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Messages - Farmer Jon

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Site Rules & Introductions / Re: Hey from Canada
« on: October 20, 2015, 06:03:00 AM »

Faith Discussion / Re: In need of your prayers
« on: October 19, 2015, 07:38:16 AM »

Bug-Out Bag and Camping gear / Re: goverment surplus auctions
« on: October 19, 2015, 07:35:20 AM »
There is a guy here that buys military trucks. The most popular ones are the big Oshkosh 8x8 trucks. They mount manure spreaders on them. Cant build them fast enough. Farmers love them. As soon as that spreader gets mounted it becomes farm equipment. This is where it gets tricky. You can drive on the road, You can use dyed diesel. BUT you have to drive more off road miles than on road.

I thought it would be cool to have a hummer if its only off road I would only be able to drive it in the winter when the crops are out. That's no fun its too darn cold.
Like in KY that are tons of trails to drive on. My wife is from Owsley county KY it is defiantly very different from any place Ive ever been. Love it there.

Bug-Out Bag and Camping gear / Re: goverment surplus auctions
« on: October 18, 2015, 08:19:49 PM »
Maybe they realized they can get more money by selling them to the public than for scrap.

Bug-Out Bag and Camping gear / goverment surplus auctions
« on: October 18, 2015, 09:49:55 AM »
I ran across this site accidentally one morning having coffee. I'm sure some of you have seen it before.


All kinds of stuff. Ive never been in the military but I have always liked the military vehicles. A lot of this stuff on here could easily be adapted to use onfarm and ranch.

They have Hummers starting bid at $7,500. I read somewhere you can now get them with an off road title. SO I have a question for the military guys. What would have to be done to make a military hummer road legal? Why cant I just go buy one and drive it around? If they are not road legal why are them selling them to the public?

Parenting / Re: food allergies
« on: October 18, 2015, 08:54:23 AM »
One step a head of you..He cannot have baked eggs or milk. Yet. Dr is confident that he will be able to some time. I never thought about amazon. Great idea! I'm going on there right now. Thanks.

Parenting / Re: food allergies
« on: October 16, 2015, 01:26:02 PM »
He watched part of an episode of walking dead. That's his zombie face. He Went around for week growling and pretending to bite. 2 years old and one heck of an imagination.

Parenting / Re: food allergies
« on: October 16, 2015, 07:41:16 AM »
The doc said by the time he is in Kindergarten he should out grow most of it. I hope so. The worst is the soy. We live on a farm surrounded with soy bean fields. Cant move to town. Not an option. That is worse. The grain elevators have their fans running and that blows the dust out. Cant get away from it this time of year. especially when its this dry. Hes doing pretty good. He don't know any difference and is a happy child. We get his favorite snack foods at Whole Foods but the nearest is in Omaha or Lincoln 2 hours away. The wife got down there the other day and you should have seen his face when when he seen everything. He knew right away what he was getting and couldn't be happier. It like me after I haven't had a beer in a week and I finally get a 6 pack. LOL

Hopefully he will grow out of many of them. Glad you found out before it was hospital visits and long sleepless nights.

He is cute, does he look like you or mom??

He favors me more than mom but some expressions he makes I see my mother in law.

What gets me is we have to hire special teachers because the kid can't speak English. My great great grandfather homestead here. Came legally. My grandfather who is now 95 was sent home from school as a child because he could not speak English. They spoke Czech at home when it was time to start school the teacher said nope. Go home until you speak english.
If they want to live here fine. Speak English. Get a job. Pay taxes. Become a citizen.

Parenting / food allergies
« on: October 14, 2015, 07:42:39 AM »
Anyone else have a child with food allergies? Our youngest has them pretty bad. Eggs, chicken, soy, milk, goats milk, wheat and everything in the wheat family including oats.  At first we had no idea what was going on. He would scratch himself bloody. He did it so bad one night in the car it looked like someone was murdered in his car seat. body was covered in scales. Dr was pulling his hair out trying to figure out whats wrong. Changing formulas, try this cream try that cream. Finally we went to an allergist. Found a good one in Omaha that also a professor at UCLA.
Doc took one look at him and said the scales were a skin infection from all the scratching. Give him a bleach bath every day. One or 2 cap fulls in a his normal size bath. They tested him found out with in 15 minutes what was wrong. Once we got a hold of his diet and beat the infection he is so much happier. He is 2 now. The next 2 paragraphs I copied and pasted off my wife's Facebook status.

