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Offline husker77c

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Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« on: July 07, 2015, 10:23:45 AM »
Didn't really know the place to put this.  I figured since it could end up being a how-to of sorts that this is where it belongs

So my life in the oil field changes way more often than the normal person and it has recently evolved to the point where my fiancé and the dogs might be moving into a fairly large urban center.   I will be there when I'm not working and when I am working she will be there alone.  I realize this is far far far from ideal in the event of a major incident. But it is what it is and it's an entirely different thread for a how to on how to change a women's mind  ::)

So that being said lets discuss some tactics and ideas for extracting loved ones from a city in the event of a collapse. 

For the purposes of this thread assume a large city back east.  Houses packed on top of houses and some streets that are difficult for me to maneuver in my full size truck on a normal day.  And as far as that goes we may as well go worst case scenario. EMP/solar flare/red dawn etc.

You are outside the city and have to get in and get out with your loved ones and sparse belongings.
I've been contemplating this for a month now and here's what I've come up with so far. Two approaches.

One would be a smash and grab.  Dual sport motorcycle to navigate blocked roads and sidewalks limited on capacity but my situation could stuff the small dogs in backpacks and put girl on the back and roll out.  Would be the fastest way but also has a lot of drawbacks.  You're terribly exposed on a motorcycle.  Exposed to everything from gun shots to a random dude stepping out in front of you and knocking you off the bike.  Pros and cons for sure.

Second would be a methodical approach.  Travel at night and keep your head down. Would have to be on foot as even a bicycle would make you stand out.  Advantages for this type is it would be much less exposure. You could hide in buildings and cover of night would be your friend.  Downfalls are time mostly.  To get across a large city that could span 50 miles on foot could possibly take you days in and days to get out.

Any other ideas or comments?
« Last Edit: July 07, 2015, 10:50:38 AM by Flyin6 »

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2015, 11:09:30 AM »
This question must be regionally and area qualified.

Meaning that the considerations for an evasion plan are specific to your EXACT urban local and, likely, would not appy to others. A waterborne evasion plan would work for Charleston or Boston, but not well for Tucson.

So the exact roads, railroads, power lines, sewers, known gang infected hotspots and so forth of your area really dictate what you are going to do. The Dual Sport concept would be advantageous in a city where green spaces abound, but in another where concrete canyons are the venue, then a bike has no armor and can be stopped with a brick or a baseball bat.

So one cannot simply make specific recommendations without walking the ground you live in. The evasion stuff I learned from certain Navee and Armee guys is not something you pick up a book and follow the recipe. That training sort of "Changes your thinking...and Awareness" about things. I once thought hunger was terrible, but now I know how to move at night and dig in during the day having not eaten for over a week.

So changing one's awareness is not something you can really do with the written word, it is something you really need to experience and learn for yourself. How far can YOU run? How long can YOU hold your breath? How much food do YOU need? How much weight can YOU carry? How much pain can YOU take and still function?

I'm talking about training and a changing of one's mindset. Not specific, but a general statement that leads to a different attitude. If you ever think about something initially as impossible, instead of first thinking, "Now how do I do that?" then you're already in trouble.

SO specifics?? Who knows, what does your gut tell you?
Consider: Sewers, green spaces, gangs, choke points, move when the initial confusion sets in, before the anarchist movement gels. Think about multiple routes. Whenever we set out to go somewhere in Baghdad, we had three routes to start with. The decision on which route to use depended on the Intel that morning and what we saw when scouting with our aircraft.
Think about multiple stashes. Put that dual sport in a buddy's garden shed on the outskirts to the north and a canoe hidden inside a derelict truck wreck down near the river. Cache water/food/clothing/ammo, critical medicines and other things.

Now if I had to make one and only one general comment about any evasion plan the one thing I would always do is to get on my face and pray for the Lord's help and wisdom. If I had one more thing I could ask for, it would be a helmet with a set of night vision goggles attached.

