Hide Site/Bug-out location Construction, Part 5

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Well, the boneheads junked up the last thread, Part 4 so bad, that I have abandoned it. I'll just pick up here in part 5 where I left off there. Those useless DOTs managed to swell that thread out to 39 pages making it long enough to cause psychological damage and TAS (Thread Addiction Syndrome)!

So first up, I ripped a cylinder apart on the 4720 again. so I have removed that for repair, again.

The fault was with my weld. That steel that the piston rod is made from is very brittle, and apparently pretty hard to weld right. Even though I had a very hot weld, there was poor penetration, and it was my weld that actually let go. I'll detail that later on

Here are the new set of steps which provide access to the mechanical room:

They aren't square, but they are level. I guess getting one out of two is good enough!

Just below those steps and near the camper, I excavated the embankment to make room for another set of natural limestone steps

Here's the steps

A bit disorganized at the moment. but believe you-me they will be

Just have to give up some sweat, a few spinal column disks and some swear words!

And I started modifying my Armee HMMV trailer to carry water and fuel. I am detailing that build in the trailer section


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