FOOD CORNER > Farming, Gardening, and Raising Your Own Food

Raised veggie garden.

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Use that mushroom compost judiciously.  I used too much and have an over abundance of phosphorous.

Higher Caliber:

Relatively level! How about that!?

So I started off the day with the wife helping out. She has absolutely zero patience for my pursuit to make the top rail perfectly level. I ended up having to lower it quite a bit, otherwise the low side was too high to work with. That really threw off my materials purchased. After the third comment from the 1/2 about it not needing to be perfectly level, just “even” I snapped back with a, “I think your socialist aunts are rubbing off on you”... (they are all Irish)

I ended up finishing the day by myself. Worked about 4 hours today.

The donkey poop is from my pasture. We have a donkey who conveniently relieves himself in one spot, right in front of the gate! This is the first foray into gardening, so any tips are appreciated!

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Gardens, my wife helped with planting & picking everything in between she was nowhere to be found....

Bob Smith:
Sounds like you are mixing your own blend for the growing medium. Do some reading and studying for the right mixture for the best results. You will probably have lots of weed seed from the river silt and the donkey droppings. No really good  way for weed control other than herbicides or continues weeding, so for a few years just stay on top of the weeds and all should work out OK. Some of the top soil places use extreme heat to kill the weed seed, try to keep on top of them and all should be good.

Farmer Jon:
I started raised beds a couple years ago. Ive added more as the years go on. I used old hog feeders I took apart. tractor tire and concrete cattle feed bunks. I filled them with the tractor but they settled a lot the first couple years. Be prepared to add more soil next year.


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