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Offline Flyin6

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Christmas 2017
« on: November 29, 2017, 09:17:49 AM »
Well, thanks to a member donating $50 just now, we are off and running on the Christmas 2017 project. That's an early start to what has become a really cool thing we get to do here for some peeps we don't even know.

I think that many of you get about as excited about this as I do. Heck last year I was out in little girl stores buying stuff I had no idea about, and it was FUN! This, honestly is one of the coolest things we do from this RealMan corner of the interweb.

So, no decisions have been made yet but I do have some candidates for our giving this year. First is a place called "The Talbot House." It is a place where children of drug addicted parents who are in rehab get to stay or are cared for from afar while their parents try to fix their broken lives. There is a christmas gift tree out that I could pull names from, as in a gift per name and see what we could do to sow some happiness into an otherwise bleak situation.
Second on my list is a local old folks home. Living there are some guests who no longer have any family and are wards of the state just living out their days. I don't know how many people there are or how we might respond, but that would be a worthy cause. And frankly I DO NOT care about this policy or that which restricts things like not playing Christian music, or saying "Merry Christmas" or speaking of our savior. In a word, "To Hell With All That!" Well, a bit more than a word, but that's how I feel and given my size and fearsome (Ugly) look, no one will say anything when I raise a might word of praise for our king!

Next (and I may be leaning this way a bit, I know of a woman with two girls, one four, and one older, living in an apartment, whose worthless husband walked out abandoning his family. We could sow into that family like last year's effort.

So with no particular goal in mind, I guess we're off to the races to make a CHRISTmas ho-down for some needy people. Like always we will do it mostly anonymously and keep our generosity between us and our God (The way he likes it).

So boyz and girlies, if you are so so convicted, donate away and watch the amount grow over on the donations page. And check this out...a DP (Don Prediction): This year's amount will be more than last year's amount...and I bet (because the Lord likes this) it will be a bunch more!

Oh and if you have something to say as far as which direction you'd like to go with our giving this year, please share it here. Of course, like always, I won't pay any attention at all and end up doing whatever I think, but at least you'll think you influenced the decision. And that will make you a happy person!
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Offline Flyin6

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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2017, 09:20:06 AM »
Oh, and Thank you Mr. ________ for starting this all off with your giving. I am smiling, just knowing how you have pleased our God and how he will reward you for what you did. From me (Like WAAAAAAAAAAY down the ladder), Thank you very much!
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2017, 10:22:11 AM »
Got another one!
Wow, who'ah known

Mystery person numbs hana starts it off and already we are over a hundred

Thanks #2!

We now have $133!

Ah, make it $233...
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2017, 01:04:48 PM »
Well, thanks to a member donating $50 just now, we are off and running on the Christmas 2017 project. That's an early start to what has become a really cool thing we get to do here for some peeps we don't even know.

I think that many of you get about as excited about this as I do. Heck last year I was out in little girl stores buying stuff I had no idea about, and it was FUN! This, honestly is one of the coolest things we do from this RealMan corner of the interweb.

So, no decisions have been made yet but I do have some candidates for our giving this year. First is a place called "The Talbot House." It is a place where children of drug addicted parents who are in rehab get to stay or are cared for from afar while their parents try to fix their broken lives. There is a christmas gift tree out that I could pull names from, as in a gift per name and see what we could do to sow some happiness into an otherwise bleak situation.
Second on my list is a local old folks home. Living there are some guests who no longer have any family and are wards of the state just living out their days. I don't know how many people there are or how we might respond, but that would be a worthy cause. And frankly I DO NOT care about this policy or that which restricts things like not playing Christian music, or saying "Merry Christmas" or speaking of our savior. In a word, "To Hell With All That!" Well, a bit more than a word, but that's how I feel and given my size and fearsome (Ugly) look, no one will say anything when I raise a might word of praise for our king!

Next (and I may be leaning this way a bit, I know of a woman with two girls, one four, and one older, living in an apartment, whose worthless husband walked out abandoning his family. We could sow into that family like last year's effort.

So with no particular goal in mind, I guess we're off to the races to make a CHRISTmas ho-down for some needy people. Like always we will do it mostly anonymously and keep our generosity between us and our God (The way he likes it).

So boyz and girlies, if you are so so convicted, donate away and watch the amount grow over on the donations page. And check this out...a DP (Don Prediction): This year's amount will be more than last year's amount...and I bet (because the Lord likes this) it will be a bunch more!