Yesterday he was retested for all of the things he was tested for at 8 months old. Only one new allergy, Cats. Thankfully we only have outdoor cats. He loves them so much and I hate that he's developed an allergy to them. As for food allergies, milk & eggs were the same as before. Wheat actually decreased to one number away from intolerance but still an allergy. Soybean went from an intolerance to high number just like milk & eggs.

Banana, walnut and chicken were all slight intolerance. He loves bananas so that bothered me. He's never had an issue eating them. He goes back in Dec for a checkup. He was put on Allegra allergy meds, an antihistamine for his itching and an inhaler for his cough & wheezing from the gravel road dust as well as soybean dust from the fields. Otherwise he's healthy, lungs & heart sound great.

D.O.T. / Re: What do you do to prepare for winter?
« on: October 11, 2015, 10:17:06 AM »
We just make sure the propane tank is full. Keep a couple weeks worth of food around. The longest we have been snowed in was 4 days.  Hook up the PTO generator so its ready. I wanted one that automatically starts on its own but I don't write the checks so I was out voted. We have a spare 1000 gallon and 500 gallon propane tanks on trailers for the drying bins. We keep them full so If need be can drag them up and hook into the house. All necessary equipment has full tanks of fuel and are kept inside the heated shop. Pay loader, Skid loader, and generator tractor. That way if power goes out in the middle of the night everything is still warm in the shop.

What are you building? / Re: Building a work bench.
« on: October 11, 2015, 08:37:43 AM »
If you are going to do any kind of welding or grinding Id cover the top with sheet metal. Did that in our shop. 3/16 thick if I remember right.Comes up the front a couple inches to protect the front and up a couple inches in the back for a back splash. All one piece we had it bent at the local welding/fab shop.

Share Your Recipe / Re: pickled eggs
« on: October 10, 2015, 07:24:51 AM »
Thanks. I was hoping that your first reply was wrong. I don't get along well with jalapenos. I am going to try it as soon as I get a chance.

Share Your Recipe / Re: whats for dinner tonight
« on: October 10, 2015, 07:21:43 AM »
Being that we are in full swing of harvest and the wife in the the grain cart our supper menu has been different.  We have to get everything ready in the morning before work. One day we just got a jar of canned meat out of the basement. Thats what it there for. Delicious. Then we got the crock pot out and made a roast the next morning. We were too tired to do much clean up that night was a long one. Next day I decided to put pork chops in the crock pot but it was still dirty and we are running late already.  Wife pulls out her spare. I knew there was a reason I keep her around. Pork chops with cream of mushroom soup over the top cooked on low for 13 hours. Didn't really even have to chew it. Kinda just fell apart. Tonight is going to be Mc Donalds. Have to go get the kids from my ex for the weekend.

People like you and OldKootie and Miss Kay, your families and people like you are what makes us good still.

I wish it were better for you than you are treated financially from all your labor.

May God watch over and keep all farmers close at hand. That no harm should come to you, and that you would reap a bountiful harvest from all your hard work. As the crops issue forth from the earth so are you a rich part of the earth. Provide for all of their needs and much, much more. In the name of Jesus, Amen!

Thank you.

Share Your Recipe / Re: whats for dinner tonight
« on: October 10, 2015, 07:20:03 AM »
you could always get you a few cases of MRE's for occasions like that jon

Ive been wanting to get some but they are so darned expensive. The only ones Ive found reasonable was some lady had some in her dirty old basement shes had them for years. Probably still good but I passed.

Share Your Recipe / Re: pickled eggs
« on: October 09, 2015, 08:13:19 AM »
Do you have a recipe for pickled eggs? I haven't had a good one in 20 years. The guy that owns the bar I use to go had his mother make them. She could hardly keep up. they were soo good.

