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Messages - EL TATE

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Parenting / Re: A dad's reality check
« on: August 07, 2015, 12:28:36 AM »
I'll pray for you.  I had 3 sisters, and now have a 4 year old daughter.

Parenting / Re: caught sneaking back in
« on: August 07, 2015, 12:22:09 AM »
My wife had a good head start tonight.  Came home to a clean as a whistle garden and front yard.  Had him sweating out his hangover in the 80 degree heat.  Also brought over our good friend that had been involved with gangs since he was 11 till around 2003, when he left Colorado to raise his daughter in a safe environment rather than a turf war.  Talked some sense into him before I got home.  Then, by the time I arrived it was apologies and contrition.  Phone is gone. Car is gone,  computer is gone.  I told him I couldn't really judge on the drinking, considering my own past but the loss of trust was the worst offense.  The drinking just compounded it.  He knows he s'd the bed, but we're not letting him off either.  Right now for lack of funds I have simple screaming alarms that activate when the window or door is opened in mind.  To answer your question nate,  he snuck out around 1 or so and at the very least had a sober friend bring him home at 445. Barely stumbled up the stairs.  Had him on his side until I had to leave for work in case there was more vomiting,  but he was OK. Apparently he'd had 2/3 of a 5th of vodka,  I'm sure trying to impress somebody.  The funny thing was he had no interest in drinking at all. 10 kids have died in our neighborhood in the last 5 years,  mostly alcohol related. Still hurting over the breach of trust so I'm keeping my distance right now; I know I can lose my cool and I don't want that.

Share Your Recipe / Re: whats for dinner tonight
« on: August 06, 2015, 05:42:19 PM »
Sounds like you know what you're doing there. I do the same but then cheat a little; grab a bunch, find the woody spot by bending/snapping, then just cut the rest off at the same spot which might waste some but usually gets it pretty close.

As a kid, we would head up to Lake Chelan every year at the opening of trout fishing season, (last week of april) and fish all morning, then head to the apple orchards and pick the wild growing asparagus growing near the tree roots. Trout and asparagus lunch, pan fried by grandma on the well seasoned cast iron and tossed the asparagus into the pan for the last couple seconds and steamed em up. Delicious memories.

Hadn't heard of it but looks beautiful. Norm, how're things shaking on the homefront there sir?

Firearms / Re: Piston vs gas AR build?
« on: August 06, 2015, 04:28:05 PM »
Uh, what's that in the first pic?

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looks like what is left of his old mill... garage fire much there JR?

Humor, Good Stuff, and Red Neck Practices! / Re: WOW!!!!!!
« on: August 06, 2015, 02:47:12 PM »
Don, if the authorities catch you measuring again you're going to go away for a loooooong time.

Parenting / Re: caught sneaking back in
« on: August 06, 2015, 02:08:13 PM »
Thanks, that's kind of my game plan. In between vomiting he was crying and apologizing. I think he got caught up, but the first mistake was sneaking out of the house. Makes me want to put it on lockdown with an alarm system now.

Parenting / caught sneaking back in
« on: August 06, 2015, 12:46:56 PM »
Oh the irony. Woke up this am at 0430 to my lab announcing my son's staggering return up the driveway. Turns out this new "friend" of his was in the neighborhood last night and talked him into sneaking out and meeting him at the park a few blocks away from our house. Hands covered in tell tale red fireball stains from coming back up. He's never done anything like this before, is unusually open and honest for a 17 year old about everything he does normally, so this has me thrown a bit off. I don't want him around this kid ever again, but I also don't want to push too hard and have him continue to sneak around because he feels cornered. He's sleeping it off now, Cyndie works from home so she'll be the first assault when he wakes up. I'm sure he'll be hungover all day, so that's the start of his punishment. Anyone been through this and have any insight? I'm only 35 and the last time I had to deal with something like this it was my younger sister when we were in high school. I wound up being the one scolding her because my parents were in the middle of their divorce and couldn't handle it. She professed to hating me for years afterwards but then later realized I was doing it because I loved her. just would rather skip the years of hating this time and go straight to understanding.


Back from camping, but my brain is still out there. There were trout as big as my arm from elbow to finger tip just swimming up to us in the tubes. guess they get used to tourists dropping food because they didn't leave until the dog jumped in to try and catch em. I dream about it!

yeah, I was struggling with some insomnia last night and didn't see the date, just NEW on the comments and chimed in, lol.

Build Threads / Re: Miss Daisy's Resto
« on: August 05, 2015, 01:31:16 PM »
you'll adjust even better when you get your butt out this way and hit the water.

