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Author Topic: Isaiah 1:4-20  (Read 643 times)

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Isaiah 1:4-20
« on: October 02, 2014, 08:27:33 AM »
I had a very active mind last night with lots of ideas, concepts, and a sense of abode. I woke with the feeling I needed to jump into the word, so I did.

When I get that sort of feeling I don't necessarily go at the book with any preconceived notion, but rather just let God lead me where he may

This morning the bible, NIV (Large print ;-) while being held by my left hand while I cleared a spot on the desk and made an unsuccessful visual scan for my reading glasses fell open, so I just laid it down. It was open to Isaiah, home of my favorite verse in the bible, IS 6:8.

Looking at it I thought, well, it's a good time to learn more about Isiah so I decided to tackle the whole book. Not today mind you, but I want to study the life of Isiah, and his visions and interactions with God...So I began in chapter 1

Needless to say, my mood quickly changed and I sobered right up from last night's fitful sleep.

It reads starting in verse 4:

Woe to the sinful nation
a people whose guilt is great
a brood of evildoers
children given to corruption
They have forsaken the Lord
they have spurned the holy one of Israel
and have turned their backs on him
Why should you be beaten anymore?
Why do you persist in rebellion?
Your whole head is injured
your whole heart is afflicted
From the sole of your foot to the top of your head
there is no soundness
only wounds and welts
and open sores
not cleansed or bandaged
or soothed with olive oil.
Your country is desolate
your cities burned with fire
your fields are being stripped by foreigners
right before you
laid waste as when overthrown by strangers.
Unless the Lord Almighty
had left some survivors
we would have become like Sodom
we would have been like Gomorrah
Hear the word of the Lord
you rulers of Sodom
Listen to the instruction of our God
you people of Gomorrah
The multitude of your sacrifices
what are they to me?
Stop bringing meaningless offerings!
Your incense is detestable to me.
I cannot bear your worthless assemblies
I hate with all my being.
They have become a burden to me;
I am weary of hearing them.
When you spread out your hands to prayer
I hide my eyes from you
even when you offer many prayers
I am not listening.
Your hands are full of blood!

Wash and make yourselves clean.
Take your evil deeds out of my sight;
stop doing wrong.
Learn to do right, seek justice
Defend the oppressed
Take up the cause of the fatherless
Plead the case of the widow

Come now, let us settle this matter
says the Lord.
Though your sins are like scarlet
They shall be white as snow
Though they are red as crimson
they shall be like wool.
If you are willing and obedient
you will eat the good things of the land;
but if you resist and rebel
you will be devoured by the sword
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

Now for any cognizant person little needs to be said, as applied to the modern context, we are talking about America. The head, our government is overtaken by evil doers starting with our president. He is aided by a congress and a supreme court who are either muzzled or inept, Same-same as evil, scandal, lies deceit and anything but the will of God is all that comes out of that place. Although hundreds of thousands of good people work for the government, it is but a small rudder that steers a mighty ship.

We have allowed Sodom, in the person of the gay community to dictate molest our good laws and morals. We practically worship the "Freedom" and courage that those who have come out of the closet so to speak have shown. I agree, it took courage to openly admit you are gay. But I see it as open defiance to the word of a living God, and I don't want it to happen but the fires of hell will cleanse that community and all who go against the word of God to aid them and to pervert good people.

And I don't mean to pick on Gays, they are people too and between me and 5 other gays, know which one God loves the most? Neither of us...Yup, he loves us all equally. So if God can love them, and I want to follow him and do as Jesus, I guess that so can I. Have to caveat though, I certainly don't like them very much, but love is not like/dislike. Love thy neighbor means willing to share and indeed sacrifice for them.

Chinese, Japanese, Mexicans, Russians, and a host of others rape and pillage our lands, and we as a nation stand idly by watching "The bachelor." Crime is everywhere while bound and muzzled police officers cry out but are not allowed to do anything. Some Muslims now carry knives in America which they say they plan to use to behead Christians!...YOU HEARING ME??? RIGHT FRIKIN HERE.

Like some of you here, I stood the ramparts in Iraq a few times, and in Afghanistan a few more times and I will not surrender one micro gram of my freedom to some perverted cult that our nation is embracing as some bonafide religion.

Starting today I am going to open carry my weapon. Had been my pocket hidden for years, where I am licensed to carry it, but no more. I'm going from 9mm sub compact all the way to Glock 36, which is the weapon I would prefer to use anyway to stop someone if necessary. And I think that is my right.

God has spoken in Isaiah. Christina brothers. Get on your knees. Men of God, bury your faces in humility and get your lives right now. Repent! I do believe our father will indeed use his sword and we are very, very near it's swift wielding, but I do also believe God will protect his people. We, the followers of Jesus need to be living examples so that we can reach the lost. So that we are credible. I most of all of us, for I battle sin and temptation almost daily, need to do a better job, for I have been given leadership here and in other places.

But in the end, the grasshopper is many, we ants are few. Be mindful of the needs of your neighbor, but resolute in preparing yourself and your family

May God bless all of us and our once mighty nation.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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