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War on Tommy

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Worth a read, been watching this guy for a few years now. Short of it is he basically was handed down a death sentence for speaking the truth. I’m sure this could never happen in fusa.

I've been keeping track of that.
He's definitely not loved by the elites in GB, nor by anyone on the left. They would be elated to read his name in the obituary.

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They don't have free speech like we do here, pretty obvious on how PC they have become in GB.

To bad Trump can't pardon them there, he was on a roll today.

I thought the same way for quite a while about Tommy until I read a little more about his back ground.

I follow this interesting guy on Twitter and he always seems to have a different take on what is going on around the world.

Twitter thread on Tommy. I'll try to edit out his bad language. Not sure if the links to articles will transfer.

 Saul Montes-Bradley @Debradelai

(1) Well, the culling of the herd took a bit longer than expected.
Over 1,000 followers and almost as many non-followers have been sent to limbo.
You see, I live in a paradox: I cannot tolerate intolerance, and this week I witnessed a singular display of intolerance's appeal.

(2) In case you have been in Mars, I am talking about the latest shenanigans of Andrew McMaster.
Perhaps you know him as Paul Harris, or Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, or Steven Lennon, or, perchance, Tommy Robinson.

This @#$hole.
(3) What name he’ll be using next week is anybody’s guess.
You see, in the life of a criminal the use of multiple aliases is a professional characteristic, especially among conmen.

And a criminal he is.
(4) Born in 1982 by 2003 he began his criminal record.
Sentenced to 12 months for assaulting an off duty police officer.

(5) By 2010 he was becoming well known in English courts.
Not as an activist, mind you, but as a hooligan.
He was arrested after a brawl between the fans of Luton Town and Newport County.

(6) He was the leader of the Luton hooligans and reportedly started the melée that ended up being a 100 man toss up.

(7) A few months later he received a sentence of 12 months community service, 150 hours of unpaid work, a 3-year ban on football activities and payment of 650 quid in damages. He was also banned from attending demonstrations.

(8) He did not give a crap, and a year later was arrested for violating that ban by participating in a romp organized by him, through his baby, EDL, of which more anon.

(9) Breaching bail is not good in England or anywhere else, so he was sent to the Pokey. Bedford Prison. He there started a “hunger strike” proclaiming himself a “political prisoner.”

(10) He’s no Gandhi. The publicity stunt, I mean, hunger strike, lasted all of … 24 hours. His fascist group EDL, staged demonstrations outside Bedford. All 100 of them. Of course, all of this circus was 48 hourse before his scheduled release.

(11) Two weeks later, he was convicted again. This time, assault.

Ironically, he assaulted a fellow storm trooper. Maybe beer got in the way. 12 week jail sentence, suspended for a year.

(12) No matter, he then went international, and was arrested for trespassing and vandalism in Zurich, earning a 3,000 dollar fine and three days in the cooler.

(13) In the British “Police State” going to prison is anything but easy.

Two years later, he resigned the leadership of EDL (10/2013), after staging a couple of videos to claim he was “fighting Nazis.”

The same ones demonstrating for his release in 2011.

(14) Later in 2013, he was arrested again for ENTERING THE US ILLEGALLY.

Yep, Tommy the #$@back!

(15) He did so using a FALSE PASSPORT, and was eventually sentenced in Southwark Court under the name Stephen Lennon, though the judge noted that was probably not his real name.

Back to the pokey he went, but no hunger strikes this time.

 (16) Released in February  2013 with an electronic tag, he was quick to the front of BBC cameras, again claiming he was fighting Nazis in EDL and “trying to calm things down.
Sure. Like he was calming people down in this one in 2012:
(17) I forgot, 2012 was not a good year for the creep.

He was also tried, found guilty and sentenced for mortgage fraud.

He pleaded guilty to two of the three charges in 2013, and in 2014 was sentenced AGAIN to 18 months in the Clink. Woodhill prison.

 (18) While there, he claimed to have been assaulted by 3 Muslim inmates but NOBODY, not the prison authorities, not the newspaper that reported it (International Business Times) nor anyone else was ever able to confirm it.
Not even a band-aid.

