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America, sleepily sailing over the waterfall
« on: December 25, 2014, 04:56:20 PM »
A comment on America

by: Donald Harward

It was something the guy said in the church service the other day that got me thinking. It was a pretty new church we were trying out that we really like and are gelling with rather quickly. We are very much still into the meet and greet mode where the conversation is both polite and somewhat exploratory as wee seek to learn and others seek to know about this new family in their midst.

The pastor had introduced me to Gary, saying, "Don here is a military man and has spent some time over in Iraq and Afghanistan." Gary writes code for a company producing software for the defense department I believe. He is a well educated and well spoken man and sensitive to the precarious situation of meeting a new unknown with the knowledge that what he says and does will no doubt have some impact on whether or not we continue to visit.

He led off with some questions about this and that and within a minute or two was mentioning the war. Talking about it and what I see happening is not something I can generally withhold from, without going to the core of the matter rather quickly. He asked and I responded and during one instance I continued saying I do not believe the current population is aware of the real threat of Islam nor is willing to do anything about it.

Gary came back very quickly asking, "When you fly across the nation, The U.S., what do you see?" I pondered the question, thinking immediately a beautiful patchwork quilt of farms and various rectangles of tracts of ground that has been carefully divided and is full of trees or barren with the corn having just been harvested intermixed with some wild patches.

"Well, I see lots of farms, lots of blocks of land," I responded. "Exactly, Don, and who lives on those farms?...People just like us, that's who." OK seemed like a good reassuring answer to me, sure there must be millions of those farms and folks all voting and believing like us, so we must be good to go. The nation, the real America must be secure really. I was satisfied in one way, but troubled in another.

With the business and joy of Christmas upon us, I didn't sit back, close my eyes and devote my thoughts only to the question and his/my response to it, but it just sort of hung there like a nagging something that begs resolution, however, you're not quite there yet. Christmas afternoon and I managed to sneak in a brief workout while most were napping and the kids were amused with their newly found treasures. So on the tread mill I prayed a bit as is my custom, then the nagging question came to mind. The minutes passed and the realization of the truth started to come out.

If we were OK as a nation, if we would be carried to the ramparts of victory by the millions of farmers and rural folks, then where were they when Obama won the second election! That's it! I had it, the truth was right in front of me. Despite 99% of everything I saw below me being a patchwork quilt of industrious Americans, a man, a totally manufactured man won the presidency a second time. He had lied to the nation repeatedly, he did nothing as Americans were murdered viciously by Islamic militants. He prevented us from using our own resources to become prosperous. He covers up his secret past. He is a gay man masquerading as a family guy. What is worse? Being gay or lying about it. Personally, I'll deal with openly gay people any day over a liar for which I care not to waste my time with.

The list goes on and on as you are well aware, and despite all of this real truth staring us in the face, America elected a socialist bent on the destruction of the constitution. Yep, the answer IS right in front of me. We may have lost this thing, at least America, build 1. We are working on Build 1.2-1.2 or something like it. Truths are not necessarily truth and laws are used or bent as principals so need. Nope, I think we have been snowed over. Someone, somewhere has steered the USS America to the precipice, and a few real Americans have dropped anchor and are trying to save her, but the enemy has divers below the inky black surface cutting away at the chain and others work tirelessly to disable our engines.

Me, well I have a sick feeling that we are going over that Clift. I mean I find myself in this WTF fog wondering, "Did you see that?? Did you see what just happened?? Is anybody going to do anything?" And all the while who is quietly building strength everywhere? Any guesses? Want a clue?

Thinking back 10-15 years ago, how many masques did you see or know about? How about now? There is one in Florence right across the street from the Harley Davidson dealership! Can you believe that? You telling me those "Real Americans, those tough guy bikers" couldn't have one stinking pig roast just across the street, then wander over and invite the people in that church for some of KY's finest pulled pork? What happened to us anyway? Are we, are you afraid to stand up? Did it happen because we no longer get punched in the nose and have to defend ourselves? There is a powerful lesson to be learned when you stand up to a bully and kick his arse and win the day. We seem to me to be a nation of pussies afraid to actually DO ANYTHING. And then sit back and rest in the lie that all those country boys are going to rise up and do something about it!

Well how about you? What have you done? What are you doing? We don't even need to fight, although I fear that is exactly what many of us will end up doing. We should fearlessly go into these Islamic communities and mosques and talk about our savoir. In the end, God loves all men equally. And only those who call on the name of Jesus and believe that he is the son of God and died and came back to life and rules in heaven are a part of the kingdom of God. So why shouldn't Mr. Mohammad who lives down the street hear the truth that will set him free from the scourge that is Islam. Caliphate my old chapped butt! Not as long as Me and a few million like us draw a breath.

The ship. The USS America...Well she is going over the cliff, no doubt. I say do not wait until you crash down and are split into pieces to do something. While she goes over, hang on. Find a safe something to hang onto and survive that. THen while she plummets toward destruction, be prepared to do something. Take back what is yours, your freedom. Be prepared to go all the way for it. I'll tell you what from being at war with those Islamic people of peace, they are!
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