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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #50 on: November 12, 2014, 09:03:58 PM »
Well, I only got a couple/few hours on the manifold swap project, now into day 4 and, well, it was not a good day.
I tried to find that missing bolt which after the 2-3 hours I was not able to do.
So I need to pick some smart guys brain.
If you are looking at the drivers side up-pipe at where it bolts into the turbo pedestal. Referencing the bottom bolt, if the bolt literally dropped out of that hole and fell the 1 inch to the engine block and then didn't seem to go anywhere else where could it possibly be? Not withstanding the wormhole thing as now a very real possiblity, some demon playing jedi mind tricks on me, or other far reaching but now possible alternatives where could that bolt be?
So remember the REM1 idea of dragging a towel across the top of the trans in an attempt to sweep the bolt free? Well, it was a green towel, relatively new and intact. It is no longer in a pristine condition. It is in fact no longer much of anything. I pulled so many times and with enough force to actually peel some decal off the top of the trans which of course, I didn't even know was there! So safe to say, no bolt up there!
Next I got the rather brilliant idea of using suction in the form of a shop vac necked all the way down to about 3/4". I tested it on myself, quickly removing a nasty mole that was troubling me for some years. I then vacuumed up some concrete, ie, it sucked the smooth layer of concrete off it's base. OK, well maybe I'm exaggerating some, the mole is still partially there, but all the hair surrounding it is gone.
That yielded no bolt either. So then I got another idea. Use high pressure water to blast it out of wherever it was. I did so for a few minutes, all the while thinking something wasn't quite right, but disregarding the knawing feeling, i pressed on. While pulling out the hose I bumped the trans dipstick which pivoted easily, reminding me it was not actually plugged into the transmission, I had removed it to give myself some room. Yea, water, open hole, transmission fluid...
Like I said not a good day!

Posted by FC5452:

Don there's a lip where the bell housing bolts to the block. There is a void behind there. If you did not here it bounce then it dropped in that void. I'm betting that's what happened to my v band

Yes, I can feel it and can buy that, however, comma, there is no way I know of on God's green earth to fish something out of that void. How deep do you think it is, 2-3 feet? Somewhere in the neighborhood of 70 cu.in.?

Originally Posted by sammconn View Post
"Don, been keeping up since the beginning, do you or anyone you know have a bore camera? That would get in and let you see in the abyss. Awesome truck."

Bro, you just gave me an idea!
I'll hang my camera down there and snap a dozen or so shots and see if they reveal anything!
Great idea!

Took those pics by suspending my camera back there in the unforseen places and snapped a passel of pictures (A lot).
Look what I found:

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #51 on: November 12, 2014, 09:07:47 PM »
If I didn't say it before, let me say now that all of the problems I had with this thing were Don generated. About the only part of it that went well was anything that to do with THose Pro Flow manifolds and up pipes. I dropped the bolt, then another. Today a 12mm socket. I washed out the inside of my transmission. I did this and that, but when I finally had some clear running, those manifolds nearly fall into place. If I hadn't lost that bolt on Monday, then by 10Am on Tuesday I would have been driving that truck.

Today after I decided to give up on the bolt recovery tabacle, I grabbed one ot those 12mm 12 pt bolts. Placing it in heavy grease and inserting it into a socket on the end of a 3" extension, I carefully moved it into position. My body has learned the location of that hidden bolt hole so well that almost in one motion, I inserted it and started turning it. I put the ratchet on to start to turn it in and immediately it became difficult to turn, then just stopped!
NOOOOO!!! I just didn't do the unthinkable and strip that satanic bottom bolt hole did I????

I felt around the bolt and it seemed to be bottomed out. Hmmm
Using the frau's compact mirror again, I could see the bolt was tight!
You see here's the thing. THose bolt holes in Rick's up-pipes are so percise that the bolt turns in with almost no resistance! I thought it was just starting, but it was almost fully tightened!

That's the way it all went, the up pipes went right on as if they had always been there. They are truly great pieces of hardware!

With the amount the new manifolds stick out from the block, I had a proximity issue between the fuel lines and the manifold flange. I solved that by bending the lines further away, then wrapping them with heat proof thermas insulation.

Here they are wrapped and secured with stainless safety wire

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #52 on: November 12, 2014, 09:10:44 PM »
Next I installed Alligator Diesel 3" intercooler pipe which Holton sent me some time ago. It had been sitting on the shelf long enough for a spider to build a web, which was invaded by a larger more agressive spider which had also expired on that cool pipe. About a million baby spiders, however were doing just fine, but had they're date with destiny when I "cleaned" them up with a spray of brake cleaner. The spider infestation-free pipe installed as shown:


And finally:

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #53 on: November 12, 2014, 09:13:35 PM »
At this point I had cursed the pipes, tools, myself, the truck, GM, Ford (just cuz) and everything else, so when I set the passenger side pipe in place, I tossed the bolts in there and it self installed!
You may notice the one obvious unauthorized bolt taking the place of our fallen sentinal! May God rest it's eternal ferous soul!

I used the heat wrap on the cable bundle near the manifold as well, then pulled it as far away as my spindly tie wraps would allow!

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #54 on: November 12, 2014, 09:15:23 PM »
Getting close, only the down pipe, air intake hose, and fender wells yet to install and I'll be able to claim a hard won victory in the campaign to do something with my truck.
Overall and as a general comment, considering all the junk GM puts all over this engine, installing the up pipes and manifolds is a little like installing new piston rings in your engine while accessing the engine through your tail-pipe!
But now that I'm almost there, I am eagerly awaiting starting the engine and driving the truck to see w=how it behaves and sounds. Holton speaks very highly of these manifolds and says they actually change the sound of the engine. Talking with Holton today, we were discussing the cross section of Mr. Ricks manifolds vs the stockers. The new pipes are just huge compared to the choked down stockers. Holton got all technical about drive pressure and things like that, but the bottom line is these manifolds and pipes solve all those problems and make the engine, well, happier!
Nuff said tonight. My left pinky has fallen asleep just like the rest of me is going to be in about one five minutes. C-YA!

