showing off our maladies, Stitches, surgeries, etc...

<< < (18/18)

That's because
1. He's young and stupid (we all were)
2. It hurts way more 4 hrs later
3. He felt he let the team down (he didn't)
4. Biggest problem with teens, as soon as it doesen't hurt too much, he's gonna think he can go out and be himself.  Unfortunately, that won't ever be true.  Over the head movement of the arm is extremely bad and could set him back quite a bit.  This is not the type of injury where you're all good in 8 weeks.  This is a forever thing that certain things are limited or just not possible without re-injury occurring.  Are they gonna drill the 2 bones and use the titanium dog bones with super strong Dr. string to pull it all back together?  That can't be done until all the swelling goes down.  I had that done.  I'll try to photo the X-Rays for him.  I'm sure he's curious.  I'm 90+ %.  Just cant do straight above the head stuff, like blocking a soccer ball.
I had grade 4 separation
He may not.  Grade 4 is really bad.  They only go to 5.
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