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« Last Edit: December 08, 2015, 11:02:02 AM by Flyin6 »
Living in the remote north hoping Ken doesn’t bring H up here any time soon…..

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Re: Take heade
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2015, 02:45:45 AM »
He did say hope and change,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Retired LEO  Lifetime NRA+  Outcast in Calif

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Take heade
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2015, 05:39:28 PM »
Yeah, guess are definition was a little different than his.......
Living in the remote north hoping Ken doesn’t bring H up here any time soon…..

Offline Flyin6

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Re: Take heade
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2015, 09:54:01 PM »
Helped you out

« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 09:54:54 PM by Flyin6 »
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

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Re: Take heade
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2015, 09:58:33 PM »
That right there blows the whole black lives matter argument to shreds.....
Living in the remote north hoping Ken doesn’t bring H up here any time soon…..

Offline TexasRedNeck

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Re: Take heade
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2015, 12:13:56 AM »
Black lives only matter when they vote democrat or get killed by a white cop..
Kids today don't know how easy they have it. When I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel.

Joshua 6:20-24

Offline Flyin6

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Re: Take heed
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2015, 12:28:43 PM »
Most of all I hate that the argument takes a racial view. What is the difference between a black man and an American Indian, white guy, Jew from Israel?

Answer: Nothing other than where they came from and who they call momma!
I love black folks!

Not because they are black, but because one is John, a loving husband who can't sing worth a hoot. Mimi a black woman loves and feels for women so much she devoted her life to saving every last one she can. She's color blind, like me, only sees the person.

And I hate some blacks. Like the worthless father of that boy in Ferguson who abandoned his duties and allowed his son to become a criminal who at the time of his death needed to be stopped or an honest officer would have been killed.

I don't like some Jewish people because they hold to the belief that gentiles (Me) are reviled and evil. And I love some Jews because one is a friend and a doctor and loves crappie fishing and loves his wife and boys.

I hate some Muslims, because they cut open their own children and load the hollowed carcass with a bomb to try to kill others. And I love some Muslims because they try to do the best they can with what they have. I have fought along side of them and fought against them as well.

My point is that intelligence (Not that I necessarily posses any) is the difference. God given intelligence may have discernment. You may be gifted with the ability to look past the macro onto another level called the individual.

This evil, unfortunately perpetrated by some isolated but controlling stratum of our very own government and media (Same thing...Hmmm???), uses ignorance to pull the focus back to the macro. "It's dem hateful white boys jest ah' killin' my bro's!" I mean how stupid is that anyway? (Answer: Very) But stupidity of that (Low) of a magnitude is easily steered. It can be turned and controlled, pointed by those with a sharper mind to their purpose.

I believe that focus of those who sit "Up there" is to tangle up things and confuse the masses so that they ultimately maintain control the masses. All they want is all the control and all the power to perpetuate their way of life.

So they enrage a stupid black mob (Did I say stupid black mob??? Why yes I did) to go burn up police vehicles and kill and injure the very people who are placed around to protect their stupid butts!

Now I say stupid black mob because in viewing this what I saw in Ferguson and in Baltimore, for example were crowds of angry, unruly, and criminal black people. A crowd could be called a mob, correct? if all the people are black, one could deduce they were, well, black!

And finally I deduce they were stupid because in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, they choose to follow a fictitious storyline, well then in my air assault, mustard seed, Kool-Aid pumping corn fed country boy mind, they are just, stupid!

The problem is that PC is now used as a weapon. Please Allow me to "splain": The truth is that we have in this example an angry black mob which I think is stupid. All the definitions in Webster and all the results of logical reasoning would render that exact conclusion to be correct.

But someone said, one day, not so very long ago, that "Well, little Johnny, we can't call it a black mob, that would tend to point out that its the blacks that are together doing this criminal act. And Little Johnny, we can't say they are stupid, no that would make them feel bad about the fact that, well they really aren't smart at all as proven by facts such as testing and observation and every other human measure of intelligence.