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #55 on: November 12, 2014, 09:22:54 PM »
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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #56 on: November 12, 2014, 09:25:03 PM »
Ah, and I have to self report here:
I said I wasn't going to buy any more parts until I got all the stuff that was spider infested, installed.
Well, sadly, I was not able to exercise self control. While talking to Holton yesterday and while talking about the possibility of getting some water into the trans oil, somehow I ended up buying a deep trans pan! Shame on me!

Then that started me looking at the gator. Realizing I was missing a winch mounting plate for the promark winch box which the cats have been sleeping on, I bought that as well. Probably a mouse nest inside the winch box.

The real issue is my garage windows. The view outside is not that great you see, and all those boxes piled high on the work bench obscured that view. Now that the boxes are now down to a single layer, I have to once again contend with that view...

........I pushed the project ahead today almost to the finish line. The down pipe is connected, wires are reinstalled, bolts tightened, heat shield is back on the turbo.

I still have to connect the air intake duct, install both fender liners and fill the transmission.

Remember when I accidentally got water into the transmission trying to wash that bolt out of it's final resting place? Well Holton suggested I drain the fluid and replace. I was a little uncomfortable with that option and decided to pull the trans pan. Since I was doing that, I went ahead and purchased a PPE deep trans pan from him so I would be sure there would be no water to cause in havoc in that expensive Allison.

The trans pan arrived today so I took the time to install that in lieu of finishing the exhaust install.
Here's the pan:

It came with a filter with a longer neck, but is basically the same design as the stocker.

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #57 on: November 12, 2014, 09:38:52 PM »
I decided to modify the "decor" of the PPE pan by sanding off the powder coating from the fins, then recoating everything with my favorite Shark Hide metal coating

I opened the drain plug in the stock trans pan and allowed the fluid to drain for an hour or more. I was surprised to discover when I pulled the pan off that there was still a lot of fluid remaining, maybe as much as 3/4 of a quart.

I poured that off and look what was still in the pan below that oil:

That's water droplets there in the oil pan so even though I had drained the oil, a small amount of water would have remained and would have possibly been mixed with the oil and circulated throughout the trans. I am now happy that I took the most conservative approach and decided to pull the pan.

Here's the PPE pan installed under my truck:

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #58 on: November 12, 2014, 09:46:14 PM »
Next the up-pipe went on
I think I have the thing figured out finally.
First the installation technique: When you get it wiggled up and into place, stuff a rag between it and the firewall. THat will hold it in place while you work the V C band clamp into place and carefully tighten the nut.

Here's technique #2: Purchase a couple regular non locking nuts and spin those on. Pull the clamp together with one hand and spin the nut down with the other. That will prevent you from wiggling and moving the clamp with a wrench or ratchet which causes it become disconnected and the up-pipe to fall out of the turbo bellows. Once you get it hand snugged, use a gear wrench with the clamp oriented as pictured which is a much better orientation than the factory position. Once you have it snugged up, then you can spin the locking nut onto the threaded stud and tighten it down against the 1st nut. Try it, you'll like the results!

Double nutted clamp stack-up

Then I scratched up the new intercooler pipe by dragging the turbo heat shield all over it, but finally something gave way, and the heat shield yielded.

I also noted the proximity of the trans dipstick to the intercooler pipe, so I installed a rubber spacer to prevent future contact and an unexplained buzzing sound

If you guessed that was a short section of unused fuel hose turned vibration absorber, you're correct. Tomorrow, I should finally hear what it sounds like after installing the air intake duct, fender liners, and filling the trans

Quick question: How much fluid, ballpark speaking will I ahve to add to bring that new super deep trans pan up to full? I purchased 8 quarts not knowing for sure...

.....So, the entire capacity of my truck's trans is 7.4 quarts. that's fluid trapped throughout the transmission, in the converter and in the pan. I'm guessing half of it in the pan, say almost 4 qts. I have 8 on hand, sounds like I guessed lucky!

Originally Posted by KensAuto
"just the drain and refill w/filter change is 7.4, total capacity is 12.7...plus deep pan "

Looks like I'm a gallon short!

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #59 on: November 12, 2014, 09:50:14 PM »
Update on the manifolds: I drove the truck all over today. It yielded good economy and great driveability, but here's an unexpected plus. During the short blasts this morning I could only get the EGT to 1202!

Later in the afternoon, while climbing a two mile hill coming out od Cincy, I nailed it and stayed into it, but it hit the speed limiter pdq. The max I saw and just for a second was 1255, it then slid back to 1247, then tapered off from there. I called Holton while driving to let him know. He said these motors will show a lot less EGT once you uncork them.

BTW, have been trying to post a vid of the exhaust tone, but it won't load. Also noticed an avi is not a supported file. So how does he do dat?????????

Originally Posted by FC5452
"Nice to hear that it worked out for you don. Considering the extra weight you added and all 1200's are nothing to worry about."

Sent from my iPhone using AutoGuide.com App

I'm definitely WAY good with 1200's. When I add the H20/Methanol spray, I expect those numbers to fall again. Then with the twins, yet again. Before I'm done I'll be blowing ice crystals out of the exhaust pipe!

Originally Posted by L*********
"Don, since no clip can be uploaded.... can you actually say whether or not there is a change in exhaust sound?"

Yes, it sounds different. At an idle you hear the hiss louder than before. When you tap the throttle and the IGV's change their pitch angle, you get a deep rumble. There is just more of everything. You can tell the factory junk is really plugging the system up. Also when you gun it you hear the turgo whistle as it spools up, which it does very quickly. Driving it at speed, you can hear a deep almost glass pack sort of rumble now that wasn't there before. Most remarkable, though is about 100 degrees of temp that is no longer there!

