RULES/WELCOMES > Site Rules & Introductions



Alright, so you want to post a bunch of pictures, that is awesome.  Good content includes a lot of detailed photos, which we definitely encourage.  Some things to keep in mind 
- We're currently limiting the number of post attachments to 4, mostly trying to figure out memory limitations as the site grows 
- all 4 attachments must be smaller than 1MB 
- individual attachment must be less than 500KB 
This is the same thing I do on every other forum I'm a member of. 
Go to the imgur website and create an account. You've basically got an unlimited amount of storage and it also helps in organizing your stuff (super simple to create albums, also allows drag and drop).  Then, using the
--- Code: ---[img][/img]
--- End code ---
code insert the direct link between the brackets, like so 
--- Code: ---[img][/img]
--- End code ---
and you will get this 

Note that if you click on the photo above, it will auto-enlarge to its full size. Right click and choose "View Image" to go to the webpage where it is hosted.
All you have to do is copy and paste your picture links into the image code (which is the button on posts that looks like the Mona Lisa).  Super simple and with the added bonus of embedding in the post itself instead of going to the end.


--- Quote from: OVERWATCH_09 on September 15, 2014, 07:49:51 PM ---Alright, so you want to post a bunch of pictures, that is awesome.  Good content includes a lot of detailed photos, which we definitely encourage.  Some things to keep in mind 
- We're currently limiting the number of post attachments to 4, mostly trying to figure out memory limitations as the site grows 
- all 4 attachments must be smaller than 1MB 
- individual attachment must be less than 500KB 
This is the same thing I do on every other forum I'm a member of. 
Go to the imgur website and create an account. You've basically got an unlimited amount of storage and it also helps in organizing your stuff (super simple to create albums, also allows drag and drop).  Then, using the
--- Code: ---[img][/img]
--- End code ---
code insert the direct link between the brackets, like so 
--- Code: ---[img][/img]
--- End code ---
and you will get this 

Note that if you click on the photo above, it will auto-enlarge to its full size. Right click and choose "View Image" to go to the webpage where it is hosted.
All you have to do is copy and paste your picture links into the image code (which is the button on posts that looks like the Mona Lisa).  Super simple and with the added bonus of embedding in the post itself instead of going to the end.

--- End quote ---
Now ya tell me after I transferred 200 posts and hundreds of pics! ;-))


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