VEHICLES, CAMPERS, and BOATS > Everything Trailer, Camper, or RV related

OverLanding Camper Build

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Troop helped with the tenon joints!

The table will carry the bulk of the approximately 1,000 pounds while these two saw horses got a layer of my farm's eastern cedar atop to flush them out and provide a smooth sacrificial surface

Then I started tool collecting

I added a new woodworker vise to hold things steady on the new work bench

Knowing I was going to have to make tons of angular precision cuts on sheet goods, I picked up this Makita track saw with a 55" track. After having used it for some time now, I can report it has done a great job on making long, perfectly straight cuts at 90, 22.5, and 45 degrees.

After checking over the field of track saws, I purchased the Makita because in addition of having everything I wanted, it had something no one else I looked at had, this little slide that locked the saw into the track, so you could cut on a side or even upside down if you so desired


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