Happy planning...
« Last Edit: July 07, 2015, 11:15:19 AM by Flyin6 »
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2015, 01:04:58 PM »
I had it drilled into me during training that proved itself very useful over the years to never violate the Principles of Patrolling.  No matter what you are doing they apply.  Planning, Recon, Security, Control, and Common Sense.  As Don said, you have to apply these to Your situation, Your circumstances. 
You must make an initial plan.  Then you will confirm the plan by recon and rehearsal.  Bounce the common sense part around just as often as you think about security, which is constantly.  Control relates to meeting places, communication, load plans, supplies, transportation assets, routes, ect.  This stuff is so specific to Your situation that comments like this are only meant to start the thought process/ planning. 
All of these activities are constantly happening, even though you are not thinking about it or don’t call them by these names.  Always refine the plan.  Everything you see is recon.  Always consider security, for movement, for being stationary, while loading supplies, while making a call, etc.  Not trying to be directive or all inclusive, just help get the creative juices flowing.
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2015, 01:44:44 PM »
I will add a couple of small things that won't help you in the larger picture you are asking but may help with a small aspect of what you are thinking about.

1. Google earth is really good for planning this kind of stuff. You can really focus in on a route and see alternatives. Street view also provides some of that on the ground stuff that is hard to do. I would start there....come up with 4 or 5 routes that all make sense- determine strengths and weaknesses of each one and then spend a weekend with "on the ground" looking. Of course one thing to realize is that traffic patterns likely all change on a weekend, and ultimately would not be anywhere close to normal in a real SHTF scenario. (Think of the traffic leaving a city for a blizzard/hurricane/etc.) You might find that getting back INTO the city is actually the easiest part and its the bug out after with her that is more problematic. Especially if you are moving quickly shortly after the "event" occurs but before all the stores have been looted. I figure in these scenarios there is a 24-48 hour window of opportunity to get in and get out before the ferals start attacking travelers as they will be more likely focused on looting their local CVS for chips. But I could obviously be DEAD wrong. Which is scary so the need exists to prepare for all possibilities.

2. (and I know this is a no-brainer) Look for obvious chokepoints. When I worked in Boston I had a few routes that I could get home that were all backroads. But I also worked hard to find routes that would not take me over any bridges. It would be a very simple terrorist plot to blow up a few bridges between Boston and my home (west of Boston) that would bring commerce to a complete halt in Boston. I think bridges are two types of chokepoints- bridges you have to go over can be blown up. Bridges you have to go under give someone the element of height and knowing where you must pass. And while highways often provide wide roads they would likely be either clogged with traffic but they also all funnel to bridges (over and under) that (usually) don't have medians etc. where you could go around stalled/dead vehicles.

I have also gone through similar scenarios for getting away from where I live although my first plan is a bug in as it is pretty rural in general here (as compared to many places in the east).     
« Last Edit: July 07, 2015, 01:50:10 PM by Wilbur »

Offline husker77c

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2015, 04:25:44 PM »
Those were the exact types of responses I was hoping for.   You guys have a vast amount of knowledge from experiences I will never have. That's why this has become the only forum I frequent on a daily basis.   

I can say without fear of revealing to much that the city we are moving to is Pittsburgh.  I Really can only think of a couple more places that would be worse in a bad situation.  Bridges over large rivers bridges over small rivers/ creeks, a cliff on one side of the river etc.   A major problem and the reason I'm asking questions is because she will move into a place without me there because I'm working and will live there for a few months before I will even see the place.  So if somethig were to happen I'd have no info on much of anything.

 The google earth suggestion will be my go to resource for planning for the worst.  I think I'll go so far as to print out maps with routes and options.  I know roughly which areas will be worse than others so I can at least come up with a plan that will maybe let me stop worrying so much about it.   I already have collected gazetteers for every state that I would possibly have to travel through to get there but I'm not so much worried about getting to the city.  I've grown up on back roads so I know how to take the road less traveled. It's the traveled roads that scare me. 

I pray everyday for the safety of this country and my loved ones but the more news I see the more I know I have to get my ducks in a row for every outcome I can think of.

