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CIEMR: I know how the Christians felt
« on: January 06, 2021, 11:49:30 AM »
I know how the Christians felt
By Don Harward                        6 Jan 2021

Well I think I know how the Christians felt in ancient Rome. They all knew they were on the winning team, but they were being fed to lions while citizens of Rome watched them being torn to shreds in the coliseum. Any patriot/Republican has to feel the same way right about now. Our president is being unfairly and illegally unseated. Our congress seems to be possessed by demons, and now in Georgia our last chance to hold back the raging river was just taken by the same dominion machines and same corrupt officials who upset Mr. Trump. Georgians, shame on you! You voted these people into office and those seemingly unimportant officials on a ballot along with the big names turned out to be the assassins of our republic.

I think we need to sweep the Republican Party aside. I often find it appalling that I belong to the party of cowards and turncoats. If you, the Republican Party want to know why you just lost everything including the very country in which you live, look at your history. You had a majority in congress and the senate, but could you get anything done? No you failed. You failed to stand up to Obama, and why? For fear of being called racist for opposing America’s half black president? Cowards! What have your leaders done to show us courage? Have you maintained unity like Schumer’s democrats? Hell no! With McCain’s and Romney’s making millions and running away from any conservative call you have consistently failed to demonstrate unity.

We the people needed better than you gave us! Hell, I would have replaced any of you with a 19 year old specialist I knew of who rushed a fence in Panama to try and save a Panamanian family. He showed courage while at his own peril. But most of our Republicans simply cannot do the job of standing up for the lady in the New York Harbor. So, let me ask you, Republican leaders, do you expect your warriors in the Marines or Army to show more courage than you did. Would you ask them to stand strong against the beast when you cower as soon as some snot nose kid in the crowd calls you down? You gave in to those punks, and you did it with so much regularity that you have ruined at least a generation by demonstrating that conservative leaders simply talk the talk but quickly leave the room if things turn testy.

I’m disgusted with the lot of you. Mr. Trump was your example of a real man. He simply did the right thing over and over and is still doing it for your worthless butts and what will you do to help him? Debate some technicality with a known liar? Adjourn to committee and sip on bottled water and anguish over the daunting task at hand? Yea, you will, then walk out of those chambers of congress and tell us you fought the good fight but in the end were narrowly defeated by a thirty year old bartender…Way to go you useless hypocrites!

I’d propose we the people walk away from this worthless Republican Party, and form something like the Real Republican party. I want to be associated with a group that looks more like my fellow veteran warriors, and not with a bunch of deal losers who somehow all grow very wealthy while in office. What happened to men like Harry Truman who left office and simply drove back to Missouri where he lived more like a middle class guy than a former president? He didn’t leave office with homes all over the place like Obama or Biden did. Its obvious folks, these politicians took a lot of money from a bunch of people and corporations all the while, leveraging the power of their position to make the coin. And you know what, they are the stronger lot. Yea, those demoncrats are as crooked as a branch off the Mississippi river, but like any good mobsters, they stick together. They will swear on the bible to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, then proceed to do any darned thing they want because they do not respect the rule of law. And tell you what, I have to admire a team player, and they are clearly the winners.

But alas, I have the spirit of God in me and that makes me hate the darkness, and liars, so I cannot stand demoncrats. But I can’t stand republicans either. They, like the demoncrats lie when they tell us they stand for conservative values. They do sometimes, but sometimes they don’t. They tell us they will fight for conservative values, but we now are staring down the barrel of gun control, open borders, a nuclear Iran, gay everything, and the cancel culture. Good job there Republicans, you sure held the line. Sort of reminds me of a championship game my boy played in. The other team had so few players and so many injuries, that their offensive line was made up of mostly ninth graders…Like it wasn’t even there. Yea, that’s a good analogy for our party that takes its name from “Republic.”

So anyone of our republican talking heads wanna sing their praises? Anyone? Hmmm, silence. Well unfortunately we all get what you deserve, don’t we. Except that some of us have one foot on a banana peel and the other one in a grave. You get to feel bad and go off and sulk in your lavish home in the Hamptons, but we get to watch our lives burn down, some Mexican family move into our repossessed home, and then spend our night under a bridge looking for a job from some business you closed due to Covid. If you ask me, the real sickness lies within you people who call yourself champions of our conservative cause. Your malaise and inability to get ANYTHING DONE has cost us everything.

Now your group clearly does not contain one Donald Trump, the very man you cowards could have gotten behind. But you straddled the line and only waded out into about six inches of water while the man swam in a shark infested rip tide all alone. Honestly, I’d accept a Senate and a House of Representatives that was 100% democrat, just as long as the office of president remained with Mr. Trump. With only him in there, China would still get its red butt kicked. Iran’s generals would still find themselves vaporized every now and again. The EU would still have to buy our oil and play fairly. And although Madam Pelosi (As in: the madam of a whore-house) will pass a bill that grants American citizenship to al-Qaida, the big orange man would serve them a hot dish of tomahawk missile soup sooner than you the ink dried!

Republicans, you say you want our support. OK, then, quit. Resign and go away. People, wake up. Let’s create the American fighters party or the American conservative party. I mean we are going to have to fight anyway, why not claim our action as our moniker? Let’s tie our new official’s bank accounts to their voters. Every month the people can vote to allow them to either keep their money or we could seize it, our choice. Let’s begin to do things our way. In our party, God is king and the bible is the basis for all our choices. Heck hasn’t that worked for the Muslims for eons? Look at how successful they have been, even though they don’t have laws, they now make up more than a third or everything that isn’t either wet or really cold.
In our party, common sense rules. Men are male and the women are female, and were for the most part made that way by God himself. We teach history exactly like it happened, it is what it is. We don’t care what your sexual beliefs are, but we insist that all that information remains your personal business. Therefore a rainbow can return to being a beautiful reminder that God will never again destroy the world with water. We may curse and definitely use what is now seen as inappropriate language, if it fits the context. Our bombers, fighters and combat assault helicopters can have pictures of things the warriors driving those things darn well want to be there. Military commanders will be fired if they have concerns over some minnow in some river over how many of their people have earned the black belt in Hill-bill-quan-doe.

So, ya, I don’t fit in this new America, any of you feeling a little left out? Good news for me is that I’m old and won’t have to live in this marty-milktoast bubble bath society for a long time. I get to go home where real men and women kneel to a God who created us and once protected an America that had not become a rebuilt Sodom and Gomorra.

God help us, we’re going over the falls…
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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