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Messages - Flyin6

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Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:55:21 PM »
I ran Sarge, and both tractors to keep the fluids circulated, batteries charged, and seals exercised

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:53:47 PM »
Painting complete, although I ran out of 1 X 8 and could not trim the back two corners yet

I tied the roof panels together on the top side with a section of the same poly carbonate roof stuff. I screwed that mohekin down and called it G-T-G for now

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:50:06 PM »
Getting taped up for painting of the trim pieces

I think I got some of the paint onto the bare wood, along with the doors and the sides

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:48:24 PM »
Trim is going on. The front and rear roof panels secure the whole thing

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:46:53 PM »
Doors going on, and guess what??

They fit!!!!!!!!!

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:45:34 PM »
Both roof panels installed. Local security courtesy of Scout

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:43:18 PM »
Side on and working on leveling the thing

I only blocked it in for now. I will work on leveling it once again after I get another load of gravel on site

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:41:37 PM »
Front attached

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:41:11 PM »
Tanks repositioned

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:40:16 PM »
Lots of parts and materials accumulating

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:39:00 PM »
Two sides up, tanks moved some

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:37:46 PM »
The place is always growing

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:37:01 PM »
The start of assembling the water tank structure

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:35:47 PM »
I also hung up 50 more feet of Goodyear air hose

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:34:54 PM »
Picked up this oscillating saw for the Christmas

I'll cut some trees down with it later!

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:33:03 PM »
Added a second grease gun...Dog carried off the first one. Haven't given up on it just yet, I figure when I find it along with the red handled channel locks the beast carried off too, I'll be back up to running speed

An extra piece of PVC with cardboard and a rag stuffed inside makes for a good holder

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:31:25 PM »
Added this rack of spade type wood drill bits

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:30:49 PM »
And a handy spot for the bottle of glue

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:30:16 PM »
...Yes a handful of life-savers

This is a survival site after all!

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:29:26 PM »
Northern Tool had this rack of bins on sale for like $15 so I scored one and mounted that sucker up

Hide Site / Re: Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:28:04 PM »
I tore down the structure and loaded it onto the trailer. I picked a beautiful weekend to reassemble it on site. THe weather man predicted warm and sunny with 60's-70's...Perfect!

But weather men being what they are, some when throwing the tea leaves and whale bones they use to guess at the weather, pitch them in a haphazard manner and we get a bunch of junk for weather. In my case, this weekend, it was rain and mud...Lots of it!

So I started day 1 of a three day run mounting things in the shed. I picked up this HF fire extinguisher for the workshop

Hide Site / Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 4
« on: February 20, 2017, 05:23:18 PM »
I felt like this would be a good point to start a part 4 to the improving Hide Site build out.

When just starting the idea was to just nail down someplace to "Go-To," in the event the need arose. I wanted something that was within a few hours drive, but still very remote. I found that location in a very low populated county in Kentucky. There are no 4 lanes anywhere near by and only one primary road in the whole county. The rest of it isjust a network of switchbacks and country roads in all different states of repair.

The land I purchased is nothing that ever showed up formally for sale, and I purchased it for cash and closed in a day. There was practically no footprint to the passing of the deed of the 91 acres.

So that was what I would call Phase 1. That and some minimal improvements to the place with the idea being that it was little more than a rally point, or if I carried in camping gear, it would sustain us in secrecy.

Phase 2 had me improving the dirt road into the property and clearing off some of the mess. The site was a farm as we know that was not used for some three and a half decades. Cedar trees had all but taken over what should have been nearly forty acres of fields. Junk was everywhere and although there was a single wire overhead on a pole with a light, there was nothing else.. Phase 2 concluded with my towing in a camper and powering it with a generator.

Phase 3 began with a couple years work clearing hundreds (Thousands?) of trees, and bush hogging the fields several times to gid them of the encroaching trees. That accomplished, the place really started to open up and could support crops or livestock with the addition of some fencing. I added the "Shed" during this Phase which brought me the ability to do more work and repair things that always seemed to be breaking.