And with my new job there might be a little left in the budget for a pvs14 this year.  I bought my T1 for the AR just in case I ever added night vision to my safe. 

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2015, 04:45:01 PM »
I should start this by saying I honestly have no idea how something like this would roll out. I actually PM'd Don the other day asking if he would post a thread of some of what he saw in Baghdad to try to learn more about the likely what-if's. So I make no claim to having ever been there/done that. That said I think anyone who has thought through scenarios like this and has been thoughtful can try to add some pieces to the overall puzzle. And ultimately I think all of us can learn from threads like this so I like them. Its funny given my comment below but Don's mention of water for Boston really put a lot in a different frame of reference for me. I am always thinking land based but water travel can make a LOT of sense for a LOT of reasons. Anyway....just didn't want to give any impressions that I have ever been through anything like what folks that have been in the ME have seen and I wanted to be clear on that.   

with all the water access in Pittsburgh a small boat and outboard might be a good idea. If she is near the river you could get there and get upstream/downstream pretty easily. You could stash your vehicle in a bunch of places a couple of miles up or downstream I am guessing. And I also think most ferals won't have boats and/or would be focused elsewhere. If you want serious quiet a canoe with a trolling motor might be a good idea. Maybe one of those folding canoes.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2015, 05:01:37 PM by Wilbur »

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2015, 04:45:08 PM »
Good stuff here from people who know.

My 2 cents. Add amateur radio to your list.  When all else fails there are amateurs on the air and can give you up to date intel on activity and routes.  Have comms at your home location as well as mobile so you can also communicate directly with your fiance.

Consider a 3a or better vest

Consider setting your finance up so that she can bug in for a period of time.  If you miss the early window to get in before the worst starts, it may be better to have her bug in until things settle or cool off a bit. 

That far east in an urban setting is going to be rough no matter what.
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2015, 08:23:45 PM »
Consider a good mountain bike as well. If you're down town, you are only carrying a BOB, and the time to execute your plan is limited. If you're in a poorer section of town it will burn. If you're near a hospital, power facility or government buildings, that area will get locked down. If the Chinese are invading, maybe nestled next to a sheriffs office might not be such a bad place to build your Intel summary and figure stuff out.

Nevertheless you/she won't have much time to leave before you won't be able. Go to the nastiest, marshiest, wettest, junkiest place you know of and make your first stash there. Be prepared to stay there some time while you plan or execute your next move. Don't "Go to the hills" Hill folk will shoot you. They already don't like strangers and with society melting down you're little more than target practice for them.

You can hang out in all sorts of places. Like inside a derelict water tower. Or in the roof structure of a beer plant (There's a story with that one...yea...) Sewers are OK, but if she gets freaked with spiders, snakes and rats, don't go there. I had to do that a bunch of times and the last time I did it, I hated it as much as the first time. But on that subject, you might want to train by moving through some sewers to see what it is like. Don't light a match down there or there will be a really loud noise followed by a brilliant white light and you'll feel like going to it.

So: Bike, BOB, training, go nasty early...Move out!
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2015, 08:44:56 PM »
Thanks again guys for the replies.  To address some of the things said.  I am a Ham I have a general class license so communication is covered.  I plan on having a frequency that she knows to tune to in the event something happens.  I have a Yaesu VX8 handheld and she has a UV5r so we're pretty covered there.  I have a plate carrier with lvl 4 ceramic plates that I just got set up last week so I'm going to start walking with that on to train my body to get used to the weight.

Her bugging in until the dust settles a bit will have to be part of the plan.  Sometimes I could be a solid two day drive away in a normal situation so if things go south it could take me several days to get there. 

 The boat idea is very intriguing.  Im going to look into that some more.  There's a possibility of someone being with me and you could be dropped off upstream with nothing but oars and then they could pick you up downstream out of harms way.