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #60 on: November 12, 2014, 09:59:47 PM »
Out looking at a farm today I think I am going to buy. I figure the whole castle is not far from tumbling down, so I'm cashing out. Guying a place so far back up in the middle of nowhere that there isn't even an address. Really, you have to drive back about a mile and some change on a nearly 4WD only road (which I will own) just to get there. THen the thing is so old the deed lays the land from a rock to a big white oak to a bend in the creek and so forth!. Realy a nice place, well great potential, but run back to about the 1700's. Anyway gave the truck one heck of a workout. Definitely flexed everything in that suspension as far as it will go. Never even came close to getting stuck. Barely used 4WD, that Grizzley locker back there just pulled us right through.
I think I am going to buy it. It will be a cash deal. I will not owe a penny for it from day 1! We all talked about getting together and playing with our survival trailers, trucks, heeps and so forth. Well, we're coming to my place. It's a hunting only farm. THe fish and game folks keep tabs on it because it was the site of the deer repopulation effort for eastern KY. There are game cams everywhere. On the computer recording all those deer, they have identified 40+ which they believe will be boone and crockett near record deer and another 300+ of "shooters" which will make a turd and just before that a pretty good roast.
Anyway some shots of the truck working it:

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #61 on: November 12, 2014, 10:09:33 PM »
Originally Posted by Armalite
".......Don, you call that mud?? I think even shawn could have navigated those trails in the Ferd....."

Mud, are you kidding! That is the worse! I've never seen such conditions. My suspension flexed inches at times! I drove over bumps! There was super narly looking terrain in view at all times. Thank the heavens there was no nasty mulch to get stuck in. There were times I hit ruts that caused the truck to actually rock slightly side to side.
It was awful. I'm currently half way through a total redesign of the suspension to be able to handle even bigger bumps, say 6" or greater at speeds of over 10mph! Serious stuff, but I think with some rockwells, 66" ag tires and a bush hog crew working in front of me, and well a couple tractors pulling box scrapers, I should be much more off road capable!
For now, back to the mall to stuff not quite as rough!

Originally Posted by B*****
"What is your all-time favorite helicopter?"

I flew a lot of different models of Chinooks in many different places in the world. I guess the missions in the MH were the most "adventurous" but a normal 101st Airborne Ch-47D was a real work horse pretty much capable of doing anything I ever asked of it. It had so much power, I could climb from the ground to 10,000 feet without any forward airspeed, and do it PDQ. I remember the jumpers would ask me to give them a 1 minute warning before passing 5,000 in the climb. That's where they set their AOD (parachute automatic opening devices) to open the chutes in case they became incapacitated in the exit or in free fall. Things happen, guys run into you, equipment knocks into you, you catch something unexpected on the way out of the ramp. Anyway just as I pulled power to take off I'd give them the 1 minute warning! Yep, it climbed that fast. I'd slow to like 60 knots, then pull around 80% power, which I believe a Black Hawk hovers at (A Chinook hovers at 40-42% power leaving huge reserves for picking stuff up like John Deere JD-550 bulldozers! Anyway with the power pulled in, I'd ask the junior pilot to lift his leg off the floor. We were actually pulling "g's" going straight up with muscle alone. Hey if you like 540 BB Chevys and build D-Max engines you couldn't help but love a Chinook. It is truly the Army's work horse in the stan, able to heft pretty good loads up onto those mountains.
I remember flying the Super Huey gunship over there. There was a place where I used to cross a ridgeline in the Hindu-Kush mountain range. The lowest spot I could find was 12,300 feet. Some days we would climb and climb and circle and try to catch an up draft, but have to turn back because the aircraft couldn't struggle up and over. A hook would laugh at that!

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #62 on: November 12, 2014, 10:15:13 PM »
Originally Posted by WildChevys
"thats awesome! "

Yes it is
That unit is as well. Probably the most skilled collection of helicopter aviation warriors on earth. No one ever had anything that even came close. It was and remains a deep personal honor for me to have served there with those men.

I think I was the 13th guy in the US Army to get qualified to aerial refuel. I liked everything about flying there, the customers, special operations in general, but I never, never liked one second of being that close to a Herc trying to hang onto that hose, That was and is scary stuff. I once did the math. on the right hose if you push in the hose to minimum distance your rotor blade is only 15',4" from the C130's tail! One of the rotor blades is about 27 feet long. The whole rotor system is 60 feet wide. So you are 1/4th of a rotor disk from another aircraft in flight. Yea I know the aerial demonstration teams fly a couple feet from each other, but a wing touching another wing has practically no speed. But that rotor blade tip is nearly supersonic and the C130's tail if effectively motionless relative to the Chinook. If we touch, there is no coming back, it's fireball in the sky see ya on the other side stuff. We would have to do that 3-4 times a night. Yea, at night as in you can't see the herc without nods.
Yep, that was some crazy stuff we used to do and those skilled warriors still do probably this very night somewhere in the world.

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #63 on: November 12, 2014, 10:15:38 PM »
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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #64 on: November 12, 2014, 10:25:10 PM »
Time to add some more pictures and parts
This time I will be installing the Rare Parts tie rods which are massively beefy compared to the stock stuff.
To bring us up to date, you might recall, I had attempted to install these tie rods months ago.
However since my truck also sports the Fabtech lift kit with closer knuckle distances and a different large bore tie rod end, I ran into sever difficulties.
I solved the first by cutting down the real parts units. THat was around 3/4". and since the thread bottoms, I had to cut both the stud and the barrel.
Since these tie rods which use stock Chevy diameter taper ends which were about a tenth of an inch narrower than the larger diameter supplied tie rods, I had Rare Parts manufacture up some trick double taper sleeves. They are tapered both inside and outside, and fill that space rather nicely.So here is the install. Since we would be doing a lot of messing with the length, I decided to do the install on an alignment lift.
I said I, but what I really meant was Mark, shown here buried in the front suspension and Shannon of Tire Discounters.