I relocated the camper to a ledge I carved out of the hillside with the now functioning track loader. I bedded that in laying gravel and improving the site weekly. Although powered still by a noisy generator, it was becoming livable. I continued to clear the fields making all sorts of discoveries to include a 1830's Amish built well that still had six to eight feet of water, although the quality of said water is questionable still.

Another big step forward happened with the addition of actual grid supplied electricity. Now the plan remains to go off the grid and live normally, for now the power company supplies the electricity to run all sorts of tools. Speaking of which, the shed has improved and improved, now having heat, pressurized air, saws, and a more complete compliment of tools.

With more and more time being spent down there, I was going through the camper's 40 gallons of water every few days, so that became my next focus. As with everything, I am not going all the way to the final solution, however building out in steps. These smaller steps are cheaper, digestible, and quickly add to the livability and capacity of the place.

Late in part 3, I was constructing the new water tanks and enclosure structure which will house and keep 660 gallons of the wet stuff from freezing during the cold months. I am using solar power, passive type to accomplish that chore.

We shall begin part 4 and Phase 4 with that project, so here goes:

Much better

I doubt the 2" pipe will keep up with anything other than a moderate rain. A thunder storm dumping 7" an hour will overcome a 4" pipe.

Maybe not too late to plumb in an over flow line to tera-firma from the caps. One good gully washer and the pipes will be all backed up and the spouts/gutters might be carrying some serious weight.

I could be wrong, I am making recommendations based on what I know of rain collectin' in the Kin-Tuck Which I think every third person does.

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: New CIEMR
« on: February 17, 2017, 09:11:56 PM »
Shawn. I'm going to call you out on that with all brotherly love. That's no different that saying an attractive woman walking alone at night in s bad part of town and got raped "had it coming". If I stomp the crap out of every flag burning lib tard how would the establishment react?  I should be able to cover my truck in trump stickers and not worry about vandalism.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I see it both ways. Shawn is correct with keeping the low profile. But so is the Texas Red Neck. I have every right to honor my flag and display the units I served in while in a combat role. I know the rats are out there, and I know they are cowards. Sometimes I like to put the patriotism out there just to say to them "Hey, you weren't man enough to face another man in battle, you'd rather sneak around like some coward...But when I come we both know who's gonna win the day..."

So both points valid. It comes down to a matter of choice, a subjective thing...

Very cool....it will be neat seeing that working at the hide site!
Goal is to have it assembled there this week, but without the solar heat collectors. I have yet to find some powerful 12 volt fans. I have a few picked out, but I'll have to make a decision and order them

So after I re-erect the structure, I'll have to figure out the water connection to the tanks, finish the collectors and install them, then to finish, make the connection to the trailer and run a 12VDC wire from the camper's battery.

I'm knocking on the door...

Back to just a messy shop ready for the next out of square project!

And just like that it was loaded, stacked and padded. Only need to strap it down and hook up to it and I'm on my way

Then a bit more

Then the pump board and the far wall

Doors and roof off. Time: Maybe 10 minutes

I now have the building broken down and loaded for transport to the farm

It took very little time to tear it down. It took more time and care to carry all the pieces outside through a low door than unscrewing it all

D.O.T. / Re: Harward turns down national security adviser offer
« on: February 17, 2017, 02:07:55 PM »
Don, relation of yours? :popcorn:

Picture shows a guy but much prettier so we knew it wasn't you....

Harward turns down Trump's national security adviser offer, sources say http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/02/16/harward-turns-down-trumps-national-security-adviser-offer-sources-say.html
I knew him back in the day. Talked with him one night in the "O" club. We decided we were not related

He's a good guy, respected in the community

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / New CIEMR
« on: February 16, 2017, 10:23:53 AM »
A Dangerous Intersection Comes Neigh

The line of those seeking to live good productive lives and the line of people driven from a number of evils is converging.