And I'm going to have to buy my helmet and NV now.  I mean it's for the protection of my family right? ;D

My wheels are definately turning now. Lots of stuff to think about   

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2015, 08:47:05 PM »
BOB? Bring your own beer?
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2015, 08:47:51 PM »
And the cool thing about this site is that others (like me) learn too simply by reading posts like yours! Good stuff

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2015, 08:51:11 PM »
BOB? Bring your own beer?
Bug out Bag


Could have beer in it I suppose...
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2015, 08:56:58 PM »
I carry a flask of crown royal in the BOB.  Just like real life beer weighs you down whiskey is much lighter.  8)

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2015, 09:07:10 PM »
I carry a flask of crown royal in the BOB.  Just like real life beer weighs you down whiskey is much lighter.  8)
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2015, 09:11:12 PM »
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2015, 09:15:34 PM »
We could probably start a whole 'nother thread about whiskey.  Which actually isn't a bad idea.  But back on topic.

That could easily be layed flat on a roof rack.  A small trolling motor and a spare battery out of the truck and you're in business.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2015, 09:17:03 PM by husker77c »

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2015, 09:19:22 PM »
I used one of those for years. Very durable, dare I say darn near indestructible. A little heavier than one would think tho.
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #17 on: July 08, 2015, 06:33:05 AM »
Another aspect of the plan is going to be weather.  The boat idea might work great in the summer but I'm the middle of January when the river is full of ice will put a kink in the plans.  Although an event that happens in the winter would probably be easier to navigate than in the summer because people will be more occupied with staying warm and surviving the cold than pillaging.

But just goes to show what needs to go into the planning. What if your plan is hampered by snow or torrential rain.

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #18 on: July 08, 2015, 08:34:57 AM »
Another aspect of the plan is going to be weather.
But just goes to show what needs to go into the planning. What if your plan is hampered by snow or torrential rain.

You're thinking...good

The answer if training in that weather. Next time you get a torrential down pour, go out in it, and why trying to remain partially stealthy, navigate to a spot while carrying your stuff.

Afterward do an AAR (After action review) where you determine, Ah that street crossing was all ganked up, but the movement through the botanical gardens was sweet. ANd I don't need that much of this, but I think a tad bit more of that.
Adjust your plan based on your experience and the results, then try it again...and again...and...
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #19 on: July 08, 2015, 08:56:50 AM »
Be as realistic as you can.  Like Don said. Practice.  Train as you will fight if you can.  Obviously you cant always wear all of your gear and weaponry while you move through the crowded city, but get as close to it as you can. You said you are getting a PVS14.  They work in the rain but with limitations.  Train with it.  It takes a little getting used to only having 1 eye covered but you will like it for depth perception when you get used to it.
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #20 on: July 08, 2015, 10:20:09 AM »
Short primer on NVG's (Night Vision Goggles)

Night vision goggles will allow one to see at night
Normal night time visual acquity is 20/200
A poor set of NVG's like the Russian stuff will achieve 20/50
Old school US Army AN-PVS 5's will achieve 20-50 visual acquity.
Newer generation Aviator goggles will achieve 20/40 and some will even better that number.
Remember that standard human vision is 20/20

So, in this first set of pics, I'm showing the "Full-Face" AN-PVS-5 goggles from the 1980's
These provided some night vision, heck I flew Chinooks wearing them, but they weren't very good, nor safe. There is no peripheral vision since your side vision is blocked
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #21 on: July 08, 2015, 10:21:23 AM »
These can be vastly improved by cutting away the lower part of the shield
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #22 on: July 08, 2015, 10:22:09 AM »
And made a little bit better by using a newer mount as shown here:
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #23 on: July 08, 2015, 10:24:42 AM »
Night vision goggles only provide monocular vision
What is that?
Well we use binocular vision to judge depth or distance. Monocular vision presents a depthless two dimensional view

These goggles, AN-PVS-7 will provide nearly the same vision as aviator goggles except that the soft eye shields completely limit peripheral vision, and I DO NOT recommend them
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #24 on: July 08, 2015, 10:28:26 AM »
The AN-PVS 14 improve on the PVS-7 design and are the primary NVG for ground forces, well some ground forces.

