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Offline Flyin6

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Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« on: September 19, 2018, 09:04:28 AM »
This allegation coming in the 11th hour is just so believable (NOT!)
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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2018, 09:43:43 AM »
Living in the remote north hoping Ken doesn’t bring H up here any time soon…..

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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2018, 12:53:14 PM »
I think I heard something on the news last night about her donations, and something about the law firm that her brother works for has lost several cases either against Kavanaugh's mother or possibly by him?
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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2018, 03:19:11 PM »
This crap is getting deep indeed!

Daughter Of CIA Assassin Paymaster Tries To Bring Down Trump Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh
September 17, 2018 Sorcha Faal Featured, Sorcha Faal 0

September 17, 2018

Daughter Of CIA Assassin Paymaster Tries To Bring Down Trump Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An intriguing in-depth new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that a Stanford University Psychiatry Professor named Dr. Christine Blasey has become the latest centerpiece of a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plot to harm President Trump with her last-minute allegation, just days prior to US Senate confirmation, that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh had attempted to sexually assault her over 30 years ago when they were teenage school children—while being kept from the American people about Dr. Blasey is that she currently oversees the CIA Undergraduate Internship Program Stanford University developed by the notorious CIA-connected Stanford University Psychiatric Professor Dr. Frederick T. Melges—who himself, in 1985, took into his care the homeless woman Lois Lang who assassinated CIA paymaster Nick Deak—and that afterwards saw the CIA’sblack operations monies being controlled by Ralph G. Blasey Jr.—who, not so mysteriously, just happens to be the father of Dr. Christine Blasey.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, with Trump being warned, just prior to his assuming the presidency, by the powerful Democratic Party US Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer that US intelligence services “have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you”, this past nearly two years has shown just how prescient this warning was—and whose latest “strike back” against Trump is coming courtesy of a rogue CIA faction who have just trotted out for public display Dr. Christine Blasey (married name Christine Blasey Ford)—who claims that as a young high school teenager Brett Kavanaugh, also a high school teenager, tried to sexually assault her—but whose “evidence” for this being true shows Dr. Blasey unable to name the exact year it happened, her not remembering where the incident took place or how she got home, her not being able to remember key details of the incident, her not remembering how the gathering came together the night of the incident, and her not telling anyone else about at the time—but should be expected to be the case from an unproven salacious allegation of this sort as it comes from a woman supporting the Democratic Party and who, also, hates President Trump.

As the “Deep State” aligned US mainstream propaganda media began flooding the airwaves, newspapers and internet with Dr. Blasey’s claims against Judge Kavanaugh, that have absolutely no proof or evidence behind anyone could ever investigate, this report continues, SVR intelligence analysts were immediately able to bring up her file in the archive of known and/or suspected CIA operatives—and whose placement in this file was due to her extensive and advanced educational training at Stanford University in the CIA-funded mind control-brainwashing techniques developed by Stanford University Psychiatric Professor Dr. Frederick T. Melges—whose primary mission for the CIA was to develop new technologies for interrogation and torture, secondary applications going towards studying the possibilities of exploiting highly “suggestible” subjects and getting them to do things — murders, couriers — they wouldn’t otherwise do, and of which they would have no memory in case they were caught.

Linked to Dr. Blasey’s SVR file of known and/or suspected CIA operatives, this report notes, is that of her father Ralph G. Blasey Jr.—a proven CIA operative who, from June-1962 to January-1974, was the Vice President of National Savings and Trust of Washington, D.C.—a CIA black budget bank best known for being 100 paces from the White House, and whom, in 1998, was taken over by SunTrust Bank—whose majority share owner is the CIA-linked investment fund BlackRock.

The importance of noting the CIA banking connections of Ralph G. Blasey Jr., this report explains, is due to the outbreak of what is now known as the “CIA Bank War”—and whose start of, in 1982, a CIA seized from publication news report (Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/09/05: CIA-RDP90-00965R00150010-7) describes as: “This is Wall Street, the center of the international banking system, a system on the edge of a crisis so severe that the Central Intelligence Agency is preparing drastic measures.  Something must be done to avert the breakdown of the Free World’s monetary system.”

The main CIA operative involved in this war, and whom Ralph G. Blasey Jr. reported to, this report details, was Nicholas Deak—a longtime OSS and CIA operative, both during and after World War II, who ran the CIA’s main black budget operations under the direct command of the feared CIA Counterintelligence Chief James Jesus Angleton.

To how the CIA prevented the total breakdown of the Western banking system in 1982, this report says, was by their illegally laundering hundreds-of-millions of dollars of Colombian drug cartel cash into it to keep it afloat in an operation overseen by the CIA’s “James Bond of Money” Nickolas Deak—but when the President Ronald Reagan administration found out what the CIA had done, and started investigating it, saw Deak, on 19 November 1985, being assassinated in his New York City office by a homeless woman named Lois Lang—who had mysteriously managed to travel thousands-of-miles across the United States from Seattle to conduct this killing in what news reports at the time described as:

Lang saw him and turned the corner with purpose, aiming the pistol with both arms.

When she had Deak in her sights, she froze, transfixed. “It was as if she’d finally found what she was looking for,” a witness later testified.

Deak seized the pause to lunge and grab Lang’s throat with both hands, pressing his body into hers.

She fired once next to Deak’s ear and missed wide, before pushing him away just enough to bring the gun into his body and land a shot above his heart.

The bullet ricocheted off his collarbone and shredded his organs.

Deak crumbled onto the floor. “Now you’ve got yours,” said Lang.

A witness later claimed she took out a camera and snapped photographs of her victim’s expiring body.