Cooking equipment / Re: Camp stove
« on: August 05, 2015, 12:28:21 PM »
Back in my boy scout leadin days, we made tons of these guys. The scout camp had a surplus of the cans from ketchup and tomatoes etc, lots of tuna cans, and piles of corrugated cardboard. we'd prep the #10 cans as shown, and coil up a piece of cardboard slightly taller than the tuna can and pack it in, then fill with melted paraffin; the bulk sticks for canning jams works great. The cardboard would act as a wick and just burn the wax, and the tops of those little stoves got so hot they would sometimes warp out, but they worked extremely well for OA ordeals and survival camp merit badge training. I could see one being very re-usable with pellets and starting gel as well.

D.O.T. / Re: Back to School!
« on: August 05, 2015, 11:55:33 AM »
Mine start the first week of September. I have a senior in high school, and we are having sophie tested to start kindergarden early this year as she is a sept baby. turns 5 on the 14th, but she's wicked smaht. I feel you on the age spread; we could have been empty nesters by next summer, but noooo I had to go and want another one, lol.

Build Threads / Re: Miss Daisy's Resto
« on: August 05, 2015, 03:42:32 AM »
I'll never do business with 4WP again.  The complete rear diff (eaton locker,, bearings, seals and gears) they installed in my old gasser lasted less than a year before the bearings failed

In 15 years of turning wrenches and selling parts I have yet to see a true bearing failure that wasn't installation error related. You're right to blame them. It amazes me what people try to get away with.

Thread thread thread!

Build Threads / Re: EL TATE'S 2003 LB7
« on: August 05, 2015, 01:30:21 AM »
I updated in the diy section but thought I'd post here too; post stack cleaning numbers towing were fantastic.  50-65 mph over Stevens pass,  loaded trailer with ac cranked in 100+ ambient temps she never got above 200 and trans temps were below 200 consistently. I did however pop another overboost condition CEL and I'm pretty sure I know why.  There has been a brake line replaced coming off the master cylinder, and it's the one that rubs up on the intercooler pipe.  It's hard to see, but I can feel a fairly worn out spot there, and assume there is a pinhole.  I'm wondering if this could also explain my intermittent smoking issues as well.  When I get some extra time I'll get a better look at it and report back.

Build Threads / Re: EL TATE'S 2003 LB7
« on: August 05, 2015, 01:24:29 AM »
Tater, is your truck tuned at all or stock?

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Honestly I have no idea.  Previous owner used to tow a fifth wheel. No aftermarket gauges or anything, but it's not outside the possibility that it has been tuned.  Next chance I get,  I'm headed to Randy's Off Road to have the guys there check it out. He's the president of the NHRDA and a good customer of mine and will scan it for me and see what the story is. 

Build Threads / Re: SquareD Part 6 Starting to finish!!!
« on: August 05, 2015, 01:17:33 AM »
Coming right along their Chief.  Nice work on the fairlead, that's what I had envisioned for the most part aside from a boat roller. 

Faith Discussion / Re: Prayers for Duane
« on: August 04, 2015, 07:01:36 PM »
Checking in to see how you're doing there brother. My L5/S1 disc is a historical mess also. 2 cortisone injections have kept the demons at bay so far, and I agree that avoiding the knife until the very last possible ditch effort is the right way to go. Keeping you in my prayers.

Faith Discussion / Re: My prayer and yours are Needed
« on: August 04, 2015, 06:47:53 PM »
As miserable as it is to bear and frustrating as it is to hear, this is the best news you could get. Part of what put me into my previous financial mess was the multiple ER trips trying to figure out what was wrong with my wife. Vision would cloud, numbness in the face, heart palpitations, and tons of other symptoms linked to thyroid, and premenopausal conditions. Turns out she had an 8cm cyst on her right ovary and when it burst, it was a nightmare of pain and other issues. Hormones were whacked for months after the fact, but she came back strong and eventually all her symptoms abated. It was the first thing that came to my mind also when you wrote about your wife's situation. My wife is only 35, so they didn't look for any of that to start with, but where there was a mass suddenly there was only a void, and her ovary was enlarged for several visits subsequently until it finally returned to normal. God's looking out for you guys Norm. 

Build Threads / Re: SquareD Part 6 Starting to finish!!!
« on: August 04, 2015, 05:31:35 PM »
Why am I suddenly reminded of the Spruce Goose? With all the additional weight added on here should we look at adding another turbine?  :o

D.O.T. / Re: Giddy.....not!
« on: August 04, 2015, 01:55:35 PM »
I'm sure that Ken will agree with you that the SBC is the jewel of the nile in our world, but I think it was the build up and let down of expecting that glorious Italian v12 and instead getting sledge hammered w/ Detroit iron.