Oh and if you have something to say as far as which direction you'd like to go with our giving this year, please share it here. Of course, like always, I won't pay any attention at all and end up doing whatever I think, but at least you'll think you influenced the decision. And that will make you a happy person!

so if I understand correctly, these are the 3 options that you are putting up for recommendation/discussion/execution?

option #1 helping the children at "the Talbot House"?

option #2 spreading a little love and cheer for those that have no family left and trying to make their little bit of time left on this earth a little more merrier?

option #3 a mother of 2

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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2017, 01:48:03 PM »

All 3 good choices, I tend to think the "old folks home" members have most everything they need, good food, warm environment, and caring staff. A  card wishing them a Merry Christmas would be as nice as anything to them.

Either of the other two options would be nice, a needing mom trying to provide for her family would be my first pick.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2017, 01:49:00 PM by Bob/OlallaWa »
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Offline Flyin6

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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2017, 07:37:25 PM »
Well, thanks to a member donating $50 just now, we are off and running on the Christmas 2017 project. That's an early start to what has become a really cool thing we get to do here for some peeps we don't even know.

I think that many of you get about as excited about this as I do. Heck last year I was out in little girl stores buying stuff I had no idea about, and it was FUN! This, honestly is one of the coolest things we do from this RealMan corner of the interweb.

So, no decisions have been made yet but I do have some candidates for our giving this year. First is a place called "The Talbot House." It is a place where children of drug addicted parents who are in rehab get to stay or are cared for from afar while their parents try to fix their broken lives. There is a christmas gift tree out that I could pull names from, as in a gift per name and see what we could do to sow some happiness into an otherwise bleak situation.
Second on my list is a local old folks home. Living there are some guests who no longer have any family and are wards of the state just living out their days. I don't know how many people there are or how we might respond, but that would be a worthy cause. And frankly I DO NOT care about this policy or that which restricts things like not playing Christian music, or saying "Merry Christmas" or speaking of our savior. In a word, "To Hell With All That!" Well, a bit more than a word, but that's how I feel and given my size and fearsome (Ugly) look, no one will say anything when I raise a might word of praise for our king!

Next (and I may be leaning this way a bit, I know of a woman with two girls, one four, and one older, living in an apartment, whose worthless husband walked out abandoning his family. We could sow into that family like last year's effort.

So with no particular goal in mind, I guess we're off to the races to make a CHRISTmas ho-down for some needy people. Like always we will do it mostly anonymously and keep our generosity between us and our God (The way he likes it).

So boyz and girlies, if you are so so convicted, donate away and watch the amount grow over on the donations page. And check this out...a DP (Don Prediction): This year's amount will be more than last year's amount...and I bet (because the Lord likes this) it will be a bunch more!

Oh and if you have something to say as far as which direction you'd like to go with our giving this year, please share it here. Of course, like always, I won't pay any attention at all and end up doing whatever I think, but at least you'll think you influenced the decision. And that will make you a happy person!

so if I understand correctly, these are the 3 options that you are putting up for recommendation/discussion/execution?

option #1 helping the children at "the Talbot House"?

option #2 spreading a little love and cheer for those that have no family left and trying to make their little bit of time left on this earth a little more merrier?

option #3 a mother of 2

Sure, Nate, you can recommend, debate, discuss, recommend and so forth

Then I'll just do what I want to anyway ;-)

You know, know it all officer and all that!

On the serious side, these are the three options I had on deck coming into this, but then a generous member donated some money and started the whole thing before I really had a good plan. SO, like Bob said this is as good as anything, so why not?

And my fav is the momma with the two girlies with the crap-bag husband.
We could all get together and bring the girls presents then go beat the snot out of crap bag, then go out for some eggnog and good times! ;-))
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2017, 07:54:20 PM »
Ladies and Gentlemen,

We now have $700 in the Christmas fund, Thank you all very much

I want to share with you what I just witnessed. If you look at the donations thread, you will note a new donation of $117, an amount that zinged our $583 all the way to $700

I will never share who gives what, that should be between the giver and the Lord, with me only acting as the clerk as it were. But I know the couple who gave that $117, and they don't have very much at all to live on or to give. They are strong in the Lord and live by faith. They were blessed a tiny bit financially and chose to give the money to someone they never met to be spent on someone they have no knowledge about.

If that isn't living by faith, then I don't know what is!