My go-to NVG is the AN-PVS-6. Clip on, light weight and 20/40 visual acquity, They only have 40 degrees of view so one has to learn to constantly move their head about. The other goggles also have 40 degrees FOV so head movement is the order of the day.

Peripheral view is excellent with these, but they may be prohibitively expensive.
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #25 on: July 08, 2015, 12:18:40 PM »
These goggles, AN-PVS-7 will provide nearly the same vision as aviator goggles except that the soft eye shields completely limit peripheral vision, and I DO NOT recommend them

They work, you just have to scan. Which if you are using them to move through an area, you need to be doing anyway. They aren't the greatest, but they are better than nothing. Some people prefer the 7s' as they don't have to worry about the 14's monocle set up. Some people can't stand having one eye NVG capable and the other normal eye sight, which can give some people bad headaches.

EDIT* As for the peripheral vision, just flip those rubber eye pieces back onto themselves. You can then look to the sides. You'll let some green light out, but it won't be much. There is no perfect solution really.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 03:24:49 AM by BobbyB »
So, Bobby...being the calculating trained warrior NCO that you are.  Take the appropriate action, Execute!
your standard grunt level CQB is just putting rounds and rounds on scary stuff till it stops scaring you!

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #26 on: July 08, 2015, 05:15:01 PM »
Wow guys thanks for that info!   I wish I could try some before I made a purchase.  It's so much coin to drop to get something I hate or can't use.  I was going to seriously get into hunting hogs in TX before life stepped in and killed those plans. I would have been able to get with some guys that use them and been able to try some different kinds out.  I definately want one that can be used wih my rifle.  I see some people mount them behind their optic which would be ok in a hunting situation but wouldn't be very useful otherwise. The monocular type is what I've looked into before and what I see most guys using on the "tactical" forums but how is it to get a cheek weld and look through the monocular and then through the red dot on my AR?  I assume it's an acquired skill but it just seems like you would have to be lined up absolutely perfect for it to work and when walking and shooting or moving through a house it seems that would be difficult.


I've had that bad boy in the cart for a couple years now.  $3000 seems to be the going rate just about anywhere I've looked for a new unit. 

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #27 on: July 08, 2015, 06:02:40 PM »

1. I wish I could try some before I made a purchase. 

2. I definately want one that can be used wih my rifle.

1. If you want to know what it's like with the monocle. Take a toilet paper roll, and some green film, like the saran wrap. Tightly wrap the film on the end of the toilet paper roll, ensure there's no wrinkles. Hold it up to your eye. That's about how it is. Granted you can't do it at night, unless it's a full moon, but it'll simulate the "fun" your eyes will have trying to figure out which eye to trust.

2. That would be the 14s.

« Last Edit: July 08, 2015, 06:05:55 PM by BobbyB »
So, Bobby...being the calculating trained warrior NCO that you are.  Take the appropriate action, Execute!
your standard grunt level CQB is just putting rounds and rounds on scary stuff till it stops scaring you!

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #28 on: July 08, 2015, 06:40:06 PM »
To aim your weapon you could use a laser.
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #29 on: July 08, 2015, 07:40:00 PM »
But the ir laser would be better and safer because it wouldnt show your location.
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #30 on: July 08, 2015, 09:54:15 PM »
But the ir laser would be better and safer because it wouldnt show your location.
^^^What he just said
Lasers point to you
Get an IR laser if you're using weapons mounted NVG
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #31 on: July 08, 2015, 11:23:17 PM »
meh, spend the $25K and go all out....

Kids today don't know how easy they have it. When I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel.

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #32 on: July 09, 2015, 05:31:24 AM »
^^i don't have that many eyes!!