We are not well, we are not healthy. As a Nation we are diverging. Led by forces which I believe are driven by the power of evil. Call those forces what you may, globalists, fascists, anti this or pro that, but to me the larger game is in play: Good vs evil.

If anyone thinks that we are out of the woods because the election of a change for good agent is in the white house, they need only look around. The left is growing more violent all the time. The talk coming from them is more and more hateful and indeed, hate filled. The right seems to be barely restraining itself against being pushed too far away from their common sense beliefs. We now have “Fake News,” Embellishments, outright lies and few people know what to believe anymore. Confusion is the flavor of the day. The right does something, then the left interprets that action as prejudicial, or hateful. 

The President acts to defend America against immigrants who may be killers, and the left thinks we are banning Mexicans. I made note of that because people waving Mexican flags in Los Angeles were protesting a supposed ban on immigration. This action illustrates how misinformed people are these days. The ban had nothing to do with Mexicans. Well unless they were coming in from Iraq. The ban had little to do with a specific religion, the Muslims, but focused simply on all immigrants from specific countries who lack proper vetting procedures.

We have grown so stupid as a nation and a culture that no one seems to know what the issues really are. Do you realize that if folks simply focused on the facts, that almost all of the protests would not have happened. That is assuming people possess the ability to interpret factual information. I would expect to see some family living in Minnesota being angry about Somalia being on the banned country list, but why should Mexicans in Houston or LA be concerned?

And another point, Why is the left so hell bent on flooding our nation with Muslims? Does anyone get the fact that when Muslim cultures flood a country having a Christian culture that crime soon skyrockets? Did anyone notice what is going on in France? In Belgium? In Germany, Or Sweden or literally any place where Muslims are introduced? They don’t fit here in anything but small numbers where they are afforded the opportunity to assimilate into our culture while away from the watchful eye of their gestapo, the shakes, clerics, and imams. I don’t know about you but if I was out walking with my wife or daughter in the warm weather with the ladies wearing typical summer clothes and some self-appointed Shira law enforcer tried to stop her…Well, suffice it to say there would be trouble.

You see, I view this AO as my nation. I love it, I was born here, I fought for our principals, I earned my rights. You know the country I grew up in. The one that had Catholic and Baptist, and Methodist churches and Synagogues here and there. I don’t ever recall hearing the prayers all day long from Mosques, well not until I was forced to leave my country to fight in a war in a, yep, Muslim country! Several actually...

The people on the right have been pushed into accepting two men marrying or publically kissing as acceptable. I find that sickening, but the left demands me to participate. I simply cannot, ever. So they label me as something I am not, homophobic. No I am not that, I am simply a Christian and a follower (Most of the time…I fail from time to time) of the teachings of Jesus and the word of God himself. I am called a fascist because I love my country??? I just think of that as being a citizen and hopefully, a patriot. But people on the left don’t like the fact that I have those feelings. I once came out of the restaurant on a date night with my beautiful wife. My truck was all keyed up. I called the police, and they came. One officer said, “Ah, that’s why.” He pointed out the prominently displayed US flag and Army unit patch decals I had on the back of it. He explained that publically displaying US flags is seen by some as racist!

Now I have heard that, but to see the hatred spread out over my truck was bringing that home to me and making it personal. I see white people who call others “Whitey” and say that whites are privileged. That’s crazy all by itself, the fact that one white person is calling another white out in a derogatory manner. But what about this White Privilege thing? Is that as prevalent as the liars would have us believe?