It is such an honor for me to serve here on this website with so many good people. It really does make me feel great just witnessing you all living your faith out here in plain sight.

In your service...

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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2017, 07:55:46 PM »
^^^ Sorry, lost it right there!  :facepalm:

I'm better now  :wink:

Now you numbskulls get back to doing whatever you were doing

Move out!
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2017, 10:59:59 AM »
OK, here is what I learned about the mother with the two daughters.

I have reports that they have no beds. They each have a cheap mattress which is on the floor. No bed, no box springs, nada.

I am not sure that both of them still live there. Following the father leaving, one of the girls may have gone as well. Either with her dad, or to a grandparent. I don't know just yet, but will find out shortly.

So as an interim plan, I was thinking of buying both of them a bed set. Get some girly bed and some decent mattresses and have them delivered anonymously. Then if money allows, get a couple gifts as well.

Beyond that, should we have more money, I think we could reach out to children in need and meet them at their particular point of need and fix whatever we could in their lives.

Just sharing thus far. We have $700 to spend, but I suspect we sill see much more than that. To serve others is the way of Jesus
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2017, 01:16:20 PM »
What method of $ transfer are you doing this year?

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Offline KensAuto

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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2017, 03:40:44 PM »
Dave, if I understand your question correctly, just hit the donation tab up top, next to the logout tab.

If I got your question wrong, well remember, I'm just a little simple minded.
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Christmas 2017
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2017, 03:53:17 PM »
Hopefully nobody will be upset but I just put this up over in the classified section. I was thinking someone here could get some sweet, American made goodness while adding a little more to the Christmas 2017 fund.

American Made Jeans for Christmas 2017 donation

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« Last Edit: December 03, 2017, 03:54:25 PM by longball »

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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2017, 04:16:46 PM »
Dave, if I understand your question correctly, just hit the donation tab up top, next to the logout tab.

If I got your question wrong, well remember, I'm just a little simple minded.

I must need to not be on the Tapatalk app

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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2017, 06:28:00 PM »
I see what you mean. I guess we don't have a way to do it on Tapatalk, or at least I can't find one.

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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2017, 11:09:41 AM »
What method of $ transfer are you doing this year?

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Same as always...Cash sent to me, small bills

No, that's not right

Messin with ya

Everyone is using the donations tab on this site that ends up in my paypal account. I transfer that into my checking account and go buy a mud tire.

Some of that is not true...

Seriously, the donation tab is what everyone, well almost everyone has used. one member or two sent me paper checks last year.
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2017, 11:27:39 AM »
Don, you wanna see if you can find out if there is a way to put a Donation tab on the Tapatalk version. A bunch of guys use their phones to visit the site. I couldn't find a way to donate from the phone app. I haven't seen Kyle lately or I would've asked him.
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2017, 11:36:32 AM »
Don, you wanna see if you can find out if there is a way to put a Donation tab on the Tapatalk version. A bunch of guys use their phones to visit the site. I couldn't find a way to donate from the phone app. I haven't seen Kyle lately or I would've asked him.
OK, I'm on it
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2017, 10:31:06 AM »
The Tap-Talk donation tab thing may not be possible.
Kyle is on it, but is pretty busy with life at the moment. He is the guru, so when he gets to figuring that out (if possible) we will find out

Next: We received another $50 donation! Wonderful!

So we are up to $750.

I have been down (as in flat) since Sunday with a back problem, so I have not been able scout out any bed sets. When I get good enough to drive it will be a top priority and I should have some pics to prove it.

I am also still awaiting information pertaining to whether or not these two candidate girls are both still living at the apartment. Hope to find that out pdq.

Let's all unashamedly proclaim the name of Jesus during this, his birthday season! Do not be ashamed to talk about him, those dry peeps out there in liberal land need some refreshment! Yippee!
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2017, 02:30:45 PM »
Alrighty, there men, bumping this again to see if we can push this puppy over the top of $1000 for the Christmas giving season......I mean, really, SquareD HAS been pushed outta the garage.  MIRACLES CAN HAPPEN!
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2017, 04:44:08 PM »
By my calculation we are only $150 from that goal currently.....

Don, if you are upright & brething give us an update please.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2017, 04:45:30 PM by stlaser »
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #20 on: December 14, 2017, 09:56:52 PM »
By my calculation we are only $150 from that goal currently.....

Don, if you are upright & brething give us an update please.
Correct you are my friend!

