PERSONAL READINESS > Politics/Know the Facts

Trump interview by Tucker Carlson

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I along with 150 million people apparently watched trumps interview with tucker last night. He was the most presidential I’ve ever seen, carefully chose his words. Quite impressive & worth the watch

The man went point to point and told us what he was going to do about it. Man, I miss that in a president. Biden is SOOO unlike that. I feel he is a horrible president.

And as much as I hate to say it. This election will likely be the start of an American civil war. I am expecting a COVID-19 false flag or something like it to produce a lockdown and perhaps even curtailment of the election. It is either that or Trump is actually imprisoned or perhaps even executed. I've never felt so strongly that we are about to tip.

I feel like it’s now or never if the Republic is to continue. What that means…is to be interpreted by the individual.

I tuned into it on X and enjoyed listening

The recap of the other “debate” or children fighting over the front seat of the car more like anyway

I wasn’t impressed with that show at all.  I wish Florida gov  Ron DeSantis would do a little more outreach and be a bit move productive with his audience. He’s the star player of the basketball team that won’t cheer on his team or take the winning shot

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