I have been called by that name myself. I grew up in a 900 square foot house. I lived in the attic. I had no heat and no air conditioning. I had to buy my first car and have worked since I was sixteen. When I joined the Army after High School. I wasn’t paid enough to either eat or buy car insurance. I chose to eat, but could only do so every day, if I could find five cans of beans on sale for a dollar! Any less and I’d be on a fast for twenty four hours. I only received $75 a month for food rations back then. But I fought through it, shooting squirrels and rabbits for my meat and getting free gas or food from the Army every once in a while. Others knew I was dirt poor and would invite me to dinner, and I’d accept. Afterward I’d thank them for their kindness.

I had to scratch and claw and spend most of my life in crap holes all over this planet but eventually I came out a well-educated and highly paid pilot and flew in the Airlines for a time. So how was any of that privileged? Truth is, of course, none of it was. I and millions like me, worked for what we have. I did not choose a life of crime, or drug use, or of lies, or looking for the fast buck. Making excuses did not put food on the table or gas in the tank. I just buckled down and hit the grindstone every day. So why do people of any color think they deserve anything for free if they made all the wrong choices throughout their lives, and continue to make them? The fact is they don’t! They will live shallow, burdened, and mostly meaningless lives and die having done nothing for their fellow man.

But these people vote, well they do when they get fed, paid, and bussed to do so. They are given a voice. They are propped up in some false position of righteousness that they do not deserve. They make so much noise that they scare people. They are backed by some powerful and influential people who I think are the very definition of evil, people such as George Soros. Through the money and influence of the silent backers they are told what to think. Most of these protesters are pretty stupid and are easily influenced and are simply being used to add numbers and noise to a movement. A movement that is artificial and created to be used. The backers are actually set to eliminate these useful idiots once they are no longer needed. Anyone think Soros wants a world filled with transvestites, homosexuals, or black lives matter activists? Nope, not on your life. If Soros could get us Christian strong believers to sell out to him and kill off the poor, he’d do it tomorrow.

These powers are at work out there. We, however, will not be pushed farther. We were approaching civil war here in America under Obama. I would suggest that the election of our champion, President Trump is serving to tip them toward violence. And just how is that going to work out? When an angry mob throwing things enters a Christian conservative neighborhood, I can only guess how many might die before the gunfire stops. You see, the police have been beaten back into an indefensible corner. If they act, their actions will be scrutinized by the left and they will suffer at the hand of injustice. So they are tolerant to the point of not doing their jobs in more and more situations. What that does is emboldening the left.

They get the feeling they are growing stronger because some are allowed to shove a conservative campus speaker around, or burn a couple of city blocks that a mayor has allowed them to burn. The thing that has allowed this to happen is our respect for the law. But the law is an ever thinning line, maybe just thread nowadays. That thread is breaking in places and could snap on a regional or national basis with the next social crisis. Should you be caught in that region, you are as alone and on your own just as if the nation had been nuked.

Things are not getting better. They are growing worse. Violence is more and more common. The left wants, demands actually, that we give Muslims everything they want. Reason and logic has left the building and we Christians stand now as an exposed bedrock much the same as Half-Dome in Yosemite national park, and are being eroded by the weather. A storm blowing out of hell itself with a maelstrom of attacks on every facet of our lives. Some people in the protected heartland may not feel it, but travel into a large city center like LA or Houston, or Chicago, or Baltimore or even our nation’s capital, and you’ll likely see it firsthand.

Go there wearing a shirt that says “I love Jesus” and you risk your life! That can no longer be just a simple statement. The left (Evil) has changed that to read: If you are gay, Muslim, black, or who knows what, then I hate you! In fact I think I am better than you, and you are wrong, and I am right.” That simple proclamation of faith does not mean any of those things the left would believe of course, but the hate filled left surely believes it! So when you do so, know that in this day in America it may get your truck keyed or even a visit to the emergency room or morgue!

If you aren’t training, planning, putting away, and preparing, you are a fool. If you aren’t praying and studying the word, you are not using your greatest asset. We are not healing as a nation. We are a people sliding down the slippery slope into a morass of chaos.