Share Your Recipe / Re: whats for dinner tonight
« on: October 09, 2015, 08:03:53 AM »
Being that we are in full swing of harvest and the wife in the the grain cart our supper menu has been different.  We have to get everything ready in the morning before work. One day we just got a jar of canned meat out of the basement. Thats what it there for. Delicious. Then we got the crock pot out and made a roast the next morning. We were too tired to do much clean up that night was a long one. Next day I decided to put pork chops in the crock pot but it was still dirty and we are running late already.  Wife pulls out her spare. I knew there was a reason I keep her around. Pork chops with cream of mushroom soup over the top cooked on low for 13 hours. Didn't really even have to chew it. Kinda just fell apart. Tonight is going to be Mc Donalds. Have to go get the kids from my ex for the weekend.

Hand Tools, Power Tools, Welders, etc / Re: Shop Organization
« on: October 05, 2015, 07:18:26 AM »
It don't matter how big or small your shop is it gets cluttered. We have a 80x80 and sometimes its a maze to get from one side to the other. Right now it's actually not too bad. Had to build a loft the legnth of the building 13 ft wide there is a lot of crap up there.

Powerplant, Driveline, and Braking / Re: Best transmission for 5.9 Cummins
« on: September 30, 2015, 02:56:11 PM »
The one in the fl60 is a 4speed but yea if you wanted to put it in a 4x4 that would cause problems. I don't think it has any electronics but then I never looked for any either.

Powerplant, Driveline, and Braking / Re: Best transmission for 5.9 Cummins
« on: September 30, 2015, 07:55:42 AM »
Why not an Allison? We have a 97 FL60 freightliner with the same exact engine as our 97 dodge 3500. The Freightliner has a Allison. I don't know why you couldn't put that in a dodge. If you are even thinking about an a Eaton I would go Allison. I cant say from personal experience but people I know that have had both prefer the Allison.

Faith Discussion / Re: The Bride, the Beast, and Babylon
« on: September 26, 2015, 08:13:38 AM »
Very interesting. I was also raised carhloic. Catholic school, alter boy and so on. I guess I always asked questions the priest could not answer. Like where was Jesus for 30 years? He was a baby and over night he was grown.
I wish I could remember where I read this but there is evidence in the Koran that Jesus visited and learned about Islam. Aslo in buddisim he was was mentioned. Jesus traveled a lot and learned many different religions.
The church makes the priest take a vow of poverty yet our church was freaking huge with gold and big statues everywhere. Things just didn't click with me.
My first wife was Lutheran so i changed. I don't attend services anymore I worship in my own way. I do send my kids to Sunday school became its important to learn about God and Jesus. When they are older they can make their own decisions on what they believe.

Everything Trailer, Camper, or RV related / Re: Lifting the 5th Wheel
« on: September 25, 2015, 06:39:43 AM »

I thought about flipping them, however It would have been too tall. I'm at 13'3" now, that would have been right at the legal limit. I was shooting for what I needed/wanted. It took us about 6 hours to do the whole job, so it wasn't that bad. Also going up six inches makes that first step a doosey.

I can understand that. Mine hangs a couple inches low in the back and I would like to  have a little clearance on the bed of my truck but im 12 6 and the wife already complains about the step. I don't know what I am going to do yet but this is another option I never thought of. I wonder what did it do to your warranty? Mine is 1993 I don't have to worry about such things. LOL.

Everything Trailer, Camper, or RV related / Re: Lifting the 5th Wheel
« on: September 24, 2015, 07:42:11 AM »
All you had to do was flip the axles. You gain 6 inches. You don't actually flip them you pull them out and weld a saddle on the other side so the axle sits under the spring. I was going to take mine in because the guys at the trailer place have done it a hundred times and it would be done in a few hours.

These frames are so thin I don't know if I would feel comfortable cutting and welding on one. Very good write up though I have not doubt its as good or better than factory.

General Vehicle Related Discussion / Re: Why a side-by-side?
« on: September 23, 2015, 07:45:11 AM »
You can get one of them little japanese pickups way cheaper then a side by side. Problem is im 6 foot tall and 200 lbs. In winter with all the extra cloths and over shoes its hard to get in and out. We picked one up for 5 grand a few years ago. Heat air and radio. 5 speed. 3 cyl engine. Geo metro oil filter but all engine parts including spark plugs have to be ordered from Japan. The one we have is just like this.... http://www.americasminitruckcenter.com/americas-mini-trucks.php?tid=24

D.O.T. / Re: Chrysler is buying my trucks back.
« on: September 20, 2015, 08:41:35 PM »
The first thing you need to do with the the 6.7 is get it deleted. If I didn't see it for myself I would never believe the difference. Its a whole new truck.  The emissions crap just has it castrated. I love my duramax but when I need to tow something I jump in the dodge. Unless it's my camper. The chevy rides way better.

