FOOD CORNER > Cooking equipment

Box fan jerkey


Farmer Jon:
I've never tried it bit Alton Brown did it on the show Chopped. I thought it was interesting so I googled it.

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Very interesting.
I'll stick to the smoker, but looks like it would work.

I'd definitely use some sort of curing agent just to be sure of bacteria etc.
I'm not scared of it, but the aftermath of food poisoning is no fun.

If you go this route, and want the smoke flavour, they make a liquid smoke that can be added to the marinade. I would also marinade no less than 24 hrs.

Here is the actual episode where he explains the science behind the way he does it.

Funny, my dad used to make jerky by hanging meat on a clothesline.  (maybe that's why I have so many issues  :shocked: )

the basis of what alton brown is/was trying to educate people on, is the fact that commercial dehydrators use heat to dry/cure meat and that can cause bacteria to grow on it.  he basically states that if you had/have cold dry air (like where sam lives) that would be the perfect scenario. 


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