Rage against the evil! Live your lives and live them well. Find courage and stand. Live your life for the one who can save all of us, but don’t be tricked into believing things are fine, they are not…

she keeps on getting re-elected, so that should tell you something.
Maybe we should relax the nuclear test ban treaty in her district

not during the summer, the fallout can move west and effect all of us normal people.

Of course, my bad!

Most people around the area of my farm have cisterns that collect rain water or have water trucked in. Rain more than keeps up for most folks

No plans for a "real" no joke well on the property?
I definitely plan to develop the existing well, you know that bonehead!

I'm adding to the place in stages. With everything that gets done, the place becomes even more capable of sustaining peoples, like my peoples, maybe some of you knuckleheads, who knows...

Yep, build a ring wall up around the well mouth, then erect a metal building around it

Place a solar pump in it

Place a collection tank next to it

Run a line for the overflow from that tank to the Koi pond

Run another line up to the house cistern which doesn't exist just yet

AKA - Mash House/Still House with overflow line going to "Raccoon Feeding Pond" alternately known as Don's Hippie Wash Station.
Not Raccoons Mike, Cows! Now four to six of them.

Tell you what, if no one claims them by next fall, I will!

she keeps on getting re-elected, so that should tell you something.
Maybe we should relax the nuclear test ban treaty in her district

Why do we listen to these morons


I used to think I was just a regular guy, but . . . I was born white, which now, whether I like it or not, makes me a racist.


I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which by today's standards, makes me a fascist.


I am heterosexual, which according to gay folks, now makes me a homophobic.


I am non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class and an ally of big business.


I am a Christian, which now labels me as an infidel.


I believe in the 2nd Amendment, which now makes me a member of the vast gun lobby.


I am older than 60, which makes me a useless old man.


I think and I reason, therefore I doubt much that the main stream media tells me, which must make me a reactionary.


I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive American culture, which makes me a xenophobe.


I value my safety and that of my family and I appreciate the police and the legal system, which makes me a right-wing extremist.


I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to each individual's merits, which today makes me an anti-socialist.


I believe in the defense and protection of the homeland for and by all citizens, which now makes me a militant.


Recently, a sick old woman called me and my friends a “basket of deplorables”.


Please help me come to terms with the new me . . . because I'm just not sure who I am anymore!


I would like to thank all my friends for sticking with me through these abrupt, new found changes in my life and my thinking!


I just can't imagine or understand what's happened to me so quickly!


Funny . . . it's all just taken place over the last 7 or 8 years! As if all this crap wasn't enough to deal with. I'm now afraid to go into either restroom!


In God We Trust

I just ordered the buggerd up housing part for my ShurFlow 55psi water pump. Cost me all of $25

So when that puppy is repaired, I'll use it for a dedicated line for the spigot...Watch out little people!

Cooking equipment / Re: Percolator coffee
« on: February 15, 2017, 02:06:57 PM »
Took one for the team he did

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
OK, whole story

We were scrambled out early for desert shield/storm.

When they bounced the 82nd Airborne, the next batch of guys to go was the 5th Special Forces Group. SOCOM cut a slice of the 160th (Me) to support the 5th SFG.

We had no idea how long it was going to last or when we might come back home. But after a few weeks, we were getting pretty hairy lookin' So Dave, our 1SG decided he needed to give everyone a haircut. He sort of volunteered me to be the first. You know, officer leading the way and all that crap. So I took the seat and sucked it up.

Thing was, who could balk it if the biggest guy in the unit had a buzz by top? Didn't matter, that was early September and we were over there the entire time for the build up and the war afterward...

Might want to use a freeze proof hose bibb or put a valve on the inside to isolate it in severe weather

I second this, they make freeze proof hose bibbs for a reason.  Do you have enough room inside for it? 
Yes, I believe I have enough room

I'll make the change

$ inch should move a little water and the Y's make sense then.

Did you ever figure out the well issue with all the crud in there?
There was an odd "Second surfacing" of debris that we cleaned out again.