D.O.T. / Re: Chrysler is buying my trucks back.
« on: September 20, 2015, 04:39:45 PM »
Got a letter about our 09 dodge farm truck. I don't remember what they wanted to give on trade it but it was not worth it. Just put a aluminum flat bed on it. Also deleted the emissions crap tuned it with straight pipe and stack. If it were still stock it would have gone bye bye.

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: EPA can kiss my behind
« on: September 20, 2015, 04:35:09 PM »
He had the paper work along with a driver/body guard. Driving a black suburban. They guy we worked with in the DEQ (department of environmental quality)  called and gave us a heads up and showed up with them. We had to go through him when we redid everything to make it all legal. DEQ is state EPA is feds. I know these departments are needed but dang get it together already.

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: EPA can kiss my behind
« on: September 20, 2015, 02:11:57 PM »
The EPA is a joke anymore. They showed up out here at the farm a year or so ago wanting to inspect our cattle yards. He had an old sattilite map of the place and pointed at what he wanted to see. Problem is what he wanted to see didn't exist anymore and had not existed for several years. We tore out several yards and put in a cattle barn instead so they inspected that. The guy was decent enough but the whole deal was just stupid.

Share Your Recipe / Re: Sloppy Joes
« on: September 20, 2015, 02:01:05 PM »
That's how grandma use to make em. Pound of burger, can of van de camps pork and beans, some mustard and catsup or bbq sauce.

Share Your Recipe / Re: Sloppy Joes
« on: September 19, 2015, 08:06:24 AM »
Am I the only one that puts pork n beans in my sloppy joes?

Food Preparation and Cooking Techniques / Re: woods suitable for smoking
« on: September 19, 2015, 08:04:02 AM »
I actually use a lot of Chinese elm. There happens to be a ton of it out in the grove around the place. I start a fire and let it burn down to coals. IT makes an awesome coal bed. Then I just add small pieces as needed. It smokes real nice. I'm still using my old cooker it don't  have a fire box. 

Faith Discussion / Re: TIME TO BAN DORITOS
« on: September 18, 2015, 07:03:21 AM »
I already quit smoking I'm not giving up my Doritos and Pepsi. I am also not donating 10 bucks to get a rainbow bag. 10 bucks can get me a 6 pack of tall boys and big stick of beef jerky.

Cooking equipment / Re: cast iron
« on: September 17, 2015, 05:37:36 AM »
You forgot Myth No8. Never use cast iron on a glass top stove. Ive been doing this for over 10 years. Just try not to slide it and don't drop it.

Cooking equipment / Re: Lets help TRN with a smoker build
« on: September 17, 2015, 05:30:38 AM »
Pipe is expensive. Use water heater tanks. This a project I started on a rainy day a month ago. Probably wont get finished until after harvest. 18 inch pipe was 20 bucks a foot. Old water heaters were free.

