The Remedy Thread

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--- Quote from: Farmer Jon on September 01, 2015, 07:34:54 PM ---For those who may have a couple too many beers on occasion. V8 splash fruit juice is the best hang over cure ever.

--- End quote ---

On that note.

Milk thistle is a pretty good hangover deterrent, take a few capsules a few hours before you start drinking.   

Note: I removed a couple of "Chat" posts...Just the remedies pretty please!


Caught a big chunk of glass in the ball of my foot the other night from a broken ornament. it went in about a 1/4" and I knew it was going to be a bad couple days of walking, so I soaked it in an Epsom salt bath. next morning, you could see the cut but it was totally closed and did not hurt a bit. Chalk one up to old school healing.

As it is that time of year, and one has already been beaten hard with some Crud, here are what we use in our house.

Eat raw garlic if you can stomach it. Seems to have always killed any bug I might catch, as I never stay sick long.

Equal parts ACV, lemon juice and raw honey with some hot water, helps heal a sore throats and fight the cold.

Eucalyptus oil on the bridge your nose will help clear it....if you have any. Obviously keep it out of your eyes, the fumes are bad enough. But it helps tremendously!

Oregano oil, clove, and black pepper are also great oils at fighting crud, however they are considered hot oils and need to be applied with a carrier such as coconut oil or almond oil. If applied without a carrier, try a small amount on a small area to see how your skin will react to it.

My wife the Native American type tends to sneak garlic into almost any meal she can and it not be a problem taste wise. It's got a long standing tradition to be good for us. Great immune system helper.

Another one she uses a lot when she can is Turmeric. She also always makes things with Oysters once a week.

Its fairly impressive how she can "sneak" this stuff in to normal meals and no one notices. But I am thankful she does. 

Editor note: Turmeric is a very good anti inflammatory agent. It is difficult for the body to absorb, and most people in the know seem to recommend you eating about 1000mg a day.


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