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Upcoming Cancer drugs
« on: July 04, 2015, 09:51:22 AM »
If the economy holds, this has great promise and a huge upside.

The 123-Year Cancer Revolution
By Dr. David Eifrig, editor, Retirement Millionaire

 A new treatment is extending the lives of people with supposedly "incurable" cancers… even wiping out cancers completely.

 I call it the "Living Cure."

 I guarantee you that in the next few years, major magazines will feature the Living Cure on their covers. Ordinary folks will know all about it. Drug companies investing in it now will become pharmaceutical giants.

 One of my close contacts in the biotech world tells me doctors are battling to get their names and patients into these trials, because the doctors who play a prominent role in what is taking place right now will be considered heroes of the industry in a decade.

 It's all starting to unfold.

 Now, I want to be clear…

These treatments are still young. They can't cure every cancer… at least not yet.

 And they come with risks and downsides.

 Still, they've yielded some of the most extraordinary results in more than a century of modern cancer treatment.

 Ultimately, some of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies will profit handsomely, as well.

 Let's take a look at the history of the Living Cure…

In 1891, Dr. William Coley came across a housepainter named Fred Stein. Stein had a fast-growing tumor in his neck despite four surgeries to remove it. His case was declared "absolutely hopeless" by a senior surgeon.

 Then, Stein got a bacterial infection on his face. Without the benefit of antibiotics, he had to let his body fight off the infection.

 It might have been one of the best things to have ever happened to him…

Stein didn't just beat the infection. He beat the cancer. Something about the way his immune system strengthened to fight the bacteria led his body to attack and defeat the cancer. Stein made a full recovery.

 Dr. Coley pursued this cancer cure for years afterward. He'd draw samples from infectious abscesses and inject them into patients, trying to spark an immune response.

 Coley claimed to have had several successes. But the results weren't as consistent as the competing approach at the time – radiation. In the ensuing battle to beat the disease, radiation won out as the preferred treatment for more than a century.

 But Coley was on to something…

Cancer is an extremely complex disease. We've learned an amazing number of details about it since Coley's time: How it starts, how it grows, the differences between the varieties, how the genes in cancer cells work, and more.

 Without that information, Coley couldn't figure out why the immune system beat a few cancers, but not others. If he could have applied today's knowledge, he may have convinced others to work on his idea of using the immune system to beat cancer.

 Because now… it appears to work.

 Cancer has a lot of moving parts and a lot of causes. Over time, the research focus has shifted from attacking one or another of these aspects. At times, the "hot" research has focused on chemotherapy mega-dosing, the viral foundations of some cancer strains, the genomic aspects of specific tumors, and other subjects.

 The idea of using the body's own immune system to fight cancer has popped up several times. After Coley, the 1980s saw the rise of the drugs interferon and interleukin-2.

 Both tried to turn the immune system against cancer. Both showed early promise in animals and drew a lot of media hype. Both ended up showing only limited benefits when put to use. The focus on immune cures faded.

 Now, immunotherapy – what I call the Living Cure – is back. At least a dozen immunotherapy drugs are in development. And these treatments dominated the conversation at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) conference this June.

 On the business side, analysts predict that the market for immunotherapy drugs will be worth $35 billion in 10 years… suggesting that this isn't just good news for cancer sufferers, it's also good for business.

 In Retirement Millionaire, we recommend you buy shares in the company leading the charge in developing these new life-saving drugs. And better yet, we don't have to risk our money on some tiny, cash-strapped biotech firm that could vanish before its drugs see the light of day.

 Rather, we can invest in the immunotherapy trend by buying shares of a multibillion-dollar pharmaceutical firm. This company is more than 100 years old and a household name. It has spent the last seven years transforming itself from a stodgy Big Pharma corporation into a nimble drug developer focused on immunotherapy.

 With a history of healthy cash flows, the financial muscle of a big pharmaceutical company, and a pipeline stuffed with promising drugs… we believe this stock is poised for huge capital gains in the coming years.

 Here's to our health, wealth, and a great retirement,

 Dr. David Eifrig
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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