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #33 on: July 09, 2015, 07:27:46 AM »
If you are using head mounted NV, a momentary switch for a regular laser is a great help if you can't go IR.  Just ensure that you use momentary switch.  The IR laser is an awesome killing aid if you can get one.
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #34 on: July 09, 2015, 08:41:56 AM »
If you are using head mounted NV, a momentary switch for a regular laser is a great help if you can't go IR.  Just ensure that you use momentary switch.  The IR laser is an awesome killing aid if you can get one.
Yea, and don't ever play around and point them at Dutch F16's flying around in the traffic pattern!
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #35 on: July 09, 2015, 02:19:54 PM »
If you are using head mounted NV, a momentary switch for a regular laser is a great help if you can't go IR.  Just ensure that you use momentary switch.  The IR laser is an awesome killing aid if you can get one.
Yea, and don't ever play around and point them at Dutch F16's flying around in the traffic pattern!
Sounds like there is a story to be told here... 8)
I just don't want to wind up missing a digit or limb.  I can sometimes get in a hurry to get results.

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #36 on: July 09, 2015, 03:12:26 PM »
Please elaborate.  Sounds like a good one.
16 GMC Denali 2500 HD

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #37 on: July 09, 2015, 06:37:32 PM »
And clearly a good one otherwise he would say "go ahead and point them at the overhead aircraft". Do tell.
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #38 on: July 09, 2015, 07:11:55 PM »
And clearly a good one otherwise he would say "go ahead and point them at the overhead aircraft". Do tell.

Haha! True! Yes....do tell....

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #39 on: July 09, 2015, 08:21:51 PM »
Well, I heard about these helo pilots somewhere "over there." These guys tired of flying in the dirt all day long while the Dutch F-16 guys get up, eat, all dressed up in their pretty tailored flight suits which have never seen the first spec of dust, and roar off into "Combat for 1.5 hours, then come streaking back in like they just killed Yamamoto, scaring the crap out of these tired helo guys on a pretty regular basis.
So one night these helo guys are drinking some spirits...just to ensure it's safety and quality of course, just in case the spirits were ever actually drank in earnest you see. Well the talk goes back and forth when these Dutch F-16's start disturbin' the senerity of the evening. You see it was close enough after sunset where hajii hadn't started shooting rockets and mortars at these helo guys yet and making a general mess of a perfectly good evening.

Well one of these helo guys is also a US Air Force reserve guy, a colonel I believe. He's a friend of this other guy I heard of. He starts telling us how the ALQ anti missile systems work and respond to brilliant lights. Well this first guy dares this Air Force guy to go get the laser off his weapon and light these Dutch cowboys up. Words were used. I believe the Colonel was refered to as a female cat a few times and the spirits were abidin' if you know what I mean, err, what he meant.

So this Colonel fella goes and gets the thing and this other guy turns it on so the whole world can see us, I mean them, and immediately starts pointing it at an overhead F-16. Well wouldn't ya know it, that F-16 spits out a flare, just as pretty as 4th of July fireworks! So this country boy tickles it a bit more and bingo, out comes another flare! So cool! Then, for some unknown reason this F-16 guy goes into afterburner and points the nose north toward mars and exits the A.O. The country boy tickled him all the way up much to the delight of his friends who were at attention and toasting the spectacle with their plastic cups and drinks!  It was quite amusing in a red neck sort of way.

Well it wasn't long before some guys wearing SP on their shoulders show up saying that someone from this exact location was filmed (YIKES!) yup, filmed with a laser pointing it at aircraft, the control tower, some people, and nearby mountains. These not so nice police people said the Dutch pilot was traumatized, thinking he was in Baghdad or Moscow someplace and people were shooting missiles at him. Of course these helo guys didn't see anyone, nor witness any such events, so the SP's promised to review the tapes, which they claimed were of a good enough quality to ID faces...In the dark.

Maybe those boys were drinking as well, cause no NV system I know of can see that well. But the poker faced helo pilots stood their ground, although somewhat wobbly and the Air Force police left

And of course the next morning in the mess hall, this country boy and his Air Force Colonel friend went over and pulled a chair out to seat a late arriving Dutch pilot, saying they heard the Russians attacked one of their planes last night and we, I mean they were concerned that none of them suffered any PTSD or anything. They didn't want to play any more so we, I mean these Americans and these Dutch just parted company...But not before the big American gringo complimented them saying he thought all of them were very pretty men! They didn't smile, I suppose their English comprehension wasn't all that good.

