FOOD CORNER > Farming, Gardening, and Raising Your Own Food


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Found this, liking this pvc tube setup

I like it as well.
Been spammed by a few wanting to sell all these doomsday plans.
This doesn’t show exact construction, but I think it’s all visible.

Lots of PVC parts but will simple enough to sort out.

I would stay away from galvanized, that can eventually leech into your system thru the plants.

Pvc is cheap enough...

I prefer a full/drain or ebb and flow method.  Much easier.  Essentially you have a pot with lava rocks in it for the roots to take hold.  You place the pots in a vessel/tray with a pump supplying the nutrients and an overflow back to the tank. Then several times a day you flood the tray for 20 minutes and then the pump shuts off and all the liquid nutrients drain back into the tank.  You have an aerator in the tank like an aquarium.  I always used organic nutrients, bat guano, sea weed, bone meal, etc.

When I was growing basil and selling it to the local grocery stores, we made flood tables out of plywood with 8 inch sides and pvc liners and set regular nursery pots in them and flooded them from a tank under the table and each table had an overflow tube back down to the tank. 

Start your seeds in rock wool and then transplant to the pot with lava rock

How many plants do you want to grow and how much room do you want to take up?

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