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Offline Flyin6

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Merry Christmas!
« on: December 25, 2016, 12:01:11 AM »
I would like to extend my wishes for a merry Christmas and a very happy new year!

We have a lot to be happy about with the big election surprise, and the many successes of people associated with this site and the stock market and on and on. It truly seems like a hope filled time with anticipation for a brighter future.

During the Christmas season we get so wrapped up in the giving aspect of the holiday, that we sometimes get pretty stressed and anxious. Schedules compress as the day approaches, and the crowds frustrate us, and we worry if the money will run out, or about the long lost cousin showing up in his Winnebago, and on and on. With all the distractions, it is easy to overlook the meaning for this season. Christmas is not a wall street created marketing scheme to lull us into spending too much and eating too much, and travelling, or is it?

For me the best part of this Christmas happened when men and a lady from this site got together and made Christmas possible for two little ladies in Cincinnati who usually get nothing. Wonderful people like you stepped into the gap and changed these girls normal and showed true love and kindness. The type of kindness and love our savior demonstrated to us during his brief time on earth. You have no idea of the difference you made. You gave them sheets. Normally, that would be a "Lame" gift! But to a little girl who has been sleeping on a bare mattress with only a single blanket, those sheets were really nice. And you provided flannel sheets! And a nice "Girly" soft and fuzzy blanket...Great job folks!

You gave each of those little ladies a bible. Neither one of them know the Lord. Neither of their "Dads" believe in God, or go to church. One was very much against God, probably because he has come up against very hard times. In fact he is poised to lose it all and hit rick bottom. But guess what happened during all this? Think God isn't alive, or know what's going on with the people he created? Well, the dad in what I'd say is the toughest spot has a guy he works with that is different. So different that this past week, the associate of our dad handed him some money. Not very much, as their industry is depressed at the moment, but small amounts mean a lot to someone who is broke. When the dad asked why, the generous man simply said, "God told me to give you the money!"

The dad describes the other man as a guy who could be a preacher! (I'm smiling on the inside, because I think I know what's going on here.) Later on our dad, while speaking to my wife, asked her "Why did he do that?" Kat explained that God works like that and she told me she could see the words were hitting the mark and really having an effect. Building on the moment, she said that there is a bible in the stack of gifts and to please not throw it away. She simply asked him to let Bella make her own decision about what she would do with it, and he agreed!

Are you seeing what is happening here? Know what you did with making this gift giving possible? Do you realize that your gifts may well have eternal consequences and save two lives? Well if you can't connect the dots or make that connection, then please go get a prescription change, stay off the street pharmaceuticals, or put the bottle down!

Now that same God which brought these ladies to my attention and placed them on my heart, caused me to write about them, which caused you to do something about it, which produced the gifts which just may plant the seed that saves lives. Was the donation or prayer worth it?
With a happiness which is hard to describe, I'll say, yes, yes, yes!

Jesus is the gift. He died horribly. He was hated, scorned, made fun of, plotted against, called a liar and a fraud. But with all that, and his own momentary doubt in the Garden, he too stood up and stepped into the gap. That gap was the void between you, me, everyone, and our creator, God himself. Jesus took all that for us. More than I ever could, more than you could stand, more than any man could. So beyond anything, Jesus is the greatest gift ever. This is the day the Christian world has chosen to celebrate him coming into the world, a newborn child of Mary and Joseph. He should be in your heart and thoughts when you see those you love unwrapping their gifts. Gift giving is his idea.

So this Christmas do something for him. Give him something in return. Do you know what is the only thing that God cannot create? The one thing he has no control over? I know, you thought God made everything, and yes he did. You know he controls everything and yes he does, well almost. He gave man a free choice. And because of that free choice, it is we, and only us and by our choice, that we can make a conscious choice to praise him. Our spoken praise, our worship of him, our raised hands and our soaring spirit reaching out to him is the one thing we can give back to him.

So praise him, sing to him, let your worship and thanks giving rise like a sweet incense to the very throne this Christmas day.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Happy Birthday, Jesus!
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

Offline Wilbur

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Re: Merry Christmas!
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2016, 03:42:14 AM »
Amen Don. Amen. And my heartfelt prayers for all who frequent this site. God bless us all.

Offline Atkinsmatt

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Re: Merry Christmas!
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2016, 08:25:02 AM »
Merry Christmas to everyone. God works in his own ways. Through us.
16 GMC Denali 2500 HD

Offline Sammconn

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Re: Merry Christmas!
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2016, 09:58:58 PM »
Merry Christmas everyone!
Hope you were all blessed with love and fellowship on this special day.
God bless you all.
I just don't want to wind up missing a digit or limb.  I can sometimes get in a hurry to get results.


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