We just received another $100 that pushed us to $850
I was out scouting beds and mattresses today, but I still don't know if I actually have two ladies or just one. Turns out it is hard to get personal information and or get into an apartment to find out stuff like that. I go around asking and people think I some sort of weirdo! Well, nothing new there, but seriously, these folks are low key, no doubt because of their shame or trauma of having their family disintegrate
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2017, 07:37:59 AM »

Don, you better start upping your intel game :tongue:
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2017, 09:03:37 AM »

Don, you better start upping your intel game :tongue:
Ah, screw it (That's not cussin' is it??? My cuss meter gets all out of calibration sometimes...more proof that the only good in me is Jesus!)
Where was I, Ah, that Shawn...OK, screw it, if you say we have $900, then $900 it is!

Well, actually some wonderful knucklehead (Person) just sent in another $50 so now we're at: (Pick the korrekt numba)
A. $622.52
B. $1,423,592.16
C. $950
D. $12.33
« Last Edit: December 15, 2017, 09:05:51 AM by Flyin6 »
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2017, 09:14:17 AM »
I just counted that $50, thought it was $900......?

Anyhow, the intel I was referring to was those girlies. :wink:
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2017, 06:33:13 PM »
I just counted that $50, thought it was $900......?

Anyhow, the intel I was referring to was those girlies. :wink:
You're gonna love this!

First of all, that mom and the two girls are gone, as in moved out and back in with her former boyfriend...

Is it any wonder to anyone why this woman's life is such a mess??

And how is that good you ask? Well here it comes...

Way back when I was thinking about who to bless with your gifts, one possibility was to sow into some mexican family in our latin church. So today I am driving around thinking about soft clothes, cookies, warm sheets, the US Air Force and other girly things when I called my Frau to see if she discovered anything more on the candidate girls. That's when she told me the strange news.
So I got into that mood where you are sort of thinking and praying, sort of just being with God in your thoughts and right there I got the urge to call Pastor Rene, pastor of that Latin service and a good friend of mine. A veteran of the Mexican Army serving in some bad spots, he is the real deal.

I start by harassing him and complaining about Mexicans, something I do to get him fired up, but he was having no part of it. So I asked him straight up, "Rene, you have any kids or families in mind who are in a hurt this Christmas?" He immediately said he did, and I inquired. A mexican woman who was with a US Army veteran had to leave him for her own safety. They had a couple girls together. He had served in Iraq and Afghanistan and was falling apart as a result of PTSD. He had become abusive so she took the girls and left. She had just confided in him (I had the feeling she was right there with him) that she had enough money for food and the essentials, but nothing for the girls, and if he knew anyone who could spare a couple gifts, please share her story with them.

Gentlemen, we have, well, we have whatever Shawn says we have I guess, and we're gonna give every last red cent to these people. I committed to carrying them and we will do it in secret like always. So, Rene is gathering the details about the young ladies, 7 and 10 I think??? We will act on that information.

So Rene and I will go shopping for these ladies after we figure out what they need, and give them a card for food at some local supermarket.

You boys are kockin' it out of the park once again!
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2017, 06:54:39 PM »
Excellant news, and the perfect candidates.

Thank you Lord, please bless this family and Rene. Amen
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2017, 07:17:48 PM »
Agreed ^^^^^^^^^^^

And that doesn’t happen very often..... :tongue:
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2017, 11:16:40 PM »
^^^ Progress!

Youse two are shapin' up (finally!)
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #28 on: December 16, 2017, 10:02:16 AM »
Good to hear!

That Shawn & Ken thing is "putty in God's hands" ........SILLY PUTTY!
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #29 on: December 16, 2017, 04:48:52 PM »
Sounds like Divine timing. Perfect match.

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Sold the DMax in MN and am currently vehicle less.

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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #30 on: December 18, 2017, 02:17:09 PM »
The latin pastor and I have developed a great plan to now bless three families!

So first is the two girls who would not get Christmas if we had not donated. Talking to him about their needs, we decided on a $150 gift card for each girl from either Target or Walmart.

Second, and you just have to hear these stories to believe them. Second is a family who are from guatemala, who were actually somewhat wealthy down there. Some years ago the cartel came knocking and asked $300K extortion money of the father would get to watch his wife and children murdered! You getting this??? I mean who here ever sees the likes of something like this?