(19) Why would we not believe such an honest, upright citizen stirring anti-Muslim hatred?
No idea.
Look at the creep in an interview: bigotry and fear mongering. That's why.

(20) After six months (Oh! The police state again), he was released on condition that he not have contact with EDL until the end of his sentence.
Easy, right?

He did not like those Nazis anyway!

What could go wrong?

(21) A rally with EDL at Oxford Union that sent him back to prison for…breaking the terms of his parole.
That could go wrong.

And the “police state” released him, yet again, after only two months.

(22) We are now in November 2014. He continued to go to rallies and claim that he had “no freedom of speech” and could not address certain issues until 22 july 2015.

Claiming no freedom of speech while talking at rallies...that's rich.

(23) That did not keep him from spinning a new con:

British prisons are training camps for ISIS, polititians tolerate crimes by Muslims and all the garbage he’s been perfecting since.

(24) His diatribe against Islam and Muslims continued to grow ever more violent. In Good Morning Britain, Piers Morgan retorted:

"You’re stirring up hatred like a bigoted lunatic."

Piers has a tendency sometimes to state the obvious

(25) Soon, Tommy got into...another brawl!
The violent man who denounces Muslim violence…

We can see here how he was "viciously attacked."

(26) But the con was running its course, and he needed a new prop.
In 2017, he became a “reporter” for “Rebel Media” a Nazi outfit with a colorful story, maybe in another thread, and suddenly took notice of child rape.  I bet you he did not protest this:…

(27) You see, some folks have been seriously confronting a wave of attacks by gangs, (Muslims, Catholics, Anglicans, Atheists, from all over the world, if you care to look), but his focus was on a trial in Canterbury.

(28) Now, these animals had already been CAUGHT and were being TRIED.

Tommy boy was not there to raise awareness, he was there to raise hell AND jeopardize the trial in the process.

(29) And he NEW he was breaking the law and the terms of his suspended sentence. HE DID IT ON PURPOSE. Why? Publicity, of course.
Repeated warning by police went unheeded, and he was finally arrested, tried and convicted.

(30) In the US you cannot take pictures inside the courtroom.
In England, you cannot do that in the Courthouse.
For valid reasons.
But Tommy was on a mission EVEN IF IT LED TO A MISTRIAL AND THE RELEASE OF THE PERVERTS. Probably what he wanted.
The ends justify the means.

(31) In spite of Tommy’s efforts, ALL the pervs were convicted.
But Tommy missed it, because he was in court, yet again, and the “police state” gifted him a “suspended sentence” yet again; and he broke the terms of that suspension, yey again.

(32) By doing the same thing in another court.

Harassing witnesses and jurors.
I have already posted the judge’s writ at his sentencing. Find it.

(33) And then, a s@#$storm of imbecilities flooded Twitter, started by Nazi supporters of this vermin using a vocabulary that appealed to a wider audience.

Freedom of Speech!
Police state!


(34)  If you do not wail for the freedom of this penny ante hooligan, you support child rape, censorship and meningitis, and people swallowed it whole.

A depressing display of laziness and the effectiveness of propaganda.

(more about that in a couple of days)

(35) Even, regrettably, people I otherwise respect, like Roseanne, who would never support a hatemonger knowingly.

Even the sons of friends whom I respect and admire, reacting emotionally to an appeal as false as it is insidious.

(36) Me?
I believe the vermin who rape children, being Muslims, Honduran Catholics, Baptists or Agnostics, ought to be skinned alive.

I do not focus on a putative group of perpetrators, but on the crime and the individuals who commit them.

(37) And criminals include Tommy boy.
The repeat felon.
The criminal piece of garbage peddling hate and distracting authorities and courts from a more useful purpose.
And jeopardizing the trials of rapist vermin for a few quid.

Sorry Mike, I quit reading when he called Rebel Media "Nazi". (owned by a Jew) When I see that word used to describe someone, or something, it tells me all I need to know about the author (far-left/alt-left).


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