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Offline EL TATE

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Shooting at Marysville High School
« on: October 24, 2014, 03:12:41 PM »
None of my family or friends have been injured but please pray for the students and their families.  No numbers have been given yet but the shooter has been confirmed dead. Possibly 7 injuries no other fatalities than the shooter have been confirmed. 
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Offline EL TATE

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Re: Shooting at Marysville High School
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2014, 03:26:42 PM »
Update.  3 critical students in surgery at providence hospital in everett. One non life threatening. 
Husband, Father, Gear guy, Patriot.

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Offline Dawg25385

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Re: Shooting at Marysville High School
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2014, 06:24:32 PM »
Kid was upset he got rejected by a girl... so decided to shoot her, then plaster his own brains all over the cafeteria.

Just makes me furious, absolutely helplessly mad. 1) that this kind of thing happens and that the parents allow their children to become vicious monsters with total disregard for human life. And 2), that all the sheep then want to take it out on me and my rights when these atrocities occur.

All sorts of people now pushing harder for I-594 to pass, citing the need to "prevent sales of guns to criminals like this"........  Not that there's ANY legal means for a 15 year old to buy a handgun, but i digress.
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Offline Flyin6

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Re: Shooting at Marysville High School
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2014, 10:30:54 PM »
Kid was upset he got rejected by a girl... so decided to shoot her, then plaster his own brains all over the cafeteria.

Just makes me furious, absolutely helplessly mad. 1) that this kind of thing happens and that the parents allow their children to become vicious monsters with total disregard for human life. And 2), that all the sheep then want to take it out on me and my rights when these atrocities occur.

All sorts of people now pushing harder for I-594 to pass, citing the need to "prevent sales of guns to criminals like this"........  Not that there's ANY legal means for a 15 year old to buy a handgun, but i digress.

It's madness but as much as the looney left pushes to make society less safe, we need to push back that much harder.
Hard to do, but you have to stand your ground or Satan, err, I meant to say the liberals, err, I meant the democrats will try to drag the rest of us over the cliff with them.

Isn't there some way to just let them slide over the edge without affecting normal people?
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Offline Bob Smith

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Re: Shooting at Marysville High School
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2014, 11:53:56 PM »
Sorry Don but we are greatly out numbered up here. Seattle votes count more than the rest of the state put together. Now, another school shooting while the left is pushing another gun issue to a vote. I just do not understand where they all have come from.

Offline Flyin6

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Re: Shooting at Marysville High School
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2014, 11:00:39 AM »
Bob, weakness and relative safety breeds this sort of thing. The more social systems develop the less individuals need to contribute. The longer they life having to contribute less and still meet their needs, the more lackadaisical and lazy attitudes are reinforced. After a time, being lazy is simply the way it always was and you have the basis for a system of users and producers.

If natural selection were allowed to prevail, they would have died off long ago and things would be what those of us who produce call normal. But as the lazy people increase in numbers they will work to fortify their position as normal and justified. Somehow evolved social systems come to embrace that notion and social welfare is born.
The cycle more or less repeats, with welfare now being the norm, replacing the laziness that gave birth to it in the first place. Move along a few generations and all the history is forgotten and you have a system like we have now.

Just like the muslims move into a culture, then grow in numbers, then become influential, then start to take bits of control, then consolidate control, so have the welfare and lazy class and those who believe in all that.

Then the resources start to dry up or the lazy people have attained too much power, or some natural disaster or man made one such as a war comes along, and you experience shortages. Shortages in food and what not. We the producers scramble to fill in the gaps but because resources aren't there or we are being hindered by too much regulation, we can't meet demands, and that is when the crazy element of the "Entitled" people really comes out.

While all this was happening, the non producers have spent an inordinate amount of time doing little to nothing that actually helps society and have given themselves over to thinking and philosophy. This is a time when the only people who will listen to them are themselves, and with some of them having reached positions of credibility, those few endorsements give credence to the foolish notions these lazy people have come up with. They are pretty good at giving foolishness a veil of credibility. A shining example of that would be our President winning the Nobel peace prize for doing little to nothing of value.

These foolish notions usually make no sense and include gun control and closing down tens of thousands of farm land to save some endangered newt that lives in the water source. An alien world examining us from afar would note that our society had turned mad for making such decisions, however at this stage in cultural and social development these policies born of laziness and of madness are now ripened into legitimate policy.

