Changed my diet entirely to be plant based only!

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We've cut back our meat so much it bothers me some times.

Now, I kill 95-98% of the meat we eat, be it deer (which may be on a slight GMO diet depending where I hunt them), moose from the pristine wilderness up here, caribou from the same, and fish from the lakes.
The other 5% or so is chicken, farm raised for the most part, but some chemical laden as well.
Pork is almost none existent, allergies or intolerance, so it's trim for sausage, and bacon.

I'm trying to source some clean pigs to get clean meat, but it's hard for me being so isolated, and not many clean operations around.

Our food is certainly killing us.

Body Weight this morning: 252

Feel pretty good

Having meat withdrawals...Seeing it everywhere.

Unexpected good news. THe grocery bill is way less, and this stuff goes the distance.

Noted that I get hungry several times a day now, like I am not eating enough. I suspect it is my body craving to be fed some trash. I am counting on the fact that I will transition over to eat normally, just mulch and lawn clippings!


--- Quote from: Flyin6 on July 19, 2017, 01:20:00 PM ---Here's the truth as I see it

American healthcare treats symptoms and not causes

--- End quote ---


Many would argue this is the reason for the opioid crisis as well (making pain a vital sign)

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Make sure you get enough protein. Many vegans/vegetarians don't get enough protein which leads to other issues/problems.

Im not going to try to dissuade you. You have to do what you have to do and i hope you find a path that gets you the results you want.

As for what we were intended to eat I think the canine teeth we have and the fact that our eyes face forward suggests meat is a primary part of our diet. Not saying anti-biotic laden stuff but meat is a part of what we have always eaten imho.


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