After that other projects were consuming my time, so it is a due out at the moment

Maybe you've discussed it before but have you tried driving a point?  If you could find water it would be a quick way to get clean drinking water without any extra filters etc..
Driving a point???

What's that mean?

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: Coffee worth trying?
« on: February 15, 2017, 10:34:53 AM »
Everything bagel...garlic cream cheese...........

No plans for a "real" no joke well on the property?
I definitely plan to develop the existing well, you know that bonehead!

I'm adding to the place in stages. With everything that gets done, the place becomes even more capable of sustaining peoples, like my peoples, maybe some of you knuckleheads, who knows...

Yep, build a ring wall up around the well mouth, then erect a metal building around it

Place a solar pump in it

Place a collection tank next to it

Run a line for the overflow from that tank to the Koi pond

Run another line up to the house cistern which doesn't exist just yet

Coffee Induced Early Morning Rant / Re: Coffee worth trying?
« on: February 15, 2017, 09:49:41 AM »
This is definitely something to look into.  I hate to say it but I have used $@#^bucks coffee for years.  I wouldn't mind at all finding a good coffee with a good cause/general belief system to start investing in.  I will try some Just Black.
There is a lot to be said about Timmy Hortons

Over in the Afghanistan, Timmy-Ho's sent a couple 53' containers in an Air Farce C-17 with a store inside. Longest lines in the kandahar were there every morning. Timmy Horton supported their troops. Can't say I've ever seen any of the hippie Starbuck cowards anywhere near a combat zone. They cook coffee during the day, then "Man up" and throw stones at our police at night. Sorry, I'm getting political again...

Well, heck, I own this site, I can get any darn way I want to!

I am sick and tired of the hippie liberals dressing themselves up with cool boutiques and coffee shops and trying to think they are "good." They are not, plain and simple. You either support your nation and the good things of your people, or you don't. You are either for God or (as we say in the hills of the tucky), agin him. Black or white, right or wrong, left or right.

We are right
Right means we are conservative
Which means we are usually right (Correct)
The first born sits at the right of the father
Jesus sits at the right side of God
I like being "Right"


(Rant Complete)

Cooking equipment / Re: Percolator coffee
« on: February 14, 2017, 10:57:21 PM »
Used a percolator all the years I was in the army going around the scenic areas.  Quickly threw away the guts and just dumped coffee in the water.  A splash of cold water or a pinch of salt will sink the grounds and make for a good hot cup.  Learned that from some of the old guys in scout camp and grand pa making coffee in the fire place.
Hmmm, never heard of those tricks

Guess we A-V-8-ers weren't as tuned in as you engineers

Either that or

We were always hanging around places with mess halls ;-)

Then when not near a mess hall y'all probably had a pot in one of your offices. I don't recall ever being in a building near the flight line that didn't have one....shoot, I don't recall her being in any office that didn't have one. But I also was in the scenic places between the years of 07-10, so maybe it's a modern luxury?

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My tent had coffee
I made the youngest warrant officer in the unit brew it and clean up the coffee pot. Sometimes had steaks in a freezer along with a charcoal grill outside. On some occassions would have icecream and T-Ration coffee cake as well.

Needless to say, my hootch was a popular hang out. Top would make a fuss at out lack of light discipline (Strings of party lights) but in the evening would show up for whatever we were making!

Same same with the Sergeant Major. Would pitch a fit at me or my boys in front of the old man, but evenings would kick back at my place and hang out.

I'd chew his rear end at times but share cold ones with him the rest of the time. I think I was as good a friend to the senior NCO's as they were between themselves.

I volunteered for a haircut from my first sergeant once. He buzzed me. I ate him up for a long time after that memorable day. Dave is still a good friend with me to this very day

D.O.T. / Re: WDYDT (What Did You Do Today)
« on: February 14, 2017, 10:36:31 PM »
Good Job!

Love that red door!

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