So they literally bailed out and made a run for the border, and snuck into the US some years ago. Having nothing the family started working every job they could find. They had two fairly well educated boys, one of which who was close to graduating high school. The boys entered our school system here in Northern KY which is one of the top systems in the tuck, and not only assimilated, but rose to the top of the class. The eldest actually won a full ride to the University of Kentucky where he is graduating this year magna cum laude with an engineering degree.

That family has sown everything into that boy and their basic needs to the point where they have no car and very little else.
We are going to give them $300 or more in cash at a special service Christmas eve at 1600 at our church.

Finally we have a family with a single mom. Her story is not a good one, She was brutally raped for quite a while by a local drug lord, but managed to escape with her two kids. She had a car, which just broke down, and can barely put together enough money for food. So we are going to jump in on her with what we can. I'd like to repair her car, up to say $500, and give her some money as well or Kroger gift cards, but we can afford $300 or a bit more.

So any money that comes in in these last few days before Christmas is going directly into god loving, devout Christian families. Yes all of these people are active and actually serve when they can at our church. Jesus wants us to sow into the "least of these" whether they be children or the poor. Dude count me in!

And finally, the pastor, the ex- Mexican military guy who is owed $12,000 in back pay from his california based company was just told the company is closing its doors and he will not get paid. He has some bills and he wanted to buy a gun to protect his family with...Well, come heck or high water, we are going to do that. If I don't get it in donations, I'll do it myself. No not looking for any acknowledgement or credit or anything. Not like that. I am personally blessed, I see a ned and I am going to fix it. We are real men. We don't sit idly by when we know things that we can do, need to get done!

Father God, forgive me for being such a poor example and a sinner. USe what you can of me to serve those you have given me knowledge of. Bless them and see to the needs of your people, in the precious name of Jesus, Amen
« Last Edit: December 18, 2017, 02:17:41 PM by Flyin6 »
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #31 on: December 18, 2017, 02:18:28 PM »
Did I mention I love this time of year even more because of what you men do here!
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #32 on: December 18, 2017, 04:26:11 PM »
That all sounds wonderful Don, think we are at $975 now.....
Living in the remote north hoping Ken doesn’t bring H up here any time soon…..

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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #33 on: December 18, 2017, 04:36:49 PM »
That all sounds wonderful Don, think we are at $975 now.....
Right you are...We just got another donation

We are at $975!!!!!!!

So, opinions requested here.

This pastor friend of mine. He just does everything for his people. 24/7 kind of guy. And he is caring for his 99 year old grandfather WW2 Infantry lieutenant at his house. That can get quite trying some time...
Anyway, I think I want to give him my 9mm glock for Christmas. The guy deserves to have something nice happen to him. Being a used gun, would that be tacky? With all that I'll be pressed to do for these families, it will be a bit over the top for me to purchase a new 9mm for him, but I could give him mine...

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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #34 on: December 18, 2017, 04:54:58 PM »
Don, if I didn’t have a handgun and you wanted to give me your personal firearm I would gladly take it.

Heck, even though I have handguns & if you wanted to give me a non personal glock I would take it. After all it’s a glock, they don’t wear out kinda like jeeps you just rebuild em..... :tongue:

With all that stated, give it a few days before handing over your own gun.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2017, 04:58:44 PM by stlaser »
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #35 on: December 18, 2017, 10:02:51 PM »
Not tacky at all, and if he's the kind of man you say he is, he would probably appreciate it even more knowing that it was one of yours.

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Christmas 2017
« Reply #36 on: December 18, 2017, 11:13:24 PM »
Used guns are better than new ones! They have history, a story worth sharing with loved ones about how you came into their possession. In this case a story of how a man thought enough of a weapon (a tool) that he trusted his life to it. Trusted the lives of his family to it. And finally, how he thought so much of another man, that he would then give that tool to him, so that he could protect his flock. Have no shame in gifting a used firearm. Used guns are the best guns to receive!

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« Last Edit: December 18, 2017, 11:14:10 PM by longball »

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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #37 on: December 19, 2017, 06:35:14 AM »
Get him a new IWB holster (Crossbreed of course) and present it to him (the Gun) from your holster to his. Remember the “Gun stories” thread too.
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #38 on: December 19, 2017, 07:33:17 AM »
Get him a new IWB holster (Crossbreed of course) and present it to him (the Gun) from your holster to his. Remember the “Gun stories” thread too.
I just don't want to wind up missing a digit or limb.  I can sometimes get in a hurry to get results.