All of that happened while we were at work or off fighting a war somewhere or raising out children.
We saw it from time to time, but did little to nothing about it. And now we have kids with feather earrings and pants pulled half way down their butts telling us what is right and wrong. I think that makes it partly our fault.

Here's the bad part, it isn't going to change easily. Personally, I'm just waiting for the meltdown which will adjust their numbers in a very big way and introduce some harsh reality to the lazy American person who seems now to reign supreme. While we wait patiently, we should resist every measure of stupidity that comes our way. What are you folks in Washington doing to stop the stupidity of this gun control measure? Are you marching on your capital. Are you shutting down everything to be heard. Are you standing on street corners talking to those who will listen? Are you open carrying where you are allowed to? Are you uniting with your police to let them know you are their real friends? Are you doing anything?

School shootings are awful. Some children dying in violence is abhorrent. But so is a road side bomb that severed the legs of a young man or girl. So is having to shoot a child who is carrying a bomb to dispatch your buddy. There is a lot of bad stuff around. Want to reduce death in America? Seriously? Then stop serving liquor! Stop producing tobacco!
Gun control is about people control, period. It has nothing to do with public safety. Chicago proves that every day and especially on weekends when scores of people are shot by criminals with guns. It is absolute madness to take guns away from normal people in the hopes of making things safer. Normal people with guns are what is making things safer.
So the argument needs to be: We need more guns on the streets and in the hands of responsible citizens. If a cafeteria worker in that school was armed, there is a possibility that no children would have died
Seriously in places that have given in to the liberal madness like Washington and California, You who live there need to give it your all to fix those places or leave them!
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NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: Shooting at Marysville High School
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2014, 02:08:04 AM »
Sorry Don but we are greatly out numbered up here. Seattle votes count more than the rest of the state put together. Now, another school shooting while the left is pushing another gun issue to a vote. I just do not understand where they all have come from.

I think kali is to blame for alot of this, we are in the same boat.

I heard alot about 594 on NRA radio the other night. Another stupid law that only makes someone feel good.

The only way to stop a bad person with a gun, is a good person with a gun. That was even proved in Canada last week. (aren't most guns illegal up there?)

Then this stupid rampage in Sacramento, by an illegal alien who had been deported more than once, was a felon with weapons and had been stopped numerous times before he came to Cali to go nuts, killing 2 officers (which could just as easy been me a few months back)

I am glad to be out as I would not have taken firearms from regular folks. I probably would have been home protecting my own.

Hunkered down for now, but I will get out.
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Offline cudakidd53

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Re: Shooting at Marysville High School
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2014, 07:13:27 AM »
As a High School teacher, it is a sad situation and state of affairs!

We've taught kids and adults that "they're wonderful" no matter what they do, or don't do!  Education "theorists" want teachers to give kids points for doing "nothing" as a zero grade is mathematically "unfair" and puts them in a grade "hole" that's diff il to get out of.....?!?

You "must be careful" not to damage their "self-esteem" and feed into the "everyone gets a trophy" mindset with all we do..........

We wonder why kids/people snap?  The damn real-world jumps up and treats them REAL and they have NO EXPERIENCE with adversity and conflict or being told.......NO, I/we don't like you or your actions!  Your ideas and beliefs are out of touch, and WE reject them, so they get mad and "act out" because they don't know anything other then getting their own way for the majority of their lives.

PARENTS need to WAKE-UP and tell their school administrations that this bull-crap needs to STOP, because they WONT listen to teachers who tell them factually based "opinions" that the over the top, touchy feely crap has ruined generations!

ADD TO THAT, that they foolishly believe that by "forbidding guns" in schools make them safe.......?  At least my Principal (woman) is secretly glad I've got CCW permit and "have it in my car" secured....as is our School Police Officer!
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Offline Dawg25385

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Re: Shooting at Marysville High School
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2014, 10:39:35 AM »
I think you nailed it. We're becoming very soft as a country, and it makes me want to puke.
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Offline Flyin6

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Re: Shooting at Marysville High School
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2014, 01:12:42 PM »
Indeed we are soft as a nation

Morally lost, no real compass

PC reigns

Every other kid is labeled ADHT,  PTSD, AEIOU, something

People are really fat

No one seems to care about anyone else

And have you noticed, our work quality is poor, I mean awful

I get better labor from Mexicans than the lazy hillbillies around here

There is a resurgence of heroine and wouldn't ya know it, it's cheaper now

I have noticed of the people we feed on the streets in Cincinnati, maybe 90% are or were heroine addicts

It is going to take an awakening to get us right.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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