WEAPONS > Gun Control

So, Virginia did it...

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...An overreaching government

So what happens when the government tries to control a populace that greatly out numbers it?

It is only through legal schennaghans that government overrules the wishes of the people, and that is a recipe for war.

No idea how this will play out in the VA. but I would like to see a move to recall the governor and the legislators who upended the will of most of the people of the state. The law enforcement officials should make no effort to enforce an unconstitutional law, while Americans continue to exercise their God given freedoms. Hopefully removal of that governor by peaceful means will be the method used to resolve this, but the law simply can't stand.

Our republic is indeed in danger. When people like Bernie Sanders leads the demoncrats in Iowa, a socialist, well, a communist! Our nation is sick and I fear is headed toward a reckoning that those of the left want badly...

Ticking time bomb... watch the domino effect as my state passes universal comprehensive background checks and opens up medical records to brand ANY mental health issue as a "dangerous person" Good thing I don't own any registered firearms...

Bob Smith:
Tate, I hear ya loud and clear and agree. Unfortunately, I have a couple things bought through an FFL that can be tracked to my safe and could be on the can not own list soon. There will however be a fight when / if they come for them. I had a list of the bills being presented this year but not home to follow them.


--- Quote from: Bob/OlallaWa on January 31, 2020, 03:52:49 PM ---Tate, I hear ya loud and clear and agree. Unfortunately, I have a couple things bought through an FFL that can be tracked to my safe and could be on the can not own list soon. There will however be a fight when / if they come for them. I had a list of the bills being presented this year but not home to follow them.

--- End quote ---

Outright working on making an assault rifle illegal currently and restricting how much ammunition you can purchase, registrations for EVERY firearm ad nauseum. Have you ever had a concussion Bob? I've had 3, which is ALMOST  a traumatic brain injury, which is ALMOST  a mental disorder because I could snap any second. Kinda like all the military personnel that are being classified with TBI after the fact from the Iranian missile strikes. later on when they rotate out they can classify them with PTSD AND TBI and make it illegal for them to own a butter knife.

And please remember I dont think they will ever come to your home to take firearms, unless a an outright threat was made to do something.

As I have said before, there are far much simpler ways to make your life VERY HARD to make you comply to surrender firearms or a written statement you no longer have the evil firearms. 


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