry they came out with two classes of pistol permits....one a "small capacity" permit (good for 6 rounds or less), and a "high capacity" permit. Oh, but they didn't tell the public the fine print....the Small Capacity permit only allows you to have a pistol outside your house in a locked container going to a gun club or back. In order to carry concealed you need the High Capacity permit, which of course a lot of guys who usually carry revolvers said "nah, I don't need that one." Not knowing that they were effectively cutting off their own noses.

When John Lott's book More Guns Less Crime came out our local Attorney General was on a radio talk show. I called and asked him if he had read it. He said no. I said "You're the top law enforcement officer in the state. Gun violence is a problem, shouldn't you have the most up to date information on gun crimes and laws in the country so you can guide policy in a way that is effective? This is the only study that looked at every county in the country. I think you owe it to the taxpayers who pay your salary to read it and be informed of the facts." They hung up on me. SMH.  Have I said I hate this state?

This crap is really bothersome

So here we have a citizen who finds the state where he called home developing hostile policies toward his once accepted lifestyle. I think that is happening in a lot of places.

I think the citizens who find themselves living in such places are going to have to get out and fight for their rights or they will surrender them. I think the fight will be unfair and you will suffer casualties as a legal system which is liberal and stacked against you perverts the law through progressive judges to package you good citizens in such a way as to resemble the boston marathon killers.

They get away with that because people aren't doing anything. How did a bunch of sheep get control of you sheep dogs anyway? Bite em! Put them in their place, use your proverbial teeth. Start with your own demands for justice.

Like I have said before, start with your own demands. I like the concept of lawmakers and judges having to publically share their medical records and lets also ask for political and professional affiliations. How about that city councilman who was a member of the communist party while in college who was diagnoised as borderline bi-polar?

What about that?

Propose a law that states that any laws or regulations proposed need to be committed by a group consisting of at least 50% military or police officers (Read: Gun experts)

Get creative, get off your fat butts, and get out there and make some noise. THink hippies are the only ones allowed to hold up signs and make noise?

I'm thinking I have as much a right as anyone else does to speak my mind and air my views.

Here in the Tuck, sanity reigns so no need. And liberals have a very hard time getting along and fitting in here. I remember when that black lives matters bull crap started in Cincinnati. The mob started across the bridge to cross into Kentucky. They were met by our police along with thousands of citizens. We were going to toss them off the bridge into the Ohio and let the good people of Louisiana deal with the bodies, but, knowing our reputation the wussies turned around and went back to cincy where their stupidity is allowed.

The only reason you have this nonsense is because you have allowed it America

(Not pointing at you Wil)
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: Never ending assault upon our basic rights
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2018, 07:48:38 PM »
Good on you Mr Wil for at least trying. Of course they hung up on you, because they can't argue against facts.
Underpaid and misunderstood since 2014

Offline Wilbur

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Re: Never ending assault upon our basic rights
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2018, 11:12:38 AM »
I think the citizens who find themselves living in such places are going to have to get out and fight for their rights or they will surrender them. I think the fight will be unfair and you will suffer casualties as a legal system which is liberal and stacked against you perverts the law through progressive judges to package you good citizens in such a way as to resemble the boston marathon killers.

They get away with that because people aren't doing anything. How did a bunch of sheep get control of you sheep dogs anyway? Bite em! Put them in their place, use your proverbial teeth. Start with your own demands for justice.

Like I have said before, start with your own demands. I like the concept of lawmakers and judges having to publically share their medical records and lets also ask for political and professional affiliations. How about that city councilman who was a member of the communist party while in college who was diagnoised as borderline bi-polar?

Don I like all that you said. Ultimately we are witnessing here in this state exactly what the Founding Fathers intended with the states- that being individual "experiments" in laws where citizens would move in or out depending on the laws enacted in the state. The problem being we are seeing increased growth, but its the WRONG kind!