It's not often I get to photo other folks working on my truck, but Shannon, the manager of the tire discounters store in Walton, Kentucky shown here is super friendly to 4 wheelers and guys like myself doing other than normal stuff.
Here he is shortening the remaining inner tie rod the necessary amount

When the guys popped the existing tie rod out and dropped in the modified unit, you can see it fell right in place

THe guys bolted both sides in and hooked up the magic to see where the first attempt fell

The measurements were pretty good, but not perfect. We had to pull the drivers side out and trim 4 additional threads off both sides to get clearance for a wrench to fit in.

For those of you who wonder why your truck rides poorly when you do a torsion bar lift, here's the reason. Your upper control arm (UCA) contacts this stop.
The COgnito UCAs I have installed give you a bunch more clearance and a lot more travel. My truck had so much travel that the rack forward jacks did not have enough travel to get the truck's tire off the rack. THe suspension just kept drooping and drooping....
That's a good thing BTW.

With the additional clearancing, it all went back together and everything lined up well within spec.
I'm not exactly sure how, but I picked up some turning radius. For some reason unless I'm just imagining it, I seem to be able to turn the steering wheel more than before. Anyway the truck drives and rides great and I'm a happy camper.
That was one less box covering the left window (On the right side)

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #65 on: November 12, 2014, 10:30:22 PM »
I chuckled when I came across this one:
Originally Posted by Broc212
"I know awhile back you mentioned you wanted to do a swap from the IFS to a solid front axle. Still wanting to do that if they come out with the kit or is this actually better?"

No, I don't think I am going to do that.
And I don't need a kit, I could design that myself, already put a coil over in a TUndra, and I believe I am still the only guy to ever have done that.
I didn't mean for that to sound like I'm anything special, because I certainly am not, just saying that I don't need anyone to design a kit for me to act on a project like that
Here's why I decided against it:
First the day to day ride of the IFS will never be duplicated by a solid axle.
Secondly the high speed sprint across a field is possible with a IFS, problematic with a SAS.
Next when I looked into it I ran into problems with the 8 on 180mm bolt pattern. First, there are no solid front axles with that pattern so we are talking custom. Next how do I adapt brakes when the 8 on 180 rotors are so much larger, I'd have to cut down stockers.
So if I just swap in a Dodge D60 and go with the 8 on 6.5 pattern then I have to swap something in the rear. If that something is the axles alone to get the rear to a 8 on 6.5, I might have spline issues. Next I am again running into the same bolt pattern issues. The Chevy has larger brake rotors than most of the other trucks so the caliper position would no longer be optimal for the smaller rotor needed to fit the 8 on 6.5.
Of course we haven't even touched on the fact that the braking system will be less effective than the stock Chevy.
With all of that working against the SAS swap, it is just a mountain a bit to big to push out of the way and for what benefit exactly.
No, I believe in the case of the LML and newer Chebby, an improved baja like front suspension and a deaver spring rear with longer travel bigger shocks is the way to go. I believe I can make the suspension extremely capable, and probably for less $$$, so that is the direction I am headed.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2014, 10:30:54 PM by KensAuto »
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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #66 on: November 13, 2014, 08:54:44 PM »
Time to push the project forward some more.
Today Will be the first of what I envision as a two day Amp Research power-step install.
I have had the Amp steps sitting in the garage for some months, and now that I am completely caught up with project Gator, and now that I am getting plenty tired of stretching with my sunday-go-to-meeting clother just to get in, it's time.
Here's what's in the box:

The bracketry, i.e. arms step/board/plank thing, and hardware is top notch. THis is a very high quality kit that seems immediately well thought out. The motors are well constructed, the hardware is coated and more than adequate and every detail seems to have been addressed.

This kit doesn't mess around. THe first thing you do is to attach the front idle brackets to both the body/cab mount and to the lower front fender bolt. That all goes together well, and they even machind a spacer to fit into the recess of the lower fender bolt...nice fit so far!

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #67 on: November 13, 2014, 08:59:07 PM »
Then the rear bracket/motor assembly. THe bracket bolts on first using holes already present in the body underside, then the motor gets carefully attached.

The tread/steps are very robust aluminum extrusions of a rough triangle cross section and 85" long. They easily attach with allen head screws into countersunk bores in the arms/brackets.

With the radio cranked playing KLOVE in the background this was turning out to be a fun little project. It's just worky, but nothing difficult so far. When I torqued the fasteners in the prescribed pattern everything tightened up nicely and if I held the steps up and released pressure they would gravity lower themselves to the down position. According to the directions this is nominal.
Here is what they will look like tucked up beneath the doors:

Next the control module gets zip tied to the bracket next to the second battery. The back side of that unit is contoured to fit the tubular bracket to which it is mounted making it a neat and positive installation.

First you zip tie it into place then grab the sizeable wiring harness and plug that in.

The harness plugs into the module, then the power leads bolt directly to the battery posts. I found the wire lengths to be spot on making for a tidy finish to that part of the installation.

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #68 on: November 13, 2014, 09:03:31 PM »
The wiring harness drops one leg directly down and routes along the top of the frame rail and plugs into the right side motor. THe opposite leg routes along the top aft of the engine bay, then down along the back of the drivers wheel well and also along the top of the frame to the accuator in the rear mount. I zip-tied as I went and it all went right along with no fuss what so ever.

The harness on both sides has two independent wires coming out of the harness adjacent body plugs. You simply poke the wires up through those plugs (I drilled the right side) then from the inside pop off the sill plate and reach up under the carpet and pull the wires out.

Beneath the sill plate is an wiring harness on either side which you will attach a wire on either side to with a cool little wire tap device AMP Research supplies. I'm liking this kit!

