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CIEMR: Let’s start to matter again
« on: June 02, 2020, 04:27:42 PM »
Let’s start to matter again


by Don Harward

I’d like to expand on the piece I just wrote last, “What they do does not matter.”

What crazy people do doesn’t matter, we can expect them to just do crazy things. What criminals do only matters in what they get away with, or the damage they inflict. And by the way Antifa (all small letters to match the minds of the people drawn into that hate filled group) doesn’t matter, nor does any of their communist fascist rhetoric. In fact the only reason such fools are even known about at all is because the news media who promotes them like war heroes. Know that the media has morphed into a very effective psyops team financed by satan’s minions.

I was just reading a piece about the police officers who got shot last night. Not a hint of, “we regret to announce the loss and injury of some of our brave front line warriors, the officers of the Las Vegas police department”, and so forth. Nope, it’s as if the media doesn’t care about police officers. Hey, Police officers, did you hear that? Yes you say? Well, when these rioters surround these reporters, please don’t lift a finger to help them. Allow them to be a part of what they seem to love so much. Freedom loving fire bombers and thugs, and murderers. You can bet that if they hear you say one angry word to the punk who just hit you with a rock, they will film (and edit, and Photoshop) and miss-report until the story reads that you ended up throwing the rock which started the whole darned riot in the first place.

What you do hear though, is that steady brain washing litany of the progressive/communist/satanic machine. Hate cops, hate authority, be ashamed of America, white privilege and a host of other nonsense. So I was reading this piece about the cops who were injured last night, and man, I sure hope you didn’t get too banged up and may the Lord heal you swiftly and protect your brothers during this angry time. OK, done with the prayer, for now, but what I did read was the author (Future gestapo political officer of the communist states of America) expounding on how this police shootings were related to Mr. George Floyd being choked by other police officers. I mean you think we would know this already since it’s been reported to adnauseam. If you read the thing, the article seems to hint that these police officers deserved to get shot. BULL CRAP!

That’s as strong as I can go, I’m working on the cursing thing. I call myself a Christian, I will admit to being a really poor one, but I have learned something of how my God wants me to behave, so I endeavor to at least try to curb the potty mouth.

Look, this whole thing is upside down. These antifa (little letters) people are made out to be the freedom and justice fighters, but they are not. They are cowards, criminals, adolescents, clueless about life and practicality and mindless college grads who, again couldn’t tie a half Windsor if their next marijuana joint depended on it! Yea, wow, I can really look up to some half washed moron who never sacrificed one thing for his nation. What a shining example! Some so called enlightened student who has lived a protected life from day one in suburbia.
I saw one child of a celebrity apologizing for the white privilege she enjoyed! Really, white privilege? I’m white and I didn’t have it easy. I have money, a big house, a secure retirement, and so forth, but most of the time I was earning the things I now have I was covered with camouflage face paint, so does that suggest I was am a product of green, tan, black, and darker green privilege? Funny, but that actually is true! It was all that crap I trained for, fought for, scratched, clawed, sweated, bled, and suffered through while wearing some shade of green or coyote that got me all this stuff. I just started out white because my momma and daddy were.

So point here is there is no such thing as white or black or Korean or Spanish or male or female privilege. Nope, everyone has the opportunity to smoke pot, throw bricks through windows, beat on elderly folks or shoot at police officers. But some of us chose not to do stupid things. Some of us did stupid things once, learned from our mistakes, then cleaned up our acts and climbed on board the USS United States and we have been sailin’ in warm climes ever since.

Things are backwards and upside down. These Antifa clowns, those arrogant democratic leaders, governors, mayors, and such are not to be listened to. If you do, you’re just another fool following a fool. Don’t give them a voice, call them down, then when the time comes, kick them to the curb and elect some decent person into the job. Deny and rebuke them at every instance. This aint their country, it’s mine and yours! Test them, see if they will stand. They won’t. Only men who believe in what they are doing and are standing on truth have the courage and endurance to stay the riptide. Those cowards operating in the darkness will run. Yea, they may be amped up and all emotional at the moment, but you land a solid right hook and flatten their nose and they will not stand, they will fall, cry, and run away.

It’s the media that then gets busy at painting a picture that makes you the aggressor and the coward as the freedom loving warrior risking it all to have this terrible injustice done to Mr. Floyd avenged was wounded. Yea, give them all a yellow heart. No, sorry, purple hearts are for my people, cowards get a yellow heart, to match their spines. So why are you listening to the media clowns, America? Why are you angry because of what some talking head with a nice suit said? He is but satan’s mouthpiece. Just turn him/her off. Learn to test everything you hear against the truth and then against biblical writings. Then you will discover: 1. The truth, and 2. A pack of raving idiots standing on piles of useless accolades who do not represent the interests of our real nation…Not the Marty milk toast nation, but the one our dads and grand-dads fought to save from domination of an unspeakable evil..

Let’s start to do something will ya? I can show you point by point, item by item what to do, but I’d rather you self-energize and figure it out for yourselves. If a news media channel paints our protectors as bad people and the snot nosed girly men as freedom fighters, I want you to turn that channel off, for good. I want some of you who are grounded and smart enough to create the next batch of media outlets to replace CNN, MSMBC, ABC, and the like. Build us something that tests everything against the metric of truth. Some outlet that is respectful to our president whether he is Mr. Trump, or Mr. Obama, or the pedophile. Let’s kill the cash flow financing those liars. Make them dry up and maybe some of them will hold true to their promise to move to Canada.

If we see an actor or actress come out against police, and for crooks and criminals. Then (This one is so easy) Never watch anything they appear in again…ever. Hey, you’re sick of this crap, right? Then do something about it. Let’s stop buying things from companies who have the values contrary to that which makes America great. Progressive insurance should be at the top of your list. Cancel them and buy Geico Insurance. In the survey you’ll get when you depart, explain that Progressive supports the communist and socialist movements and you wish to destroy those movements not help finance them. Explain, I mean write it out, that you are against pro-choice and hate abortion. Eventually they will either change or cease to be relevant. Suggest that should progressive ever find the pause to fire the CEO and take down the rainbow flag and replace it with old glory, then feel free to contact you again. If not then, so long comrade may your life be short and full of trouble!

Let’s stir up a fuss. Let’s get together, show our teeth and take back this nation from the fools who are at the very cusp of owning it. Gonna be a fight no matter which way you slice this loaf of bread. Pay me now or pay me later, the debt is to be collected!

Stand proud, Soldier on
Be good!
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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