WEAPONS > Gun Control

Trump to Sessions “ban bump fire stocks”

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You bring up Chicago and they imediately say "but, the guns come across state lines". Yeah, I'm pretty sure Indiana has fed background checks as well.
So, what they're really saying is "Chicago banned guns, so now the crooks have to steal them elsewhere."


--- Quote from: KensAuto on February 21, 2018, 02:28:21 PM ---You bring up Chicago and they imediately say "but, the guns come across state lines". Yeah, I'm pretty sure Indiana has fed background checks as well.
So, what they're really saying is "Chicago banned guns, so now the crooks have to steal them elsewhere."

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Ken my local ffl was a large broker. Possibly largest in IN, he was also my neighbor (his store was a vault compromised of a the full basement of his 4K ft house even had concrete ceiling in it. Anyhow, the young atf guys from Chicago often called him to harass him. He didn’t take crap from them. Most of the crime was criminal on criminal. He would ask them how many criminals the atf agent had shot with his service pistol? As you can guess usually zero, ffl would then inform him I just did you a favor...... :popcorn:

I just got in a YouTube fight with some guy that called me all kinds of names because I told him it was Federal law for a gun dealer to run background checks, no matter what state. He kept arguing that Louisiana was different and you could buy long guns (ARs) there without background, because it was state law. Smh

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--- Quote from: KensAuto on February 21, 2018, 03:41:41 PM ---I just got in a YouTube fight with some guy that called me all kinds of names because I told him it was Federal law for a gun dealer to run background checks, no matter what state. He kept arguing that Louisiana was different and you could buy long guns (ARs) there without background, because it was state law. Smh

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--- End quote ---

You know the rules we need pics or better yet a video

All of this is a (lack of) God problem

Until America gets its morality back there is no way we will ever secure schools, protect kids or whatever
The evil that a man is capable of is beyond our imagination.

America has lost its way with respect to following God. A great deal of America does not believe he even exists. Another sizable chunk are people I call cowards. I call any man who will not stand up for what is right, a coward. Too many men, people who could be good men hold a belief in their hearts. But their rubber hearts are pumping jelly, not red blood. Behind their beliefs is little to no conviction. Yea some of them go to church once in awhile. I and my team have the responsibility of guarding them while they worship. Then afterward, they go their way and seek a path of no resistance where they would not have to confront evil. Would they engage a mouthy punk on a bus saying God-Dam-it? No, they would sit quietly in their place hoping the guy would get off the bus so that peace would return.

But not all of us. Personally, a bus ride is a place of danger. Hit a bump and get jostled and I might accidentally give him a bracial stun while reaching to stabilize myself...poor punk!

Am I suggesting you actually do something like that??? Of course! Feels great, you should try it! I had the opportunity to pound a loud mouth punk into the ground in front of his friends some years ago...I felt great afterward.

OK, this thread is not about violence, or is it?? I'm saying you can't regulate evil. You have to stop evil. Evil will grow in the shadows like the rust in that cheap jeep of Shawn's. It will come out as a stage 4 cancer in someone we thought was healthy. You have to kill evil at its source. You have to take a stand, by the millions. Say things like, "I do not support gay marriage, or gay anything except for happiness. Push it back. Be prepared to make your point against those haters who will come out. But make your stand on God's word. It cuts deep my friends. Ever have someone call you out on a biblical basis? What defense did you have for that?...Exactly!

Fight or prepare to defend, that's about your choices.

Bump-fire stocks??? Why are we even talking about them? The problem here was with a broken law enforcement system failing to respond to valid reports of a wacko. The problem was with politically correct people unwilling to say, that kid is nuts and should be evaluated. The problem was with a broken system where that kid grew up with no fatherly guidance except for a social welfare version of it.

Broken families are the root of so many problems. Not guns. Lack of a good father is just disseminating inner city black communities. I know, I used to go down there weekly and try and feed them and talk to them about Jesus. Black females in crowded cities having too many children that we can plainly see are nothing more than farming a crop of welfare kids, that's a problem. Get those kids into a church and you just cured that problem, and turned it into a cure.

I'd say vilify the fathers of seven children from seven different mothers. Can I say it??? Can I say those dads are a worthless piece of crap? The Christian in me used to say love them. Now it cautions me to sow seeds then when they abandon the word, to pull all aid/help from them for they will trample on pearls like swine says the bible.

The problem is people not following God. Not a stock, a gun make, or length of the barrel, it's in the total abandonment of moral character of the people who can use them. And for that reason we of moral fiber need guns.


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