Next it's on to the removal of the door panels. First off comes the mirror cover

Next the door switch panel is pryed out carefully and the switches disconnected.
This is where I stopped for the night. I only spent maybe 4 hours on it to this point, but I was working slowly, taking pictures and placing extra wire ties in place and things like that. Had I worked like a production shop, I could have been nearly done at this point. It will hopefully be a couple of fairly easy hours in the morning and I should be able to enjoy the use of these cool steps finally!

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #69 on: November 13, 2014, 09:08:54 PM »
Posted by Armalite:
Looks like a nice set up Don. Appears they put alot of thought into their product, which is something that is hard to come by these days...

Why do you have to remove the door panel?? .....
.......Also appears to still be a "grey film" of sorts still on the side of the truck?? I know this truck has never been off road, so I will safely assume it was just the flash of the camera that made the truck body appear to be "dirty", if you will.......

Posted by KensAuto:
^^^^beat me to it !

Posted by STLASER:
Amen Brother! lol

Don replies:
You guys are awful, all of you!
Actually that IS that IS dirt!
Guess where I got it?
From a field with dirt and rocks and stuff to run into and over and all the rest. Lately, the D-Max has been learning to flex a bit. That is other than that horrible stuff over at the mall!

Originally Posted by Armalite
"Why do you have to remove the door panel??"

You have to snake a wire inside the door to tap into the one coming from that door open/closed switch. That is where the signal is generated to move the steps.
I just finished, works like a champ. I'll do a picture write up tonight, but I thought I'd twist and torture test them on those speed bumps and mulch pits over at the mall, see if they can stand up to real abuse!
« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 09:09:43 PM by KensAuto »
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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #70 on: November 13, 2014, 09:13:19 PM »
All righty, today I finished the Amp Research step install. I have to say that this is one well designed and thought out kit. I have read the critics, but looking at the big picture, I don't care if the gaps aren't perfect, this is no show truck. The steps flot out work. You open the door and they are there. Close the door and they close. They support my weight with no problem and the installation was well thought out.
So I started the day with removing the electric switch panel from the door trim

The wire you have to tap into lies within the harness inside the door panel, so that large piece of plastic needs to be removed.

I peeled back the sound proof foam pad, and removed the speaker then carefully threaded a plastic tube from inside the door through the accordian rubber into the cab. I thought that was pretty clever of them (Amp Research) to come up with that idea. You then thread the long wire through the tube, then pull out the tube. You now have a wire inside the door where it needs to be

I cut into the harness on both doors and spliced into the correct wires, then reassembled the doors. Underneath I used butt connectors to add the 4 LED lights, one for each door, which are held in place with strong double sided foam tape. A few quick zip ties later and it was clean up and test time.
Everything worked fine and this project is now in the bucket!

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #71 on: November 13, 2014, 09:15:01 PM »
The mutt didn't seem to care except when I opened the door. She was very interested for about a minute until she figured out a cat wasn't going to jump out. No chew toys today!

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #72 on: November 13, 2014, 09:19:21 PM »
Originally Posted by nmeyer414
"Looks good don, but you forgot to wash the mall film off before you took the pictures! Lol! "

That mall stuff won't come off! I tell you, one day I was down there 4 wheelin' around the parking lot. It had a slight grade so I was in low range all locked up...rough, but I was making forward progress.
After the truck sat for awhile, it actually accumulated some dust! Can you believe that?!?
I did what I could carefully but deliberately driving out of the situation. Once I was eventually free of the speed bumps and those slippery and hazardous mulch beds I got it safely to a car wash where after hours of detailing, the truck was restored once again to an operational condition!
I don't talk about that one often, scares me a little...
You think you saw action over in the stan! Ha, you haven't seen anything yet until you try to 4 wheel at the mall on black friday!

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #73 on: November 13, 2014, 09:30:16 PM »
Got some pics of that new Road Armor bumper which I should be mounting very soon.
The designer there now at their new location has been personally setting up shop and working on this bumper. It is now final welded and the welds have been ground down. Here is the bumper's status as of this past weekend:

Originally Posted by Armalite
I l"ike that bumper !! That is some very fine precision work! Ready to see what you do to it once it's in your hands... Hopefully it wont suffer the same fate as the GLO differential..."

That's funny!

Well at first I thought I'd just etch it, prime it, then spray it with the Dupli-color bed liner. I really like that stuff and get great results with it. It is also, btw, the exact material they recommend to use to repair scratches on their bumpers.
After that, I want to give them and everyone a good standard install, detailing all of that.
After that, I believe Shawn is tooling up some HD tire rack pieces parts. Using those, I'll build up a super strong rear tire and fuel can carrier and mount a bunch of diesel and water cans. That should be a pretty cool project and really transform the truck into an expo rig.
That's the basic plan so far. I want to also mount the pioneer equipment on the truck. so I will need to find mounting points for a shovel, axe, and a hi-lift jack.
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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #74 on: November 13, 2014, 09:35:16 PM »
Status report:
Been busy with the purchase of the farm...got that done
Currently prepping to buy a bull dozer or compact track loader. Have a lone on a Cat 277B, an ASV SR80, a JD 323D and a Kuboda. Have to figure all that out...tracks not wheels.
Getting a contractor to tear into the farm house. He found 7 foot long snake sking in the floor joists...YIKES!
On the D-Max, I'm waiting to hear back from Road Armor on when the bumper will get here. That is the next project in the breach. Get that installed, the immediately start on the swing away tire carrier/fuel and water can carrier.

