Feeding homeless 10 14 2014

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Well we managed to feed somewhere from 100-200 last night on the streets of Cincinnati
We must be doing something right because the demons were sure attacking us. While Pastor Jim preached the hope of Jesus before we served some vile man wheeled his wheel chair up into the crowd and started screeching like some animal...that was weird. We wheeled him right back out.
Later some people tried to sell crack out of a car parked right beside our tables!
I mingled, did security, talked to people, prayed with some and ended up serving pork paddies.
Wouldn't ya know it...some man comes up and sticks out his plate. I serve him tow pork paddies. He says he doesn't eat pork. (Muslim I'm thinking)
So I look him in the eye and ask when is the last time he ate. He answers "2 Days ago." I said would you rather go hungry or eat the pork? He looked at me and I saw the resignation in his eyes. I added a third paddie!
Again, the money you donated made this all possible. So while on the other side of the road some unsavory looking dudes were leaning against my Toureg smoking and cursing, we fed many and prayed, and listened, and fellowshipped for 2 hours.
His work will be done!

One of the faithful
This guy helps and provides muscle when things turn dicey, and they did, maybe a half dozen times

People in this car turned out to be crack sellers!!!!!!!

The short black guy is CJ a pastor
Whoa...DO NOT underestimate this one...He is a flippin giant when opposing evil. One guy started acting up and he was up in his face in one second rebuking him with scripture and pushing him back physically...He's a monster for God!

All in all, the work of Jesus was done. Bellies were filled and seeds were planted
It was a good night!


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