WEAPONS > Firearms

Surefire xc1

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Higher Caliber:
Figured I’d give this a bump as me and Bobby were talking about it the other day. Been carrying the xc1 every day for almost two years now. I’m ashamed to say I just realized I haven’t changed the single triple A battery she runs on as a matter of preventative. (Honestly I didn’t realize it’s been this long!) secondary to that I don’t often use its light for much other than clearing my house when I know I’m the only one around coming home to a dark house! Good training!

Here’s a couple pics of light output in an ambient light zero environment...

An excellent way to gather full scene information with a WML, given that most ceilings are white, is to cast the light from the ceiling. This is also my  recommended methodology when seeking out the bumps in the night of your occupied home.

Here is the light focused on the wall-

As you can see the light beam is clear and free of hot and cold spots. For a bulb roughly a cm in diameter the technology in the beam is tremendous.

I’m pretty certain surefire will develop the first light saber available on the civilian market.

Reach demo-

Bobby was looking for a review, but I just don’t have much negative to report on this light. If I could complain for someone else, I would say it needs a better system for constant on... but as it’s designed for a CCW weapon, I can’t think of a situation where I would be doing dynamic low light room clearing with it...

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--- Quote from: Higher Caliber on January 26, 2018, 10:03:13 PM ---Figured I’d give this a bump as me and Bobby were talking about it the other day.

--- End quote ---

And after we talked about it, I remembered this thread but forgot again when I saw it's been 2 years. Oh well, good update. Still looks like a good light. Have you banged it around.. not purposely thrown it around but put it through its paces?

Higher Caliber:
Well, I’d say I have banged it around more than most would. It found its way into a salt water pool at a buddy’s house... while on my person. There’s a story there.

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--- Quote from: Higher Caliber on January 27, 2018, 08:23:46 AM --- It found its way into a salt water pool at a buddy’s house... while on my person. There’s a story there.

--- End quote ---

I'm waiting.


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