So waiting on the man at the moment

Am thinking of modding up a factory Y-Bridge to go from the intercooler all the way to the right and left manifolds bypassing all that LML junk. Talking and ciphering stage on that one at the moment
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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #75 on: November 13, 2014, 09:42:15 PM »
Originally Posted by W*****
"......I know that something needs to be done with the whole induction system after all the deletes we've done. At idle my truck burbles gently for a minute and then it sounds like a waste gate or something opens up and the sound changes completely for another minute and then goes back again... Odd. Really. The revs don't change but I can't help thinking that something is missing and i am sure it is induction related somewhere... "

That change in sound I believe is the inlet guide vanes running a BITE test (built in test equipment). The sound changes from a hiss to a gurble to deep tones and back as the IGV's change pitch. Dammed turbine engines do that too, and sometimes when they are not supposed to. That malfunction can lead to a nasty phenomena called a "compressor stall" which blows fire and engine parts out of either end of the motor. Yep, never liked that one. Sometimes you are lucky enough not only to loose power on that engine, but the sharp parts pierce things like fuel and hydraulic lines, passengers chests, and stuff like that and leave you on fire as well. Talk about your standard bad day...
Did I mention I don't like IGV's??

Posted by KensAuto:
.....to add to Don's explanation, here on earth amongst us peasants (civilian non-pilots) and car guys we call them VVTs...variable vane turbo's.

Dons reply:
From Pilots dictionary of, well, pilot speak, according to, well, pilots:

Non aviator 1. Low Crawler, (Night crawler after sunset) given to low places where there is dirt, mold, moss and the like. 2. Homo-groundas; stands on places not used by wing creations; not knowing of flight also, of limited mental capacity and not very good looking, sometimes called: Ground hog man. 3. Earth-pig; (Modern interpretation) one who grovels in the mud and seldom if ever looks up, thought to be the original two dimensional creature having first crawled out of the primordial swamps. 4. Land rat; one who knows no high places, falls over small bumps and is frightened by ladders, Used as a roosting spot for small birds and large insects.

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #76 on: November 13, 2014, 09:48:42 PM »
......Here's my newest toy:

Yes Shawn and Ashley, that is ugly paint and a chrome exhaust stack!

Already getting ready to mod it up some.
Carrying it over to the Case dealer tomorrow. Getting a new set of sprockets and rotate the track pins. For some reason I want to paint it OD and mount a big Sun tach on the dash...You know just to say, "It's Don's"
If I came out with a stock dozer, no one would believe it was really mine!

Posted by STLASER:
"This is all crazy" he states as he shows us the purchase made to upgrade the "farm".

Man you weren't kidding that thing is ugly! Lol, I like the chrome stack though. 

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #77 on: November 13, 2014, 10:00:10 PM »
Looky here!

THe designer at Road Armor has the bumper all packaged up and ready to ship. I believe the thing is going to be shipped today or tomorrow, so we will all have a much better look at it in just a few days. You listening Canada?

Originally Posted by nmeyer414
"are you excited yet don about the delivery today? "

I am and even more excited to finally see it for myself!
I just unloaded it in the 20F windy conditions outside and have it sitting in my garage!
It's really cool, definitely worth waiting for!
The gentleman who designed it is one Travis Kirkman. He designs most (all??) of the bumpers at Road Armor, and the gentleman who I chatted with during the design of this bumper.
We also talked at length about the ultimate design for this bumper, that being the Expedition truck design I intended for it from the beginning. There seems to be ample strength in it to support what I hope to do, but Travis went even further.
He included the parts for the spare tire carrier he made to actually go down this route earlier.
My hope is to use this design, Nate, no need to ship that HMMV device right now, to add on the spare and fuel can carrier. Here's a sketch of that tire carrier:
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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #78 on: November 13, 2014, 10:07:09 PM »
Brother Nate, copy all
You wanted pics? You're gonna get pics!
OK so lets get evaluating what we have here with this brand new bumper. This will be the introduction as it were of this part. Road Armor will go into production fairly soon on this part. My job is to bolt it on and evaluate it, then weld all over it and create a full on expedition bumper build.
Let's start examining it
Travis sent a lot of stuff to help me get well down the road to expo complete. Here are some close up pics of the soon to be tire carrier complete with hinge bearing, although we are planning on a GLO part from Shawn to beef that up some more. All of this will attach to other tubing and weld to a 2' X 4" main beam which will carry the weight and serve for a good place for kias to beat themselves to death:

This stuff is put together so well and cut so precisely, I almost hate to weld on it, but somehow, I'll find the courage...

Apologies for the blurry pics, but at night with my eyes (once good, but now not so much) it all looks about the same. Go ahead and chuckle, but know what? Yep, it's coming your way as well!
OK some bumper detail shots:

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #79 on: November 13, 2014, 10:19:50 PM »
The dog didn't come with the bumper but the hardware did. at least most of it. Travis is so concerned that I get a great start that he is sending me some additional hardware to attach this to the tow hitch as well. BTW, with the installation of this bumper the towing capacity goes from 20,000 pounds up to just over 246,000 just so I can tow the shuttle plus a crew of fat girls thereby besting the toyota tundra!
Well maybe I exaggerated a bit, that that is the essential makin's of a good story!

More blurry pics of a pretty bare metal bumper
The clevis points are rated to tow medium size jets, say 787 or smaller unless you're using both points then you can jump up to the shuttle and the crew of fat girls!

You can clearly see the addition of holes to properly position the back up sensors and mount the trailer electrical cable. I believe those extra holes serve as a mount for auxiliary lights as well.
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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #80 on: November 13, 2014, 10:28:29 PM »
And for Shawn, here's some closeups of the bronze bushing hinge assembly Travis sent up as well as the axle for the wheel mounting flange which I have sitting elsewhere:

Originally Posted by stlaser
"OK, next question. How long is the piece you are holding up to that 45 degree angle? "

The piece is a solid steel bar which is a cylindrical section (Oglive) that's total length is 9 1/8" and area past the angle cut section is equal to 6.5"

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #81 on: November 13, 2014, 10:29:59 PM »
Originally Posted by stlaser
"One more question, if top of bumper leveled is zero how many degree drop is that section this mounts too? Is it 45?"

