Disrespecting your parents

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Good point C

Seems to be a strong connection between mass shooting killers and fatherless homes. And a perverse allure to internet talk boxes where these animals openly talk of killing.

This is physiological
This is from a lack of morality
This is from the disintegration of the nuclear family
This is also likely demonic

I think the solution does not need to be something washington haphazardly tosses together, but is rooted in the home.
We need to get back to morality, and a Christian nation that is more respectful of strong males (Fathers) and less tolerant of evil

Exactly Charles.

Put those items together with a generation that wasn't raised with firearms as everyday tools, not taught the value of human life (all ages and colors), and that the US is a terrible place that's out to get you, and.....

I listen to Ben Shapiro a bunch while at work,   He has a speech on the decline of God in our country being a direct correlation to increase in these types of behaviors.  I’ll see if I can find a link 

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Amen, Charles, Ken, Dave and Big D!

Saw a good piece on Fox News this morning

Subject was toxic masculinity

In light of the recent shootings and all the chatter from the left

The guest was a special forces shooter, and fighter and actor and...

He nailed it, just nailed it. He explained that masculinity is not the chest thumping the left paints it to be, but it is a hard wired thing in males to protect and provide and be strong. He notes that the problem comes when you try to change that. He thinks it is normal to climb trees, rough around, get into fights and so forth as a kid. Parents who stop their children from doing those things are steering their boys away from the necessary training they need to be successful males.

He noted that a hundred years ago or more if you bad mouthed the president like some in government have in past days, you'd find yourself at the end of a duel. The toxic masculinity argument sets the stage for anybody to be able to say anything consequence free. But in a society where men are well established, one must be able to stand his ground. I observe that in Montana, yesterday a boy did not remove his hat during the playing of the national anthem and was back handed by a cowboy standing beside him.

I think that life is not totally safe or easy. I'd rather have my boy break his arm falling out of a tree than to arrive at adulthood having been totally protected all his life and have become a wimp. Recognizing that some of life is tough, but that in those times of difficulty the learning is taking place is the correct path in my view. When my boys get banged up on the gridiron or the wrestling mat, their coaches have been known to say, "Rub a little dirt on it and get up." No sympathy, that's for the ladies to lavish on them. But from the men they see that solum expression and confidence that comes from having walked the walk

Make sense?


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