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CIEMR We are witnessing history in the making
« on: September 12, 2020, 11:33:02 AM »
We are witnessing history in the making


By Don Harward

What we are witnessing right now is historic, unprecedented, and flat out amazing! It is especially exceptional when witnessed through the lens of scriptural end time’s knowledge.

President Trump is in my humble opinion a man who was created for such a time as this. It seems he was crafted up and placed into the office of the President by God himself. It seems we are witnessing the set up for the second coming of Jesus and all that business that is spoken of in Revelations, Daniel and some other places in the bible.

We have what, decades of negotiations between Arab states and Israel to find some way for them to coexist (And btw, I do not like to use that word). But every effort from what must have been hundreds or possibly thousands of diplomats have failed. But in the span of just 29 days we have not one, but two peace deals between Israel and a Muslim state! We even have the much hated president of the United States nominated for the Nobel peace prize. And Mr. Trump actually did something, and wasn’t just a neighborhood organizer who went slightly above what a child has to do to become an Eagle Scout.

President Trump can solidly add this to his quiver of arrows used to kill unrighteousness, injustice, hypocrisy, and evil. Way to go Sir! And in stark contrast we have Speaker Pelosi making a statement saying “Whoopti-do, what about the thousands dying of Covid?” Yea Ms. Pelosi, those thousands who were run over by a truck and then later died of Covid 19! Liar! You can’t even acknowledge the incredible courage shown by leaders both Arab and Jewish to run against the grain and get this thing done!

We have a man who just came out against the 1619 education initiative which serves to rewrite the historical perspective of the founding of the new world which became the early Untied States. Let’s get this straight. The new world colonies offered the possibility for freedom. They offered a challenge to pit oneself against all odds and scratch out a new life and reap the rewards from the hard work. For many it brought prosperity to people who essentially had no future. The 1619 dialogue is an attempt that seeks to remake the United States into a hellish place where slavery was the bedrock upon which rich whites would find their fortune. This rewriting of our history is a play right out of the communist manifesto.

I say bull crap to all that, and apparently our president agrees. He is saying he will defund schools which adopt this new interpretation of the historical record. Good for you sir for calling out these liars! He flat out said we are a nation founded on principals that honor God. Our president believes America is a place where men and women did something extraordinary and created a true golden land which loves peace, albeit through strength. He recognizes we seek to give everyone a chance to be “all you can be” to borrow on the old Army recruiting theme.

The left has none of that. They are running plays right out of the communist play book, and should Mr. Trump lose the election we will devolve into a communist state. I would have said socialist state, but I care not to fool around with tenths of a percent. If communism is akin to being served a bowl of horse manure for supper, then socialism is simply the same bowl with a bit of milk poured on top.

Trump offers a growing economy, Biden wants to tax corporations $4,000,000,000,000. Trump says we are a great nation, Biden thinks we are a place where hatred, racism, and division run rampant. Trump says welfare, after decades of its application has failed. Biden would expand the concept to give even more to those who produce nothing. A Biden America would be apologizing to everyone circa Obama apology tour number two, but a Trump America openly declares, we are a great superpower who seeks to trade and to get along with other nations and assist everyone in their time of need. We do so from a position of strength and we only ask for fairness.

Mr. Trump is a real man. He does not apologize for what he or we are, which is exceptional. He understands that when bargaining, one needs to not just appear strong, but must actually be strong. This Biden candidate is weak and appears to actually be suffering from dementia. He changes his rhetoric to fit with the most recent polling results. He is anything but steadfast. Anyone see him answer the student’s question the other night on a televised Q&A? The student asked the question, then Biden seemed to wait on a teleprompter response. He even said something to the writer behind the screen to “get along with it” or something like that. He is but an empty shell, and who exactly is writing his script? Who exactly will be running the oval office should Americans elect him?

This is the moment folks. God is watching. 2 Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

There couldn’t be a greater difference between the two parties. I wonder if there ever been so great a difference. One side clearly believes in communism, the other in our great free country. One side seems to be Christian or in more general terms, followers of God, and the other could care less and actually seems to worship the devil through their abhorrent acts. One side believes in peace, the other in mayhem. One party wants strong country borders, the other wants to dismantle them. One believes in the principle of work and reward and a lifetime of saving leading to a comfortable retirement. The other wants someone else to pay its people for doing nothing at all.

One party would overturn Roe vs Wade and the other party celebrates and even boasts of a woman’s right to have as many abortions as she wishes, like picking bad grapes out of a bunch you just harvested. We have a president who stops rioting in 24 hours standing in stark contrast to several democratic governors and mayors who have allowed lawlessness to continue for months.

Those who know the early history of the United States will recall that President George Washington as his first official act after being sworn in as president was to kneel and pray to God. He concentrated our nation to be one that always sought to follow the principals given from the kingdom of God and that God would bless, protect, and prosper us. President Washington continued to offer “That if we ever turned away from God, that the Lord on high would remove his protection.”

With respect to the last statement, which street do you feel we have turned down? Or perhaps we are at the intersection about to flip on the turn signal. Which way are we going to go, left turn to the on ramp toward a hellish existence or do we turn right, and get right with a living God? Do we rite this left leaning ship we are on? Do we have enough of you left with enough courage to call out what is wrong, and take action to set things right once again?

Left… (I keep thinking of the phrase “left behind”), or right toward righteousness? We really are at the meeting point where a physical life and the spiritual intersect for a brief moment. We really are about to do something of enormous consequence. Our choices right now will eliminate us as a nation of consequence and likely lead us into a civil war, or we could straighten our collective spines and truly become the great nation under God that a president from long ago prophesied and consecrated?

Where are you going? Really, where are you headed? Toward Glory and eternal life in God’s everlasting kingdom. Will you straighten things up? Will you support strong men and women who are fighting your battles and those of your children for you? Or will you decide that you just don’t like the orange man? Will you turn a blind eye to the forces constantly at work to destroy truth? Will you jump out in support of our police or buy into the lie that they are racists who quietly target minority men? Can you say I am willing to give up everything just because this president offended you? If you do, don’t plan on calling on my help. I do not separate my politics from my life. You show up as a supporter of abortion, think America is racist, and cops are bad, and I will turn my back on you. You come to me when that hatred ignites into a fire that is burning you up, and I am not going to do anything to quench the flames. In my view you made your bed, so sleep in it.

When I pull a weed out of my bed several things happen. First the flower bed looks better. The flowers have more sunlight and nutrients to flourish upon now that the weed which does nothing is removed. The weed dies. After being cast into a pile of other weeds, it decomposes and will someday be reused to nourish the flowers it once sought to take over. I never have a second thought about the weed. Whether it withers or burns up in a fire is of no consequence to me. It is but a weed.

May God reign victorious over this America and may the serpent and his evil plans be made visible to us and be slayed by America’s good people.

God Bless America
God Bless our President
« Last Edit: September 23, 2020, 08:18:39 PM by Flyin6 »
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