The flat top appears to be parallel with terra firma. The first angle is not 45. It falls away less abruptly than 45. Can't measure right now...
Travis sent up a nifty piece which I just figured out seems to attach to one of the corners of the bumper. If I am correct, I will be able to weld that in place (photo follows) cut out the inside then insert the bronze bushing and the steel axle. It appears as though that axle bevel is pretty close to a match for the inside of bumper. If this is the case, this would be a massively strong attachment for the hinge assembly. I don't believe I would be able to break that on my worst day!
Take a look at the pics I will post in the following posts to see what I am talking about.

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #82 on: November 13, 2014, 10:38:54 PM »
Spent the day sourcing parts and I think I am ready to begin.
I changed the way this is all going to go together. First, I will install the axle assembly for the swing away tire carrier, burying it deep inside the bumper and adding some structure. Next I will create the main beam and build a latch point. Following that, I will remove that, and coat the bumper, then install it. SO the first time it goes on the truck will be in it's modified state. This way I can then reattach the beam and fab up the actual tire carrier and the gas can racks. Then remove that section, weld and paint that, then assemble it back onto the bumper and mount up the spare tire and be mission complete.
So here's what the actual tire carrier looks like fitted roughly together and the wheel mount ring that will be modified to attach to the carrier.

I will be using 2' X 3" X .188" rectangle tubing, 14 and 12 gage steel and 1" 14 gage square tubing for the tire and fuel can carrier

The initial fitment is looking pretty good and I am anticipating a good and strong build of the tire carrier.

The bumper mount brackets look massively strong. I don't anticipate any issues from them with regard to strength.

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #83 on: November 13, 2014, 10:41:08 PM »
And finally, the swing away axle mount. It's a three part unit consisting of a collar cut so as to fit over the bumper corner, a bronze bushing, and the bevel cut axle itself.

Had Track Loader chores today...no workie on das bumper.
But I did get to discuss, cipher, and think! THe latter caused a small fire, but that's another story...
Travis the brain at Road Armor sent me the following depections of that tire carrier design concept, and I have decided along with Dr. Shawn to go with that plan.

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #84 on: November 13, 2014, 10:47:50 PM »
I plan to support the main beam weight with a shelf at the lock point and rubber pad all that to reduce rattles to less than that of a new Ford (120db)

Here's a couple pics of the concept for the finished unit. I also plan to add a hi-lift jack mount, a back up cam, and a radio antenna mast, then call it a day.

I tried to order the tire and wheel today, then something happened... Shannon over at Tire Discounters came up with 5 Micky Thompson MTZ, 37-12.50/17's on clearnace for $390 ea...hmmm
Me likes the narrow tire b/c my farm is all mud, so now I am literally 4-wheeling all the time. We can all safely assume that running a 15 ton track loader all over it will do nothing to create more mud, right??

Anywho, here's the general concept:

I just ordered the fuel and water cans for the rear rack.
I have beaucoup experience with the Wedco cans. They are everywhere, used by NATO and all of us who can score some from those armies who like to trade stuff. I picked up two fuel cans and two water cans, all 4 dressed in OD green, the now color I have chosen for Big Red (The Dozer).
I am going to try to squeeze three cans into the design, however, space is going to be at a premium, especially if I go through and opt for the 37" tires. I also want to mount up a small lockable equipment locker to store the spouts, a gas siphon and who knows what else...

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #85 on: November 14, 2014, 08:53:27 PM »
Started on the actual bumper modification today. I couldn't get as far as I wanted because Travis is sending me more parts to make the far end of the tire rack beam mount.
Today I concentrated on getting the pivot point axle installed and I did get all that done.
First I worked on the stub fitting which houses the lower oil bronce bushing

After much grinding, I had the fit I was looking for. I drilled out the inside of the bushing carrier, finishing the cut with a plasma cutter and a grinder.

The axle had a bevel that fit the inside of the bumper, although not in the way I thought it would have. I had to fit that part as well, grinding some then checking and repeating unitl I had a good fit with that as well. I then welded all of that in place
I used a very high heat setting and a higher wire speed to get a lot of material in there. I believe that weld is up to the task of holding all that together.

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #86 on: November 14, 2014, 08:56:39 PM »
Next I worked on the main beam bushing sleeve and primary mount. The assembly consists of two oil bronze bushings fitted inside a split steel sleeve. The concept is to be able to tighten the sleeve, thereby providing a clamping force onto the bushing. I hope to control the resistance of the carrier as I open/close through tightening that bushing up.
Travis provided a couple cool bolt sleeves to weld to the split seam.

After welding and wire brushing that part is complete and time to fit it all to the axle.

Here it is fitting to the axle

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #87 on: November 14, 2014, 09:06:40 PM »
Initial fitment of the 2" X 3" X .188" steel tubing. I bought it way too long, not knowing exactly where everything will attach

I'm jumping ahead, but I wanted to show how this thing will fit together. The end with the latch will have a angled extension which will strike a main plate which will act as a positive stop to keep that tire from crashing through my expensive tail light lens and body work.
Inside the beveled end will be this nut plate and to it a poly bumper pad will be attached. All the slamming in the world should produce little more that a mild recoil and never any damage.
This is it for tonight, back to it next time!

OK, enough of the chitty chat!
On with the bumper build
Church day today, so I only got a couple hours of garage time.
My goal for the day was to get the swing out beam installed and ready for the next step.
Travis at Road Armor has sent me some more parts to complete the latch and strike plate so I am waiting on those parts to finish the beam and latch fab. From there, it will be on to the actual bumper painting and installation, then I will continue with the fab work and fitting on the beam of the tire carrier and the fuel can carrier.
I started by fish mouth cutting the 2" X 3" rectangle tubing.

