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CIEMR Evil in America
« on: November 06, 2014, 07:38:42 AM »
Yesterday while reading some of the comments made by members of this very site I was made to view the effect of the evil one in America. They were talking about needing permits, and permissions, and licenses and so forth to go reed homeless people on a given street corner.

Think about that for a moment

Somehow, doing God's work in that part of America now needs to be licensed. It needs to have some bureaucrat decide if the activity is pleasing, non offensive to the majority, is within so many feet of this building or that, won't impede traffic, interfere with the general safety and I'm betting won't offend muslim people.

Well let me set aside my Christian hoodie for a moment...to Hell with them! Both the bureaucrats and the muslims!

OK, I'm better now again. First of all, to qualify the statement I just made, I am not a good Christian. No Sir, I have a long ways to go to even get to the point of being a functional one, which is one step above a poor one. But in my way of thinking most of those bureaucrats are not saved, right? So they are, in fact going to hell, right? And people caught up in the Muslim cult are not followers of Jesus, correct? So they are also, at least at the present time, going to hell. So technically I am correct is saying to hell with them, although I long to get in front of them and speak a little truth into their lives.

But it would seem that in certain parts of our more evolved culture, we, the people who believe in one God, a God of love who's Son, Jesus set things right between we sinners and a perfect sin free God. It seems that evil has been at work there for quite some time, as it is most everywhere, however in those places, it has become very effective. You can't feed a hungry person without getting a ticket, or facing arrest or jail.

I'm a country boy and to me that seems as wrong as two left feet. You shouldn't ever need anyone's permission to do God's work...ever. SO how did that happen? Well, being somewhat of a student of history, and I read a lot, I know that it happened over many decades. And all the while the sleeping people remained asleep, as they do today. THey live enslaved, having their freedoms removed and only one act of kindness away from being made a criminal.

Cowards! That is the word that comes to mind when thinking of these people who live there. THey must be, either that or they agree with what is going on. Why isn't there a march on the government buildings demanding sanity? Why there are no spines remaining. It takes a spine to stand upright and walk.

But what if you grew up in this place. It was always that way? Then suppose one day you went to a church, which I imagine are few and far between in these culturally developed places, but what if you did. And what if you heard the truth being preached by some approved and lisenced, and socially acceptable preacher? WHat if that word struck a chord in you and started to do it's work. What if it led you to accept the unescapable truth which is one Jesus Christ. SO if all that happened, and you were filled with a spirit that never dies, never sleeps, and is always speaking to God on your behalf. THe bible actually says the spirit "Groans" on our behalf. Romans, Chapter 8, check it out...

So all that happened and you find yourself awakened and adrift in a world of 10W-30 weight evil. What would you do? Move away? Talk about it quietly amongst your friends? What would a coward do? What would Jesus do? Hey I've cowered to oppression myself, so I guess at times I have been like you spinless so called followers of Christ. I'm a weak knee follower myself at times.

So what do you do? Well what you are doing is nearly nothing. You obviously don't go out and actually do anything to help your fellow man, you can't even offer him a bag full of burgers without going to the man and asking permission! If you went to stand outside a mosque (Den of hell BTW) to try to speak about Jesus to one of their lost, you'd be arrested, I'm guessing. SO you harbor your anger and frustration and talk amongst yourselves about how bad things are getting and you do nothing. We'd be in hell for eternity if Jesus did that. If Paul felt that way, we would have no bible to study. If any of the apostles acted like you people, Jesuswould have found you to be useless, probably much the same as he finds you today.

Truth sucks doesn't it...it hurts. I hate hearing it myself. I hate hearing that I profess to be some great good guy feeding the people, or writing, or preaching about something then having to fight and lose to sin at times. I hate it but it's the truth. It is the standard, I cannot escape it, and neither can you. You, whoever you are are as a sergeant at the Army's Air Assault school used to say, speaking about our hearts, our resolve actually: weak-kneed, yellow belly Kool-Aid filled, jelly pumping hearts...

Wear it, you earned it and through your inaction continue to wear it. Live in it, and on be thinking about what you will say to that one and only God on judgment day when he asks you about how you used your time on earth. Account for yourself?

I think about Jesus speaking about one of the churches in antiquity. He spoke of them with disdain, saying they were lukewarm, and that his father would spit them out of his mouth.

Get up. Stop settling. Are you a real man or a fake? Get in front of a mirror all by yourself and look at that man. Are you real or a liar. You a Christian or a wanna-be? You willing to stand up like the 3.5% of our population who fought for and won our independence from Britain, or are you one of the cowardly other 96%? Who are you?
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Offline Dawg25385

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Re: CIEMR Evil in America
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2014, 07:38:26 PM »
Just saw this today...


Sad state of affairs. Here's an example though of somebody taking a stand against this nonsense.

A 90-year-old Florida man was cited for a second time for illegally feeding the homeless.

Arnold Abbott and his team of chefs set up shop Wednesday night on Fort Lauderdale Beach and dished out free food to the homeless. Uniformed police were also there recording the event.

But Abbott was ultimately confronted by cops in the middle of an interview with Local 6 sister station WPLG-TV.  Abbott was escorted away in front of a large crowd of his supporters. Instead of whisking the 90-year old to jail, police decided to just fingerprint Abbott and issue him a citation on the spot.

"It's our right to feed people, it's our First Amendment right and I believe in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man, and we should be allowed to feed our fellow man," Abbott said.
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