So every time the census comes out I look at all the states populations versus the last census and compare which ones have had gains over the typical "net gain" (I would have to go dig up the spreadsheet but iirc its 1.5% - meaning if the population had no new immigrants or emmigrants it would grow at 1.5%- Population X plus new births less deaths). Those states who's population growth exceeded 1.5% meant they had more people moving in and those with growth less than 1.5% had people moving out. TX, FL and other low tax states have had net increases far exceeding the "normal" growth rate reflecting exactly what you would think- people vote with their dollars and move from high tax states to low tax states.

But in MA we are seeing a problematic trend- because we have liberal bleeping everything which includes welfare, food stamps, etc. we are seeing people move in for the benefits. So we have a shrinking population of workers supporting a rising population of leeches and ticks. They of course elect exactly who they want to (which are more of the liberal jerks who want their votes so continue to make them dependent on the welfare systems they promote). Its a vicious cycle and will implode eventually.

When we last went through this it was right after Dukakis ran for President with the (fake) Massachusetts Miracle. Everyone here knew the state was failing but he buffaloed enough on the left to get on the ticket. Fortunately (for the country) he lost the election. But then the state was in deep doo doo financially. Bill Weld got elected Governor on a platform of reforming welfare by requiring people "work" (I put that in quotes because there were all sorts of loopholes but it was a good start) if they received welfare benefits. Before the law ever went into effect 1/2 of the welfare recipients got off welfare and got jobs. No joke. HALF!!! So it was good, obviously. Then the state went through the next incarnation of liberal BS and elected Obama's buddy Deval Patrick (I am going through all this because you will likely see his name in 2020 as liberals want him to run) for Governor. The very first law he rescinded was the "Workfare" law Weld had pushed through. So now NH and ME are starting pilot programs with "workfare" and those leeches are all moving here for benefits because no one checks anything. Its disgusting. The MA legislature is 85% Democrat on the Senate side and 79% Democrat on the House side. Republicans can not pass ANY legislation on their own. Nor can they stop legislation no matter how insane.

Last year (maybe 2 years ago? I forget now), Republicans proposed a bill that would strip EBT "rights" from stores found to be engaged in fraudulent activities (we have some "convenience" stores that will have $500 a week in cash sales but $100,000 a week in "EBT" (food stamp) sales- these are the ones giving EBT holders $0.50 on the $1.00 for their EBT cards so the holder can go buy booze and drugs). The Democrats voted 100% on party lines to shoot down the legislation. Right now in the state if you "lose" your EBT card (which instead of being like a credit card tied to your "account", is more like a gift card with cash tied to the card) you just go get another one, BUT THEY DONT CANCEL THE ONE YOU LOST!!!! So drug dealers routinely get arrested with 20-30 or more EBT cards on them as their customers trade the EBT cards for drugs. But the  Democrats here won't stop that BS either.     

Sorry I got off on a bit of a tirade here, but most on this site won't believe that this kind of nonsense occurs (well exceptin' the folks in CA as they see it too). I mention it because we WILL see these people pushing at the federal level for office in 2020 (Elizabeth Warren and the previously mentioned Deval Patrick) so its important to know who we are dealing with.

For me? I can not WAIT to get the heck out of here. My youngest is a junior in high school and as soon as she graduates I will be gone like the wind. I may keep a house here as long as my Mom and FIL are alive but I will "live", for tax purposes (and gun purposes), elsewhere.

Sorry....rant off.  :facepalm:

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Re: Never ending assault upon our basic rights
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2018, 11:13:12 AM »
Good on you Mr Wil for at least trying. Of course they hung up on you, because they can't argue against facts.

PERZACTLY!  :likebutton:

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Re: Never ending assault upon our basic rights
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2018, 02:53:13 PM »

And soon this will come to the USA, soon it be a crime to make a closed fist.

Offline stlaser

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Re: Never ending assault upon our basic rights
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2018, 03:32:27 PM »

And soon this will come to the USA, soon it be a crime to make a closed fist.

as long as you're waving the bird it will still be ok........
Living in the remote north hoping Ken doesn’t bring H up here any time soon…..


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