WEAPONS > Gun Control

In my backyard In hippyland

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That is the one thing I wonder about all of the time. Where are all of the conservative constitutional attorneys?? TRN posted the Judicial Watch article and they are the only ones that I see are successfully suing and producing results. We wouldn't know half of what we know today about the myriad of democrat scandals if it wasn't for them. The conservatives get out played 100:1 when it comes to the law. This is a Constitutional Right. Not some made up grievance.

If this was an instance of a confused gender individual that wanted you to put the seat back down or a Muslim that was subject to a micro aggression there would be 100 liberal attorneys filing suits in every liberal court or CAIR would be on every TV stations lamenting the Islamophobia that is killing millions of Muslims every week.

There are 100's of major 2A restrictions/infractions weekly and not a peep in any court. The Dems complain about the money "pouring" into the NRA and then the lobbyist. I would love to see a balance sheet of conservative spending on all things 2A and the dollars spent by the Disarmament Industry.

I would bet it is 1000's:1.  :cry: 

^^^ Concur


I wonder where (Soros, puppet of the largest banks) the money all comes from?????


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