Humor, Good Stuff, and Red Neck Practices! / "real" man?
« on: September 10, 2015, 01:59:41 PM »
Last night our youngest would not go to sleep. He would only let mommy rock him so I went on to bed. Turned on the tv and fell asleep. I wake up to her freaking out. There is something flying around in the bedroom. I thought it was a bird.  Barn swallow or sparrow. I know they poop a lot so I pull the covers over my head. Wife starts laughing. I say tell me when its gone.  Mind you I am still half asleep at this time and not fully aware of the situation. Finally she said its gone. Ok so Im awake now and thinking its just a dang bird and how did it get in?
Not a bird its a bat. Hanging from the ceiling in the living room over the open stair case to the basement. Open the front door hoping it flies out and no more fly in. So I'm throwing things at it and it wont move. WTF. I came inches from hitting it with one of the kids blocks.
I have the wife holding a blanket over the door way to the rest of the house. I sneak over to the gun cabinet. I'm thinking do I use the .22? No too messy. Open the door and there is my daughters pink bb gun. That was my weapon of choice. Good ole daisy pump bb gun. Its even loaded. Pump that thing up a few times and direct hit. Bat falls straight down into the basement. Look down the stairs hoping to see a dead body. Nothing. crap. I go down the stairs and the sucker is hanging under the edge of a stair tread. Scared the daylights out of me. Right by my bare foot. This whole time Ive been running around in my shorts. Now I go get dressed quickly. boots and all. fly down the stairs and hit it again. This time its done. Hes dead. Now I cant sleep. We were up half the night waiting for another one to come flying circles over our heads.
The only thing I could think of was what I sight I must have been. Should have been in the movie the great outdoors with John Candy. 
Of course the Wife puts it on Facebook. I get drilled at work. The guys saying Wow what a tough guy hiding under the covers LOL. I don't care I admit it, im a bit of a chicken sometimes. Especially when Im woke up out of a dead sleep with things flying around my head.
We will be laughing about this for a long time.

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: my postion on "preparedness"
« on: September 10, 2015, 12:59:22 PM »
Didnt get much rain here. Just enough to make the dirt stick to my boots.

Parenting / Re: Starting School, starting over, just getting started.
« on: September 10, 2015, 08:26:29 AM »
No sence in pushing a child into kindergarten too soon. I have a boy in preschool his second year. They said he was not ready but we could move him into kindergarten anyway. No not worth it. He will just be on of the oldest in his class. My oldest boy that graduated last year was in a peer program like yours starting at age 3. There is a place in town that works with special needs kids. He loved it.

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: my postion on "preparedness"
« on: September 10, 2015, 08:01:08 AM »
I have thought alot about this. Spring and fall sitting on a tractor for hours on end alone with my thoughts. I would be a sitting duck out here in the country. No way I could protect my family from the roving gangs that no doubt would be going door to door. I wont go into detail but my plan is to hold out here as long as possible then take all my food and valuables pack up my camper and go to town. Abandoning the home we love for safety of town. These are small towns of just a couple thousand people and I know a lot of people. The nearest town Pender Ne 8 miles away is on the edge of the indian reservation. They have been fighting for years over boundary disputes. No doubt they would be under attack constantly. The town sits out there kind of by its self in the hills.
 I would go the the next closest town in the opposite direction. Beemer. 10 miles away Its on a river so its there is a food source. ITs on a major highway. The next towns  on either side are 10 to 12 miles away. It lays on flat ground. I just think it would be safer.
Now if I were by my self I would probably stay here and bug in. There are plenty of places on this farm to hide my stuff for when the gangs come. but I have to think of the safety of my family.
I'm not building some big bug out vehicle but i do have a 80 Chevy 4x4 that i am starting to restore just because I like it. It also has no computers so dont have to worry about EMP frying the electronics. ITs 3/4 ton so I can pull my camper with it if need be.
At any given time I have several weeks of food on hand. Especially since I started canning. There are times we get snowed in for several days at a time. When you live on a farm i dont care if you are 2 miles out of town or 20 you need some sort of food stors expecally in winter.

Hide Site / Re: Observations about our "homes"
« on: September 08, 2015, 10:11:17 PM »
I live in a typical 1880s Nebraska farm house. What basement it did have was dug with horses pulling a tumble bug dragging the dirt out from under it. True 2x4 construction with square nails. The red brick foundation finally gave out. Everything was crooked. floors bowed. We jacked it up dug a new basement and put on an addition. The old red brick was not even in the ground. It was on top. Once the new foundation was poured and it was set down on the the carpenter said hes never seen a house so straight. everyone said we were crazy. Burn that old house down and start over. No way. How man people can say they live in a house over 100 years old?

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: Awesome idea for a beer can
« on: September 08, 2015, 09:42:01 PM »
Seen this on Facebook earlier today. I thought this is a great idea.

Everything Trailer, Camper, or RV related / Re: Saw a scary one today,,,,,,,
« on: September 08, 2015, 08:09:18 AM »
This was me last weekend. I didn't measure it but I know im over length. I only went 12 miles.