I was able to get a good tight fit onto the bushing sleeve/clamp assembly

At this point my gloves needed more work than the beam I was fabbing, but I welded it all up with a hot setting. I was getting great penetration so I am sure this is a strong weld and joint.

It was all sloppy loose until I tightened down the clamp bolts. Then it straightened up and had good friction.
This was the quitting point for the evening. If I don't get the strike plate assembly in the morrow, I will weld up the tire carrier frame.

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #88 on: November 14, 2014, 09:12:05 PM »
More progress tonight. After looking at it, I wanted to pre-stress the main beam after reconsidering the load it is eventually going to carry. So I made a thin cut, bent up the bar then rewelded. I can force it down to level, but it has a very slight rise which should be held to level with the weight of the spare and fuel cans.
I also welded up the tire carrier, having to fit some of the parts, but it is done now awaiting attachment to the main beam.

The next piece is added

And some more:

On to my high tech steel and cardboard welding table

Welded and wire brushed

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #89 on: November 14, 2014, 09:16:11 PM »
Next I slid in the axle and held the wheel mount ring for approximation. Next up will be the creation of the filler disc which will connect the axle to the wheel mount flange.

The tire carrier build continued today. But first before getting into that, some of the stuff that will be residing on this bumper started to come in today
Here's a look:

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #90 on: November 14, 2014, 09:19:03 PM »
Travis sent me this highly angularized (if that is a word) piece of steel to weld to the bumper and act as a strike plate for the main beam closing and latching.

I first fitted the piece, then tacked it in place. After double checking that everything would indeed fit, I welded it onto the bumper from the inside.

Then I welded on the strike plate

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #91 on: November 14, 2014, 09:21:53 PM »
Here's a few views after the grinding

Next I had to figure out the correct length of the main beam and how to turn it to strike the striker squarely
First the main beam was angle cut

Then a ram was created out of the same tubing with a nut plate welded in one end and fitted with a 1/2" thick piece of poly.

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #92 on: November 14, 2014, 09:30:16 PM »
The stainless allen socket head screws will be replaced with bevel head allen head screws when final assembly comes, but this is good for now.
I had to offset the ram .75" lower so that most of the poly block would actually contact the strike plate.
Here's how that went together:

I might do something cosmetic to that area where it is obvious that the tube was sectioned and rewelded, but that will happen tomorrow.
I stopped here for the evening. The pic shows the state of the build as of this post. The main beam appears to droop in the pic because the bushing clamp bolts have not been tightened. It all gets level and pretty with a few turns of that 3/8" bolts!

Next up I will fab up a shelf for the beam to rest upon when the thing is in the travel position (Locked close)

So, last night I was all over the innernet just ah' lookin' fer stuff. Latch stuff. All me kan finds is some gud lookin stuf from the england. So's I's gives it up around 2230 to go watch the latest episode of the wedding planner.
So's me wakes up this mornin and me sees a add just sitting there beside all my emales. It is from seers! It's fer a latch handle thing! Jus what's I's was ah' lookin fer. The difference is that's it's $8.99, not the $62 the brits want, then with the VAT, customs, shippin' and so forth, that comes to $7,321!
So's I get's me plastik and orderes me some. komputer says, (Well actually doesn't sez anything, jest spels it all out) I'll have em' by early Feb, and of dis yer!
I'm happy...!

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #93 on: November 14, 2014, 09:34:21 PM »
Posted by nmeyer414:
Attached pictures are numbered from left to right 1-4

the first one was a suggestion for the fact that you can lock it in to place or at least run a pin through it to keep it from accidently coming open

2nd pic of what our current fuel cans look like with an old style metal fuel spout

3rd pic is what our new fuel spouts look like

4th pic is one of what the new fuel cans look like

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #94 on: November 14, 2014, 09:42:37 PM »
Gentlemen, hopefully your questions will be answered as you view the build. Nate, good idea on the pin and I love those fuel cans, top notch.
Ironically, my NATO fuel cans started coming in today so I can share pics of them. They are very robust, steel and last a lifetime
Here's some pics of them before I post up the build progress:

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #95 on: November 14, 2014, 09:44:28 PM »
Today I wanted to fab up the travel rest pedestal for the main beam and get a latch installed. I got done exactly that before domestic duties pulled me away
Here's the pedestal being created out of cardboard!

Piece by piece I cut the sections out of 12 gage with a plasma torch, then final fitted the parts with a grinder before tacking in place

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #96 on: November 14, 2014, 09:49:39 PM »
I built the top section out of one piece, bending it in the metal brake as necessary to get the fit I wanted. There is a flat section for the main beam to actually rest on and a short ramp, just in case the beam settles any due to the weight it might be carrying

After tacking the top piece on and cutting out the bottom piece. I cut the tack welds and removed the box, then welded the box from the inside with a hot weld that penetrated all the way through.

After cleaning and grinding, I welded the pedestal permanently onto the bumper, then cleaned the welds again with a wire cup

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #97 on: November 14, 2014, 09:54:15 PM »
I then welded up some positive stops to augument the poly bumper pad

I reinstalled the poly bumper and closed the beam in preparation for placing the first of two latch mechanisms

The latch is a HD sucker. Big strong and sporting a 11/16" steel plunger with a positive latch that will definitely keep the plunger seated
I started by drilling and tapping a small piece of thick angle and bolting that to the latch.

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #98 on: November 14, 2014, 09:58:28 PM »
I started with a rose weld, but then decided to give the outside edge a pass as well
Then I drilled and tapped the other 4 holes and installed stainless allen head screws

While holding the beam tightly closed, I placed a washer beneath the plunger and tacked it in place. I then drilled the hole out resulting in one tight super secure fit and retention of the main beam.

So that was mission complete for fab day 5, here's the state of the build at this point:

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Re: LML Duramax Silverado Build Thread....C-MAX [Part 2-EGR delete and more]
« Reply #99 on: November 15, 2014, 07:35:39 PM »
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