And Little Johnny, we can't point out the fact that they are breaking windows, and burning up people's homes, most of which are actually owned by other black people, now can we? Oddly enough the majority of the home owners are black as well, although, good law abiding people...No that would make them feel bad and that wouldn't be kind now would it?

Well, I think you see how by trying to accommodate the uncomfortable facts we set aside the truth. Those people were lazy, mostly worthless parasites who like a fat tick are stuck on the side of a dying host. They care not to improve themselves, they care not to face facts, they lack the moral courage to look at the mirror and see that they have become the underbelly of a struggling society, an underbelly, we will someday have to slough off. THEY CAN'T FACE THE TRUTH!

Here is the thing about the truth
First, it always is itself!
If one uses it all the time, then it never has to be used in a way that might hurt.
Truth leads no avenue aside from those paved in goodness and righteousness.
Truth heals
Truth prevents lies
Truth is a ten thousand straight up wall of solid granite that leaves lies and distortion no where to go.

The truth is the greatest casualty here with my example. And what is the ultimate truth?
It's God's word!
It's GOD! 
In case you didn't get it, I said GOD
So the antithesis of God and truth are hate and lies, or as graphically demonstrated, the angry black mob in Ferguson. Plenty of examples aside from Ferguson or Baltimore. How about the crowds of angry white haters in Alabama in Martin Luther's time? want more more white mob examples...stupid mobs? Well thinking for just one second, there's the KKK for one, then skin heads, brothers of the Arian race, need I say more?

At the root of all of this is a detachment from God and his word and a relationship with his son JESUS

I promise you just as I am a coffee drinkin' hillbilly, if you replaced that hatred, born of ignorance and stupidity, with a love of Jesus...Just a love for him, then absolutely everything would change...EVERYTHING!

"Mobs" of blacks (and probably whites mixed in) would then descent on a town offering lemonade to our police officers, and organize into groups that picked up trash, painted houses, and fed hungry people. If we loved Jesus, the Welfare system would fall apart. It would be dismantled because there would be no more need for it! People like Obama and his cronies would be removed from office because truth lovers could no longer live with the lies and deceit. We would not have hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees coming here. Why? Because they would know this is a nation of Jesus lovers, and frankly believing in Mohammad, they would say "Seriously, I don't really want to be witnessed to fifty times a day. The ones who would come would come because they would know they could be saved from the bonds of Islam and freed in the love of Christ.

You give me a nation of Christ followers, real Christ followers, and I'll show you a nation that has no need for laws

Hate some blacks, yep sometimes I sure do. Some whites as well, yea, I guess so. All blacks bad? Nope, that's the lies of the enemy talkin' Seriously...You kidding me? Look at Colin Powell, Norman Cain, Allen West to name a few. Any of you not willing to follow them? Well if you said maybe or nah, then go register democrat, declare you're a liberal, start contributing to the American communist party, donate some cash to pro-choice, and forget all about going to church! Because brother, you's a square peg in the preverbal round hole and in all honesty, only Jesus can help ya, you're way above my ability to help!

What I hate, is the lie, this racial divide lie, and I hate and the great liar. The current powers to be appear through their deeds to honor Satan. Working with a dumbed down population they are trying to focus us out to their big picture. A picture they are crafting which is untrue. It is not a racial problem we have, it is a problem of laziness, and stupidity, all driven by dividing a large part of America from the ways of our king, Jesus.

How effective have they been in your life? You buying it, or focusing on Jesus.

One more thing. Through all this as I grow stronger and more confident in Christ, I have started to smile more and more through the hard times. First because I know it's the enemy pushing this agenda of stupidity, laziness, and social divides. A soldier overlooking his enemy while he is in a controlling position might smile as well, knowing all along those boys down there are gonna' fall.
Jesus Christ is coming back my friends, and at the end of the day, even if you are sitting on a battlefield watching your blood mix with the dirt all around you. Even then it doesn't matter. JESUS CHRIST is coming back to conquer. And you will be with him. No matter what, in every situation the script is always going to end the same. At the end of all this its only going to be one king, my king and hopefully your king standing over all this. And all this evil will be put down to annihilation...Halliugha!!!

Get him and you'll get right
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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