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A CIEMR A Lesson about history
« on: July 14, 2020, 11:56:01 AM »
A Lesson about history
By: Don Harward

I like history, how about you? I like the fact that it is what it is, kinda like the truth, it just is what it is. Hey if your feet stink and your momma doesn’t like you, well that’s just a fact. If that condition has existed for some time, then its history. Well into the future people will say, “You know, old sergeant knucklehead was a good man and it’s said that his feet stank and his momma didn’t like him.”

Now is there anything wrong about any of that? I mean let’s be honest, don’t a few of you out there have stinky feet? I don’t mean all the time, but sometimes, certainly, right? So there you have it, some things about us are not all that pleasant, but it just is what it is. To say anything different about it would constitute a lie. So you stand there in the elevator on a ride up to the seventeenth floor and you’re gaging out the other occupants. If you were to say it’s not your feet, and they have never stunk, well, I guess you aren’t being truthful.

I’ve written about the truth before. It is what it is. If it happens to be that you were seen leading the charge of a Ranger platoon at point du hoc, well, you have something to be darned proud of. But if your truth is that you drank yourself into mindlessness too many times and that good woman who married you finally had to grab the kids and move away, well that may be rather unpleasant, but none the less, it is the truth.

The lesson here is if you care at all, you had better think through your decisions and actions because they just may reverberate down through the halls of time. They may haunt you and you will certainly wish you had not taken that pretty girl up on her offer of passion, but you did it and now you’re hanging out with the guys with no wife. So that’s a basic lesson about your decisions. Look at what you do with an eye that is half focused on the future you wish for yourself.

Another thing about the truth is that it constitutes a basis for our beliefs, our laws, both legal and physical, our morals and sets us upon solid rock. The bible is as I have said many a time a good place to find foundation and bedrock stuff. Mr. Matthew is quoted in a book by his own name as saying:

Matthew 7:24-27

Build Your House on the Rock
24 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. 26 And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”

So there you have it, some guy who was recognized enough by our creator to be allowed not only a quote, but to write and pass on wisdom and get an entire chapter to his credit. His editor is someone we all respect and although I am a published author, I can claim no such credit. So from the mind of this not too smart old Army pilot, Matthew’s words are to be taken to the bank.

OK so history is but an acknowledgement of the truth, what actually happened is, what it is, as much as anything can be, agree? If you don’t, there should be a safe place nearby, RUN-RUN, there is danger and hurt feelings ahead!

America is a land of truth. Here we love the downtrodden. Heck those wonderful sergeants I served with are proof enough of that! (Sorry guyz, but you know the rules…;-)) Sorrowful a lot as they mostly are, we love em, and I still do to this day.

Having a bit of fun there with my friends, well, my brothers to be more accurate. Our nation didn’t always get it right, and it still doesn’t. A communist leaning democratic party is losing sight of the moorings that their ship has come adrift from. But at the time when America was creating our history, the bricks we were laying down in future history books were simply, what they were. Did white men own black people and work them like jackhammer? Yep sure did. Did we build the agricultural power on the back of black people who were cruelly ripped from their villages and subjected to horrible treatment? Sure did, again and again. And those facts viewed in the context of that time were simply the way people did things. Rich white men purchased enslaved black people and worked them literally to death. Fact. Swallow once, squint the Mark-1 eyeballs and move out and continue mission.

Kinda of ugly, right? So what was your part in that? Any of you have a great, great, great, great, great granddaddy who was a white guy who killed slaves, working them to death? Shouldn’t you be ashamed, and work to hide your unfortunate past? Well a couple of points here, first what was your say in the matter? Right, you weren’t born yet. But you would agree that we should get back to enslaving blacks, right? Oh you don’t? Oh I see, your pastor is black, so was your best man and you served with Sergeant smith a 6’2” black airborne qualified warrior who ran out and grabbed your stinky butt when a Taliban IED took out your HMMV.

