VEHICLES, CAMPERS, and BOATS > Drones, Boats, Flying and Floating Things

New motor for the seahawk boat...

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Glad the insurance claim worked out for you.  In my experience watercraft insurance pays much more freely than auto and many times better than homeowners.  Had a similar issue with a failed outboard water pump.  We found some evidence of wood that might have attributed to the failure and seizing the #1 cylinder making the powerhead junk.  Insurance stroked  a check for a new Mercury Racing powerhead and labor to install.  I didn't expect the insurance to pay since if it was wood I had clearly hit it, but a buddy convinced me to file the claim and they were almost eager to pay.  :beercheers:

I wholeheartedly agree that God was looking out for me. The boat is just a possession, but the quality family time we spend on it is worth all the headache IMO. We spent nearly every weekend and some weeknights on that thing last summer, TOGTHER, not on phones or watching TV or hanging out at friends' houses, and I think THAT is what He was protecting. I'll post updates as they come, looking to make the drive from Camano to Olympia sometime next weekend.

yeah sure!  now you want to drive your happy butt down by Olympia now that I don't live there anymore..........HAHAHAHAHA

just kidding, cause I sure as heck didn't drive your way


--- Quote from: nmeyer414 on February 16, 2018, 11:15:47 AM ---yeah sure!  now you want to drive your happy butt down by Olympia now that I don't live there anymore..........HAHAHAHAHA

just kidding, cause I sure as heck didn't drive your way

--- End quote ---

I know you're kidding. I would have been there in heartbeat if I didn't have such precious little time with my family between the two jobs. we'll meet up at some point; you bring the brisket and I'll provide the Dungeness.


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