I think that's how the story went. You'll have to understand I heard it second, third or forth hand.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 08:45:03 PM by Flyin6 »
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #40 on: July 09, 2015, 08:41:40 PM »
I gotta say. Wasn't expecting flares and afterburner.
Was expecting some sort of evasive or offensive though.
Everyone must play. That's awesome.
I just don't want to wind up missing a digit or limb.  I can sometimes get in a hurry to get results.

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #41 on: July 09, 2015, 08:46:53 PM »
EPIC.  Worthy of "redneck" tag for sure.
Kids today don't know how easy they have it. When I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel.

Joshua 6:20-24

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #42 on: July 09, 2015, 08:51:17 PM »
That's awesome! Hahaha!

EPIC.  Worthy of "redneck" tag for sure.


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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #43 on: July 09, 2015, 09:12:07 PM »
Good one!!
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #44 on: July 09, 2015, 09:12:31 PM »
Couldn't happen to nicer people I'm thinkin.  You, I mean them fella sure took advantage of the opportunity that was presented.  Great work, I mean story.
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #45 on: July 09, 2015, 09:20:55 PM »
If I ever run into any of those fellas, I'll be sure to pass on your sentiments!
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #46 on: July 09, 2015, 09:57:26 PM »
That is awesome.  ;D

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #47 on: July 10, 2015, 09:49:31 AM »
That is awesome.  ;D

If you like that stuff, then I need to get my butt in gear and finish a book I was writing about all those "Antics" from my militarie daze. Let me see...Dropping a green smoke out of my helo into a armored personnel carrier full of grunts...Dying the hands of a lieutenant Kelly green, then everyone wanting to salute him...That was a good one...Landing with a HMMV on a sling load and when we released it, it rolled down the mountain in California...Painting of protected turtles in California..."Fishing" in Germany in a farmers trout pond with a Chinook and a 1700 gallon bambi bucket...dumping a bambi bucket full of water on Haitians who were protesting...In Louisiana in a small pool full of girls in bikinis, turning off the lights, then tossing in a couple packets of green sea dye marker...Popping a red smoke in the face of a buddy after we parachuted into the bay of Biscayne...The famous incident where Doug got pulled out of a tank turret while driving by a sassafras tree...Hooking "bumper to bumper" between my M60 tank and a Cat D-9 (Bad...really bad idea)...The ground hog incident in a jeep...Feet eaters...Dunkin' SF dudes in waste treatment ponds with a Chinook...Flying all blacked out right up alongside truckers in the middle of the night, like 10 feet away near Cheyenne, WY...Flying down railroad tracks toward a train with the landing light on at 5 feet then pulling up at the last second...Shooting a bottle of alcohol along with a main gun round in a 105 cannon...Shooting a robot controlled train with the main gun...Curbitis in Germany...Tank cannon jousting in Germany with truck mirrors...Sterilizing German trucks with flame...Heating up infantry with IR searchlights at night...Shooting gravel at infantry...Colonel Kirk and the starship Illeshiem...Naked girls in a pool and an Army OH-58, and blowing dust...throwing fried chicken out of the Chinook and having it smack the windshield of the hook beside me...Air Force MC-130 crewmen pissing on my aircraft while I moved into position to aerial refuel...100MPH tape mummified Naked personnel elevator rides in public buildings...Crew chiefs flying Chinooks...The lost crewman...
Man, I could go on forever!
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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #48 on: July 10, 2015, 10:24:32 AM »
Oh, now there are some stories to be told!
I just don't want to wind up missing a digit or limb.  I can sometimes get in a hurry to get results.

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Re: Urban SHTF (Stuff hits the fan) rescue/evacuation.
« Reply #49 on: July 10, 2015, 11:11:28 AM »
Maybe we would cut you some slack about Square D running if we all had that book to read.


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