Cooking equipment / Re: Camp stove
« on: August 04, 2015, 01:30:47 PM »
I'm a big fan of the good old coleman 2 burner. folds up like a suitcase when it's done, easy to clean, does the job. found one here for $50, but I'm sure you can find them used for close to nothing.  http://www.farmandfleet.com/products/603354-coleman-perfectflow-2-burner-propane-stove.html?feedsource=1&gclid=CjwKEAjwxYGuBRCtoqjkrIPDqDwSJAAnd-rCE7FNR1G6UGOAvVwNqlfvAN3GK_tAfDh13yrZdFCH0BoCdf7w_wcB

get after it. right before I crested past the chair lifts headed east, I was doing 65, passing a motorhome with the AC rockin' and not a care in the world at just sub 210 by the needle's view. two weeks before that I was sitting next to a water fall across from the old cascade train tunnel cooling down after I hit 250+ and overheat alarms started chiming. clearly the cause and solution of that problem was the filth crammed into that radiator. Glad I didn't just replace thermostats and cross my fingers.

Share Your Recipe / Re: whats for dinner tonight
« on: August 04, 2015, 12:35:44 PM »
Roasted Brussels sprouts and asparagus with olive oil, salt & pepper and red chili flakes,

Oh MAN that all looks good! I have hated Brussel sprouts all my life (used to call them my wife's "little stink bombs" until my daughter made roasted ones for me about a year ago....dang I am a convert! Mmmm good!

I was the same way, mom used to boil the devil out of them till they smelled up the whole house, then the texture was like hot lettuce; limp and nasty. Then I started watching cooking shows with the wife and found out about roasting them. Asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, are my 4 and 17 year olds' top favorite foods, not just veggies now. Amazing the difference technique makes.

Share Your Recipe / Re: whats for dinner tonight
« on: August 04, 2015, 12:30:30 PM »

Tate, that is a beautiful meal! Crabs caught in the Sound near your home?

We live bout 6 blocks up from good friends who are right on the water. Most days if I get home early enough my boy and I will join in pulling and re-baiting the pots. We collect these guys from an undisclosed location near kayak point.  8)

Share Your Recipe / Re: whats for dinner tonight
« on: August 04, 2015, 12:28:31 PM »
tate, try you some of this. 


this is made in Oklahoma and the owner was at a competition last weekend using this exact stuff.

Will give that a shot, thanks for the suggestion!

50-65 over Stevens pass with the ac on towing the trailer and never got above 200. Thanks nate!

Faith Discussion / Re: Prayers for Duane
« on: August 03, 2015, 07:00:34 PM »
Prayers of thanksgiving since I'm late to the party. Think of me too if you don't mind. Kidney stone is kicking my behind this week.

Faith Discussion / Re: My prayer and yours are Needed
« on: August 03, 2015, 06:47:04 PM »
Hang in there buddy. We're all prayin' for ya.

Share Your Recipe / Re: whats for dinner tonight
« on: August 03, 2015, 06:32:40 PM »
Oh, and the turf. Liberal application of rub and extra brown sugar w/ some sweet baby rays thinned out with apple cider vinegar.

Share Your Recipe / Re: whats for dinner tonight
« on: August 03, 2015, 06:29:21 PM »
Last night grilled up some surf(Dungeness and prawns) and turf(well, kinda turf since chickens don't really fly) and here were the results. Roasted Brussels sprouts and asparagus with olive oil, salt & pepper and red chili flakes, cabbage and red onion slaw with mayo, lime juice, chili powder, Dungeness crap caught minutes before boiled w/ sea water and old bay, prawns with cilantro, lime, molasses, red wine vinegar and chili powder, and roasted garlic mashed Taters. (see what I did there?). Payment for the cat sitting our friends did for us while we were tubing the Wenatchee river this last weekend.

Share Your Recipe / Re: whats for dinner tonight
« on: August 03, 2015, 04:58:33 PM »
You had me at toasted pumpernickel!

D.O.T. / Re: In this thread we post good music.
« on: July 29, 2015, 02:27:07 PM »
Marty Robbins, "EL Paso".
Guns and Roses "Appetite for destruction"
Louis Armstrong "A kiss to build a dream on"
Chayanne "Yo Te Amo"
Garth Brooks "Aint goin' down til the sun comes up"+ all the rest
Metallica "Blackened"
Johnny Cash "cocaine blues"

Firearms / Re: Piston vs gas AR build?
« on: July 29, 2015, 01:03:32 PM »

Got a little experience with these (lb7 Midwest trucks) as of late... I could write a book on what I would have looked for prior to purchase vs what my wife looked at when she got it for me. DOT'in up JR's thread here.