The bag lady then grabbed the banker by the legs, dragged him into his office, and shut the door.

Though the American people were correctly told that Nicolas Deak assassin Lois Lang had previously been under psychiatric care, this report continues, what was failed to be reported to them was that Lang had been under the direct care and medical supervision of the CIA’s own Stanford University Psychiatric Professor Dr. Frederick T. Melges just prior to her traveling from Seattle to New York City to carry out this assassination—and who was the exact type of assassin Dr. Melges had been working to create in his CIA-funded mind control MKULTRA programme—and whose Canadian victims of are still being silenced after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, this past December, imposed a gag order on them to keep them silent—but that does apply to Judge Kavanaugh accuser Dr. Christine Blasey, who remains able to teach her CIA Undergraduate Internship Program at Stanford University the MKULTRA mind control techniques discovered by Dr. Melges.

Like his daughter Dr. Christine Blasey, this report concludes, CIA black money operative Ralph G. Blasey Jr. remains secure, too—and who, today, is the Vice President of Business Development of Red Coats, Inc.—whose Admiral Security Services provides armed security for “Deep State” elites in Washington D.C.—that is overseen by Red Coats, Inc. co-founder and Vice Chairman William F. Peel III—and whose Datawatch Systems, Peel III also controls, has USgovernment contracts extending till 23 June 2023 under the category of 246.42.1 to provide US defense and intelligence agencies with facility management systems to include accessories and repair parts, computerized systems for surveillance, monitoring, controlling, signaling and reporting multiple functions—all of which SVR intelligence analysts believe the American people have the right to know about in their evaluating the claims against Judge Kavanaugh being leveled against him by Dr. Christine Beasley—but who know it will never happen
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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2018, 01:48:39 PM »
im just catching a quick bit of this live hearing, and all I can say is that this woman is stupid!!!!!  and is being led by her attorney!
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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2018, 02:26:56 PM »
You mean this attorney?

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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2018, 02:29:03 PM »
Any republican that votes against Kavanaugh, I’m going to declare financial jihad on. I’ll contribute and make calls and whatever I can do to get them to lose their seat.

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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2018, 03:35:08 PM »
Any republican that votes against Kavanaugh, I’m going to declare financial jihad on. I’ll contribute and make calls and whatever I can do to get them to lose their seat.

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Financial Jihad...Whoa!
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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2018, 04:23:14 PM »
I watched kavanaughs opening statement, and DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!  he blasted all of them to include the Clintons (yeah both) !
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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2018, 04:23:31 PM »
pissed off was/is an understatement!
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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2018, 04:46:21 PM »
I am watching the case play out on cbsn. I am so fired up about this. I hope the dems burn in their hell for all time for this stunt. And by hell I mean another 3 generations of Trump!!!
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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2018, 04:49:51 PM »
Lindsey graham is kind of funny right now......
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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2018, 05:03:04 PM »
I can’t even watch it!!  I am however having sushi and hiabachi with my beautiful wife and kids!  With Nigori Saki so I’m good.
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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2018, 06:39:35 PM »
Great emoji!!!

Looks like Kavanaugh is on a roll,,,,,,,,,,,
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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2018, 07:32:40 PM »
When civil war erupts, history will show it was due to the degradation of the moral and constitutional fabric of our country through circuses like this.

It all boils down to abortion.  Democrats are willing to defend abortion and the progressive liberal agenda so viciously that they are willing to destroy this country
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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2018, 07:40:49 PM »
As another great American just said;

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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2018, 08:05:28 PM »
For those that missed Graham

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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2018, 09:58:40 PM »
Oh i watched it live, and it was good.

Good luck judge on the vote tomorrow!
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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2018, 01:45:59 AM »
If only we could put some Dems through the same.

She has no witnesses, he has many. Finklestien still wants an investigation, but of what?

Delay, delay is all it is. Vote him in and be done with it!
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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2018, 06:14:09 AM »
Historically, when a justice retires or passes, presidents would nominate a person who reflects that judge’s ideology, at least directionally.

Knowing Trump, now that the dems have pulled this crap, if Kavanaugh gets confirmed and RBG dies Trump is going to shove an even stronger conservative down their throat

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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2018, 08:39:05 AM »
This is nothing more than evil wanting the continued ability to keep sacrificing their unborn children at Lucifer’s feet. I am thoroughly amazed at what lengths evil will go to continue these blood sacrifices upon the innocents.

I still think L Graham is a DB, but maybe the weasel has at least one vertebra left in his back.
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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2018, 01:23:33 PM »
My wife and I were talking about the wonderment of God's plan, if in fact kavenaugh is confirmed, and the the bag of bones and evil Ginsburg croaked after the mid-terms should the Republicans keep the Congress, that would be salacious wonderment watching all the Libs faces melt similar to the Ark scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark!  Like Martin.....I HAVE A DREAM!
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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2018, 02:28:54 PM »

But let her retire. She would be a marter if she passed and all Hell would break loose!
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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2018, 09:30:32 PM »
Living in the remote north hoping Ken doesn’t bring H up here any time soon…..

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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #24 on: September 29, 2018, 09:32:31 AM »
Same person!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ or at least twins
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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #25 on: September 29, 2018, 11:49:40 AM »
He is better looking
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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #26 on: September 29, 2018, 12:02:48 PM »
But she’s a better actor

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Re: Cavanaugh accuser: Another liberal liar!
« Reply #27 on: October 15, 2018, 02:10:14 PM »
Crowder did a "Rape culture is a myth" video, which ties into Ford, and then this video:

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