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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #39 on: December 19, 2017, 09:45:44 AM »
That all sounds wonderful Don, think we are at $975 now.....
Right you are...We just got another donation

We are at $975!!!!!!!

So, opinions requested here.

This pastor friend of mine. He just does everything for his people. 24/7 kind of guy. And he is caring for his 99 year old grandfather WW2 Infantry lieutenant at his house. That can get quite trying some time...
Anyway, I think I want to give him my 9mm glock for Christmas. The guy deserves to have something nice happen to him. Being a used gun, would that be tacky? With all that I'll be pressed to do for these families, it will be a bit over the top for me to purchase a new 9mm for him, but I could give him mine...


Not tacky at all. He will love it with or without a Crossbread Holster. :)
Sold the DMax in MN and am currently vehicle less.

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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #40 on: December 19, 2017, 10:22:57 AM »
Thanks, that's all I needed. I have used that exact weapon while doing security in I don't know how many church services and activities. It has been bathed in prayer to make my aim true in my hour of need while protecting his flock.

Our motto came to be under that weapon...

In Him, For Them.

It is one I claim to this day for my other organization. We use our gifts to serve him, so let this weapon continue to serve people of God in the coming days.

Times like this is when you men of God demonstrate your true wisdom and character, I am humbled.

Now as for the holster, err, well, I am sort of overspent by a large percentage!!!! Yea, I know whining like a turbine I just rolled the throttle off...But I do have an older non positive retention holster I could throw in there...BlackHawk, and i wore that in Baghdad...
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #41 on: December 19, 2017, 11:58:06 AM »
That works too!  Wipe the sand out of it first though...... :grin:
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #42 on: December 19, 2017, 12:57:00 PM »
I believe it’s $1100 now......
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #43 on: December 19, 2017, 06:08:20 PM »
I believe it’s $1100 now......

1279 now, i do believe!
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #44 on: December 19, 2017, 06:23:04 PM »
I believe it’s $1100 now......

1279 now, i do believe!


Told Big D yesterday to give the Lord time to work......
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #45 on: December 19, 2017, 09:40:07 PM »
You did indeed!

Wow, just wow!

So it has been quite a day. Getting another $300 ish into the kitty and we actually started out giveaway.

So, Rene called me this morning explaining that the family with the two girls, (I want to, but had better not mention any names) is actually travelling for Christmas. Turns out her mother and family in Arizona put some money together to fly her and the girls out there for Christmas. As a result she would be leaving the area Friday, and could we do the presentation then. I agreed of course and ran over to Target where I scored two $150 gift cards.

Then Rene surprises me with another call, tells me, that because of the hasty departure, the girl's father was demanding some time with them, starting tomorrow. The mother would get the girls back Friday morning, then depart from the airport shortly afterward.

So we did the presentation tonight at 1830. Give me a chance and I'll post up the pics. It was really cool, but there was some other stuff going on as well. The woman's husband was a US Army soldier, who served in the Stan and I think Iraq as well. He had become abusive and perhaps dangerous??? Anyway Pastor wanted to show her a soldier who served who was trying to be a Godly man. That guy wasn't available, so they called me! ;-)

I think it did her good to see that in practice. I threw in a signed copy of my book (The one Scout had been chewin' on) to give her something as well...
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #46 on: December 19, 2017, 09:58:09 PM »
Just kidding about Scout chewin' up the book, I think it was the sled dog!

OK, kiddin' again, it was a brand new one...

Oh and we got the girls' ages wrong. Try 9 and 3, and the three year old was conked out in the back of the car, so we didn't bother her.

Here's the two gift cards

Thanks folks!
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #47 on: December 19, 2017, 10:01:45 PM »
Believe it or not, we all met in the parking lot, just outside the sanctuary where we could do this semi-privately, The church was occupied with some folks

Little Miss "M" really lit up when I gave the card to her. Then she opened it up.

Her mouth went open and she asked, "Is that really $150 or a dollar and fifty cents?"

She was blown away! Although we talked a bit and prayed together that little girl was begging mom to please take her to Target!
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #48 on: December 19, 2017, 10:04:01 PM »
We all prayed for the family.

Pictured is Pastor Rene and his wife Barb along with the family (-1)

OK, folks, one down, three to go!

Isn't this great!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Christmas 2017
« Reply #49 on: December 19, 2017, 10:59:22 PM »
Outstanding. Love seeing this

Awesome job gentlemen, your generosity is inspiring.

In His name!

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