So the point is that time which is always moving right along has healed those old wounds and has changed the way we think about people. Now we seldom think of white or black or Hispanic, we just see people as the smiths, officer jones and the principal, Mr. Yen. I think we have the most colorblind nation on earth. The only time I ever get angry at a black is when I see him pouring hatred from his/her mouth. But in reality, I don’t really see the color, I just see the hatred and the threat, and oh by the way, the person could be black or white or yellow. I do not however see whatever they are as being Americans. I see them as a lot who has been weaponized by heartless manipulators who are using weak minds to create havoc in an America that is the one thing standing in the way of delivering a huge plate of one world order.

These enraged idiots, who cannot reason through all the bullchit and see that they are being lied to are fools, and tools. Man can you see where education would help here? But emotion is a powerful tool. Smart people learn to control their emotions and take pause to look beyond the immediate and search for the true motive. But emotional brats will not. But as shallow as their knowledge is, so is their staying power.
I have seen them run like mice on the battlefield. But our soldiers stand resolute and hunt them and peruse them. I think that is because Americans are raised on a foundation of truth, they know where they came from, they are proud of who we are and they believe to the point of death in their nation. Our enemy seldom does, and I believe none of these snot nosed Antifa or blm children have any more resolve than the cowards we’ve fought all over the world.

I am not good with changing history. Well, because it is changing the truth into some distorted version of it or a lie. Something less than full disclosure is a form of lying as well. Tear down a statue of Andrew Jackson because he is now viewed as some white supremist in the eyes of the uninformed emotional kids pretending to be freedom fighters? No, we leave it and become smart enough to control our emotions and simply learn our history. He was a white general who stood his ground in a decisive battle during our civil war and that’s a fact. It is an irrevocable fact, it is part of our history.
To change any of that is messing with the recipe. That recipe is a part of the making of all of us that came afterward. Some of them saved your butt in a car accident. Some guarded your posterior from hoodlums not far away. Some stood beneath a blackened and ripped American flag on some God forsaken rampart in some province none of you could pronounce or ever heard of. Some studied hard for many years and are just this week going to perform a surgery which will allow one of you to live a bit longer. Some grow our food, some sail aboard ocean going ships bringing all manner of goods to our shore and some others orbit above us as we begin to reach toward the stars. Do you really want to mess with the recipe that did all that?

On this white supremist thing. It’s a bunch of bull crap. Ask any super successful black man and he will tell you the same thing. If you really want to get right to some of the ugly truth, the fact is that white Europeans settled here and became the very engine for democracy that all people, even angry black youth, enjoy today. I for one am darned thankful for any white (or black) man who helped build this America and shepherd us through our birthing years and through our tough times. God Bless them all.

That’s just history, and you better not mess with it. People need to know a bunch of men noble enough to have their likenesses carved onto the side of a mountain who were white in this case, saved the America, and led us through tough times. One of them arguably created our nation! And if you didn’t know, there is a magnificent stone face of a Native American not too far away and I consider him a man of equal importance.
So I have to tell a little story here. A friend of mine who I flew Chinooks with was a Native American. He was a darned good pilot and a good man. He coached a wrestling team, and on one occasion traveled to a town in Tennessee with his wrestlers to compete in a tournament. This town had an active KKK group who tried to have him removed because some of his wrestlers were black. Picture in your mind if you will an American Indian, US Army combat veteran, standing up for some black kids going nose to nose with bigots. I can tell you it was epic. And those boys wrestled and those bigots were sent packing. That Native American taught me to have respect for those people on some of America’s battlefields and I respect them to this day.

OK, back to the childish fools. These angry mobs need to be spanked. If the government won’t do it, then we the people need to. I don’t want statues or places of honor desecrated by communists, and punk kids who are too stupid to wipe their own butts and are offended by everything except their own hideous looks. I say let’s punch them in the nose, then offer them a cool rag with some ice in it and talk to them about the truth. Let’s get out there and speak our mind. Let’s tell them about this great nation and of great men and women, black, white, blue or red who selflessly gave until it hurt for their nation, our nation. It’s ours to preserve or pander away to some snot-nosed twenty something. Seriously men, you gonna allow a bunch of kids top rewrite our history? Are you going to continue to elect coward, pandering politicians, mostly demoncrat into our offices of power?

Wake up, please before this whole thing gets to the level we all hope it never gets to.

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