Everyone I've ever spoken to on the subject of AR's had the same resounding response as Don; the enemy's ak's never failed. mud, water, sand, ice didn't matter. Gas just seems more reliable. But if you're just building for fun vs. combat, will piston give you any major benefits over gas or vice versa? A hobby build should be just that IMHO, so put some rotors and optics on it and make a new piston/gas hybrid drone and some awesome gyro's to support full auto fire?

upholstery tools are helpful but not required. The little staple clip things suck but it's really just a matter of removing the retaining clips and rolling back the cloth. replace with new foam, (I would cut to fit from generic upholstery foam to keep cost down) but hog ring pliers at the least would be worth the investment.

robbed this from fullsize bronco forum:

Cost me $20, but got enough to do both seats twice over. The special glue will run you $5.00 and last you for 15 projects. The hog ring pliers were $10 IIRC and a box of 100 hog rings were way less.

I cut three pieces per seat. One for the middle, and one for each side bolster area. Just try them first, shoot the glue on both seat and foam bits and stick em' on. Slip the cover back over and hog ring em' back on.

Forgive my ignorance but water in diesel bad, water/methanol in diesel good? I'm not asking for anyone to become physics masters or mechanical engineers, just want to understand what it does and how it works better. Feed me Seymour, feed me!

Build Threads / Re: EL TATE'S 2003 LB7
« on: July 28, 2015, 06:31:25 PM »
Any ideas on why my ac compressor kicks on and off intermittently... when the AC is turned off?

D.O.T. / Re: Ma Boyz! Get Some!
« on: July 28, 2015, 04:19:02 PM »
Nasty looking hornet's nest. wouldn't want to be on the wrong end.

D.O.T. / Re: Ma Boyz! Get Some!
« on: July 28, 2015, 02:41:31 PM »
so the little red dots flying away from the target that looks like an angry cloud of red flies; was that the tracers ricocheting off?

Build Threads / Re: SquareD Part 6 Starting to finish!!!
« on: July 28, 2015, 01:48:36 PM »
Agreed. Made me think of the legs on an ez up with the little holes along the length and the spring loaded silver ball scenario.

Build Threads / Re: 1988 RC build/conversion
« on: July 28, 2015, 11:20:01 AM »
crunching numbers, 3.73 will put you at 1905rpm in OD at 75mph.

I'm trackin'. For a minute I thought he was trying to be serious. The mustache was pretty sweet though.

Everything Trailer, Camper, or RV related / Re: Made it to CO
« on: July 28, 2015, 10:25:15 AM »
Thanks! Better understanding is the truth!

Everything Trailer, Camper, or RV related / Re: Made it to CO
« on: July 28, 2015, 09:07:51 AM »
Probably want doing myself any favors then when I was overheating by constantly gunning it to get it to upshift, thinking lower rpms and a higher gear would be cooler. Thanks.

Why would you put something like that on the Web on purpose? Did he lose a bet?

Everything Trailer, Camper, or RV related / Re: Made it to CO
« on: July 28, 2015, 03:59:44 AM »
Well we pulled in today. 94 degrees here?.?  May uproot and love to higher elevation. We're at 6300 and looking at moving to 8200.  Some of the headwinds headed north on I25 towards Trinidad were brutal. Dropped mileage by 1.5 mpg and caused the EGTs to climb up in the steep grades. Had to back down the speed and drop a gear.

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Now I don't have the monitoring equipment that y'all do,  but educate me on how dropping down a gear and raising rpm, lower egts and engine temp? I would think getting into the higher rpm would only make things hotter? Not being smart Alec here. Just learning about towing and diesels,  and eating some food spikowsky.

Build Threads / Re: SquareD Part 6 Starting to finish!!!
« on: July 27, 2015, 06:22:59 PM »
I think it's prudy right where it is!  ;)

Kind of like a tactical flower!

to heck with it then, just pack it full of tannerite and wait for the fun;)

Build Threads / Re: 1988 RC build/conversion
« on: July 27, 2015, 06:02:55 PM »

I probably missed it along the way, but what trans are you running in that bruiser. I caught manual but do you know the numbers? I've got some ideas brewin'. Corn JUST got their tops last weekend; I'd say we're a far cry behind you guys there, but no megastorms anywhere in WA yet.

Share Your Recipe / Re: A coupla favorites
« on: July 27, 2015, 02:59:04 PM »
That, is right up my alley. nice work

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