Faith Discussion / Re: Shall WE support the County Clerk in Kentucky?
« on: September 08, 2015, 08:05:08 AM »
I don't have an issue with gay marriage. They are going to be together anyway so so what? We have more important issues to worry about.
I do commend her for standing up for her religious beliefs and not backing down. I just have to ask if she was Muslim would she have been jailed?

Other Weapons / Re: Some cool NRA Offerings
« on: September 01, 2015, 07:24:34 PM »
You wanna know what irrtates me about the NRA? Well I'm gonna tell you. About every other month I get a bill to renew my membership or to upgrade it. I pay it once a year. They could save so much money if they quit sending me junk mail.

Hand Tools, Power Tools, Welders, etc / Re: Survival tool box
« on: August 29, 2015, 07:43:47 AM »
You cant have everything. Having all that I would start getting concerned about weight.  You have all this stuff and it weighs a ton. Now you need water, food, ect.

If weight were not a factor at all I would say you need a good bench vice. They make them that slide in the receiver.  And a good welderator.

we got this one. Welder, generator, air compressor all in one. https://www.deere.com/en_US/products/equipment/home_and_workshop_products/welderators/ac2_cw5170s/ac2_cw5170s.page

Hand Tools, Power Tools, Welders, etc / Re: New Toy
« on: August 29, 2015, 07:29:26 AM »
Ok ok  yea I have heard of them but never seen one. My cousin was talking about getting one a couple years ago. I had no idea wth he was talking about. Some box he puts carburetors in and it cleans them. First thing that went through my mind was that's a nice deep fryer!

Hand Tools, Power Tools, Welders, etc / Re: New Toy
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:16:58 PM »
What is it?

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: Donald Trump
« on: August 27, 2015, 08:21:53 PM »
I have a sobering thought for everyone to consider

We as a western culture are dying...literally

For a culture to be sustainable it needs to support a birth rate of at least 2.1:2.
So every married couple needs to have 2.1 kids. THe two kids replace the parents when they die, and the .1 allows for growth. Cultures either are gorwing or they are dying. No idling along at the same size, that doesn't work

Now the US has the highest birth rate of any western culture/country. Our rate is 1.8:2

So we are dying, growing smaller each year.

Islam on the other hand has the highest birthrate. They "Enjoy" a rate of 8:2!!!
Yep each family replaces itself and adds three more families to the mix.

Islam flourishes best in western permissive cultures and wanes a bit the farther they get away from a Christian nation. Purely Islamic nations like Yemen and Afghanistan just kill that rate and life spans are all the way down into the high 30's on average (38 for the stan)

So we need some talent coming in to fortify our numbers. Mexicans, Guatemalans, and the like come from a predominately Christian (Catholic) background.

So given the choice which would you prefer? Barry O is all about bring in as many of his kin as he can get away with. They are infecting areas like Flint, Detroit, Dearborn, Minneapolis, and Washington.

Personally I'll take the Mexicans or Latino, but not without condition.

Oh and if you think we Christians are not stupid. have you seen who is the largest sponsoring agency to take in and resettle these Muslims.

The American Lutheran Church.

I have 6 kids. I'm doing my part!

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: Donald Trump
« on: August 25, 2015, 08:34:25 PM »
I'm still undecided. There are things I like about Trump. But, I like Cruze and Carson. I like Huckabee the most. I've liked him since he took over for Paul Harvy. I don't think he will make it tho. I am really praying we don't have another Bush Clinton race. I like the Bushes I am sure Jeb would be just fine but it's time to get fresh meat.

Farming, Gardening, and Raising Your Own Food / Re: Tonight's Harvest
« on: August 24, 2015, 08:23:47 AM »
I wish my dang tomatoes would ripen up already. I juice most all of them. I like me a good red beer. The wife likes warm tomato juice with her grilled cheese.

Farming, Gardening, and Raising Your Own Food / Re: concrete raised beds
« on: August 24, 2015, 08:17:47 AM »
We ended up with a whole pile that broke when I moved them. These are more heavy duty but time will tell. I hope it works out I want to put in another line next spring. I just have the down hill end plugged with a board. Im thinkng I will have to drill a drain hole once I get the cracks sealed up.

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