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CIEMR: But for a small rudder
« on: March 18, 2020, 10:06:34 AM »
But for a small rudder…

Even though I served as a Warrant Officer in the Army allow me to shift over to being Captain Obvious for just a little bit. We all know that the rudder is the device which turns the ship, right? And we may or may not know that the thing is pretty small. In fact it is only .015 to .04 as a percentage of the total area of the ship’s hull. Yup, less than one percent, a sheet of plywood turning a football field. It is clear that a small area will apply sufficient force to something large to turn the entire mass in what so ever direction that it may.

Now if the large area of the hull ever did anything about all this turning, then the rudder would be useless and only serve to create drag on the ship. But the hull is just big and dumb and does nothing except get turned this way and that. I’ll bet the hull of the Titanic did not agree with the rudder when the small little percentage of British Iron allowed, well, actually steered the whole ship into a big chunk of ice. The actions of that little rudder caused the whole ship to eventually be compromised, one compartment at a time until it eventually sank to its watery grave where it rests today. And all those people caught inside who probably knew little and much less cared about what that rudder was doing at any moment of their splendid voyage died because of what that rudder did.

So much so is the ship we find ourselves on at the moment. The USS United States, a grand vessel of millions of square miles of breathtaking beauty, grand cities, an infrastructure second to none and a place full of opportunity for literally everyone. If we think of the USS US as a ship, then which part of it is the rudder? The will of its people? The might of its military? The raw energy of its industrial might? Or its government?
Well continuing to pose as a commissioned officer, my captain obvious role would point out that we are a nation of laws, and those laws are implemented and enforced by its government. So we can say that for the case of this Warrant Officer’s argument, the government serves as the all essential and controlling rudder of our capital ship. And of this government with so much control over something as vast as our ship, which direction does it seem to turn? Well, the country boy in me would draw the parallel between our ship’s direction and a driver in NASCAR. They do but two things, go fast and turn left.

And so have we, our great nation. We have been in a left turn for quite some time, and have managed quite an extraordinary turn from where we once were, say after the end of World War 2. Back then, Americans tired of fighting, just having saved the entire world, did what the Roman farmer and General, Cincinnatus, once did. He beat his sword back into a plowshare and quietly passed the rest of his days peacefully farming and focusing on family and getting through the work of the day. I am of a certain vintage that afforded me some firsthand knowledge of that carefree time after the Korean War and before the one in Vietnam. It was a wonderful and carefree time.

Why as a boy I could wander far and wide, me and my .22 marlin rifle from one adventure to the next. I would range a circle of about five miles into and over creeks, woodlands, and the marshlands of the Chesapeake Bay, where on one particular day I found myself and on that day, my 12 gage, mired in a bog of quicksand. But I survived all that because well, as a kid I was different than kids today. First of all, I was in shape, maybe a bit too skinny, but I had learned to eat all manner of natural things so I kept going on whatever energy a handful of raspberries would provide.

We were also not concerned about being kidnapped and murdered by some sicko nor were we concerned about wandering into some gang controlled area. There weren’t any gangs, and except for some racial tension between whites and blacks, there was nothing to be on the alert for.
I’m sure drug use existed somewhere, but I didn’t ever hear about it. Our ambulance rarely ran except for a heart attack or a car accident. Nar Can didn’t exist and some of the water around was drinkable with no filtering at all. We actually drank spring water often enough and enjoyed its fresh taste compared to our well water.

The time back then knew no terrorists, and I remember as a child reading a national geographic magazine about a faraway place called Afghanistan, and I can recall telling myself that someday I would go there…funny. We went to church and no one doubted the sanctity of an almighty God. The devil was a bad guy, pornography was rare, hidden and I think a bad thing, and the biggest competition for attention of the time was between the big three automakers.

So how does that recollection of my past compare to what we have before us today? What of those cherished days of “middle America” survives today? The big three? Which ones, do you mean Chevy Ford and Chrysler or Honda, Hyundai and Kia? What about allowing our kids to run all day unmonitored? Anyone??? How about and imagine a kid walking around with a .22 rifle and being seen as normal. What would the family of the 1950’s do if they saw two men kissing? What would that same family do after seeing the second or third shopping mall in a single town? (Hint: Malls did not exist back then)
We as a nation have obviously changed a great deal from years past, and a lot of that is due to progress and from technology, and medical advancement. But a lot of the change has also come from that little rudder which seems to be permanently trimmed for a slight left turn (Pilot talk right there). I don’t think the vast majority of our nation’s population agrees with the nonsense we have to deal with today.

Having the government decide whether or not we can spank our children? Dunno about you but when I’m correctin’ their out of whack behinds, I need no counsel, thank you berry, berry much. I keep getting on this gay thing, but it’s wrong, and we all know it, but to this day, I have not come to grips with the concept. It is out of bounds and completely wrong for same sex people to engage each other as is clearly written in a not so much studied bible.
Would anyone with a brain agree that it is a good idea to set up a clinic where drug users can self-administer an ILLEGAL substance under supervision of government workers? Didn’t think so, so let me continue. How about the insanity of allowing large groups of unknown people walk into our communities, then provide for their every need? Ya, me too, sounds stupid. Oh, and lets allow a culture who doesn’t like us to come here to live, then have to respect their right to call my nation all sorts of things which aint true and then tell us we need to accommodate their form of worship. And oh by the way, their bible tells them to convert me or to kill me should I choose not to join their little group. I’m just a three tooth warrant officer, but to me that seems like taking a daily regimen of cancer pills…DUMB!

So how did this big ships hull of hundreds of millions of people get turned by just a few? The few only applied but a small force to the mass of all the rest, right? So how did it happen that while on a steady course of zero-nine-zero we have somehow turned toward two seven zero (which is left if you is standin’ upright, lookin’ north)

I’ve said this many times before, but we did it because no one made a course correction when the slight left turn began. You know, it sort of reminds me of the effect a single bully can have in school. He goes about being this bully and gets away with everything because no one has the courage to face him. Everyone is afraid of the sting of getting punched in the nose. But if some of those people in the crowd, maybe just one, just stood up and took one in the nose, they would come to know that it isn’t all that bad. And you should know that Mr. Bully does not expect you to stand up to him. He reigns over your life through intimidation. Get out there, square off with him and launch a good one into his olfactory sensor and by golly, you will effect real change in the bonehead’s lifestyle.

But, no one did it, or in our example, no one nudged the rudder back onto course. They were frightened or inconvenienced, or perhaps too busy to do anything. And because no one did anything, we have to explain to our children who have just seen a sex act on television, that what they saw was wrong. We have to tell them that praying in school is fine and that God is not a bad guy. We have to spend too much time explaining things which should not need to be explained.

The march to the left is incessant. The trim ball is about a quarter of a ball width out to the left and it is applying a constant force in that direction. But it only takes a few of us or even one to correct the issue, and hold the ship on course, while we send a mechanic to root out the problem and fix it at the source.

This concept of toxic masculinity is rooted in this left drift of our ship. Some toxic males could have fixed that in a pretty quick. But men are told to tone it down. Stay in control of their emotions and if something scares you, go hide or call for help. To hell with that, menses! If trouble comes your way, you deal with it, and if you need help, call me, I’ll be right over. Haven’t tasted my own blood for a while, and I could use a refresher.
This thing about this rudder and this USS United States. Know these facts: The rudder is small. It can be turned by a small force. A little turn of that rudder will effect a change of direction. And that very same rudder which turned us all the way toward that iceberg, can steer our wonderful ship back to calmer waters. It’s up to all you to find it and take back what my friends died to give you, freedom! Freedom first, Freedom always, Never give up…NSDQ
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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