FOOD CORNER > Farming, Gardening, and Raising Your Own Food

Show us and tell us about your garden!

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--- Quote from: stlaser on April 07, 2020, 11:24:19 PM ---I’d tell you about ours but it’s a very sad story..... :embarrassed:

--- End quote ---

I thought you were doing hydroponics in the basement?

Not yet, need to get outside stuff finished. Back patio and raised outside beds (which are sad compared to what we used to do on acreage in Indiana)

Nate I’ve had a garden off and on for about 3 years.

Since I have deer and pigs abundantly I have it completely fenced and it’s only 8x32. I’ve had to get better at plant selection and placement to maximize yield.

I have several kinds of tomatoes lots of peppers, some radishes, chard, spinach , squash, cauliflower, red cabbage and cucumber

I’ve learned to send soil samples to get tested to help with nutrients. One year I got too much mushroom compost and the phosphorus went off the chart.

I’m still researching square foot gardening and other larger scale projects for future when we are up here full time.

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We are working on our flower gardens and shrubbery at the moment

So I'll share once I get them in some decent shape.

Got the garden fenced in today. 

I will make a temp gate out of some 1"pvc with wire wrapped around it to keep it lite. (An example below)

I have 3.5' high steel fence all the way around, the bottom 1' is a chicken type wire (small holes), it is staked to the ground all the way around the perimeter.

This is just a temp fence for now, i will a permanent one in the fall or first thing next spring.

The soil is a bit on the clay'ier depending on how things grow this year, i will probably have to till in some sand and some compost to get it to loosen a little.


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