Paint out buildings same or different color??

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--- Quote from: nmeyer414 on January 18, 2018, 09:07:51 AM ---the real question is, have you run this by the boss lady yet?  or is this just getting info together so that it briefs well to her?

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Some ideas I have looked at:


--- Quote from: Flyin6 on January 18, 2018, 08:59:14 AM ---Vote early, vote often (5 votes max, except for Shawn and Tex who are restricted to no votes!)

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In plain speak not that ky slang stuff that is gumming up this thread.....

First I noticed Ken must still be sucking up to the boss & Charles is now thrown in with the likes of me. Realize this is fine and dandy with me because A) Charles & I both like whiskey (thinking Ken drinks cosmopolitans or something fu fu). Then B) Charles is also a Glock guy (you know new technology versus the stuff prior to dirt er 1911’s...).

So next order of business, you must realize if Don doesn’t want us voting that really isn’t the case. You see what he really wants, votes aside is for a couple of us DOT’s to muck up the thread even more than he already has & add a bit of finesse. Then tell him the rainbow version of his vision here for the farm is all wrong, more hippy stuff. I’m thinking commune, you know that stuff Ken buys into with H taking a village to raise kids n all that.

In fact it gets me wondering if Don isn’t already “growing crops” down at the farm and possibly have sampled a bit too much this am? If any question my theory just go to the above paragraph where Don is now hanging with Ken & we all know who he is fond of. No not Don, well yeah him too but I’m talking about cankles here......

^^^ (like usual) None of that makes any sense what so ever

Communes, Cankles, glocks???

So who's really samplin' the local crop?

Kentucky (Who has bourbon)?

Or Colorado which legalized the devil weed??

Just sayin...

Colorado, legally has more breweries than any other state (I didn’t check but this was the case prior & We have Coors & Budweiser here among others owned by both). Legalized weed to stay legal, I know a foreign concept...... :rolleyes:

Ky, largest state of illegal grow & distilling........ :tongue:


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