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CIEMR: The greatest Existential threat of our time
« on: March 09, 2022, 01:37:32 PM »
The greatest Existential threat of our time

Could it be that the liberal left is the greatest existential threat to our lives? I’d like to raise that question because I believe there is ample proof to support that possibility. First of all, let me define the left. It is embodied in the Biden administration and all its incompetent leaders. Practically every department or cabinet head he chose is incompetent, has no prior experience to lead their area of focus, or is a closet communist. Look no further than day to day demonstrations of this incompetence from him or his vice president who talks to us as though we were in kindergarten. Recently we saw a transportation secretary who took paternity leave to care for a baby while American industry was melting down due to a supply chain mega-problem. We are forced to listen to a press secretary outright lie to us about almost everything. I mean, seriously, how much of this are we going to put up with?

I think Biden is an empty suit. He is senile and managed by who? His chief of staff? Other players outside the government? Who is running our government? When Trump was in office everyone and I mean everyone knew that man was large and in charge. Sure he had ankle biters hounding at him every waking second, but he still did so much to make us great again. We can still not quite fathom exactly what we lost when the election was stolen. OK, confession here: I do not believe Biden won a legitimate election. There is just a mounting mountain of evidence to the contrary.
Biden and what he represents is a great threat to our moral self, to our outright safety, to our freedoms, and to our dignity as a nation. He has created a very dangerous world out of one that stayed in check under Trump. Just like ISIS learned one Donald Trump will squash you in a New York minute if you try to cross us.

Biden has a decade’s-long history of gaffs, bad decisions, sexual harassment, possible pedophilia, and weakness. He could have only survived as a senator who came from a “State” which only has three counties! Yea, three! People like Kim II in Korea, some fanatic in the Iran, Putin, of course and President Xi of China all saw weakness. Heck, for that matter, everyone else knew that with Biden came an era of uncertainty, poor decisions, a super divided America. He telegraphed a coming flood of refugees, and a quick return of all of those Obama favs like ANTIFA, LBTGQ!@#%$, BLM, radical Islam and every other Anti-American organization you can name on several sets of hands and feet.

Putin is invading Ukraine. He did not fear a west led by a feeble idiot, so he went for it. He openly bombs refugees fleeing in pre-negotiated corridors. (Hope the man burns in hell for just that one, but that’s just me). Putin knows Biden is a fool and he knows he can do anything he likes or wants to do while the best support man he could have hoped for goes about screwing up the United States. That is the biggest reason he will probably be the first to use battlefield nuclear weapons. What has Putin to fear? More harsh language from the old fumbler? Grab Putin by the throat, shove him into a corner, close up eyeball to eyeball and tell the man, “You do that, and I’m going to immediately bury you in a thermonuclear hole.” Do that, show some manhood, and Putin will understand. Oh and Xi, Kim, and those Persians will also get the hint.

But wait, there’s more! Now this unbelievably incompetent fool is asking Iran, and Venezuela to ease our oil shortages? The same oil shortages stupid little joe created in the first place??????? Ask enemy states to please help us out, pretty please? UNBELIEVABLE! Venezuela is a communist nation. Allow me to explain: Speaking like our equally capable VP, Venezuela is a small country. They have oil and that is good. But they are killing and starving their people and that is bad. But now they will help us and everything is good once again!

And what of this peace loving Iran who is always the first to help the world with aid and comfort? You do consider women and children wearing bomb vests as an act of aid and a good thing, right? Sorry, just making a point. But, seriously, could a nation who believes in such an obscenely hideous practice somehow be trusted to keep their future nuclear weapons safely locked down and under control? NO! They will develop one or more, then use them while the paint is still drying on the “death to America” ink stamp on the side of the thing.

Now should Iran start selling this oil to us, I’m sure they wouldn’t bargain away any of their sanctions, now would they? We can all agree that they fully realize they are “Bad” and not “Good,” right? Of course they will take every last dime of that US coin and put it into the finishing touches of the Islam fission bomb. But hey, that may still be a good thing! Biden’s thinking: if at least one middle class American household converts from their 2008 Buick to that shiny new $150,000 Tesla then it’s a step in the right direction. Man I hope these new EV’s all have good radiation detection systems installed along with the heated steering wheels!

We could shortly relieve the oil supply crunch by simply easing regulations. I think that alone gets us back to even. Then we turn on Keystone and with that, start to supply most of Europe. We push some holes into the ground off shore and we are pumping natural gas as well. We become the primary supplier of energy to Europe giving us unimaginable leverage there, we keep Putin in his corner until his people figure all this out and replace him, and we give notice to the Saudis that we will be dictating the oil terms from now on.

Yea, call me an American bigot, because I am bigoted toward all things America first. That makes me a bad guy? Hold your opinion, I don’t care. We need to do some things pretty quick in the America we love before it’s all regulated into stupidity. First, just say no to stupid. That means no to everyone who is not aligned with the America first thinking. Fire them, recall them, vote them out of office and make life a bit more “Real” for them. An example of the latter that the Sherriff of LA and the Police Chief of New York could do today is to release every criminal released back to the streets by those left leaning communist DA’s directly in front of the homes of those two communists. That might clue them in. Oh, and let’s include the addresses of all the super-rich left leaning people financing those campaigns, yea, them too!

Next, arm yourself, and I mean everyone. Most states have open carry laws, so mommas when you go shopping for those pampers, carry your purse, handbag and an AR or Glock. Next let’s stop accommodating idiots speaking hatred toward our nation. When they start to talk, just walk away. Turn a back on stupidity. Hey, that’s a good name for a new movement, “Turn a back on STUPIDITY.”

Next, challenge them everywhere. They like to use the courts to frighten us and push their agendas. Let’s use the same courts against them. I’ll bet if you just read the employment agreements, code of conducts, accepted rules for conduct or something like those, you’ll find ample justification to file something against one of these idiots from the left.

If we don’t do something soon, people like Biden are going to literally get us all in such a mess as we may not be able to get out of, short of actually fighting. Last time we did that the country was a general mess for a long time afterward and a lot of good folks died. We don’t need that. Biden will recreate a strong communist presence in our hemisphere in the persons of Cuba and Venezuela. They will try to threaten us. They may even pull out the 1963 Khrushchev’s play book of stationing Russian nukes in their countries. Next, get a copy of “Red Storm Rising and watch/read it. It’s about to transition from fiction to reality.

These artificially created (Purposely?) rising oil prices will just crush people already suffering under 7% inflation and business will fail. Electric cars are not sustainable now, nor will they be as a viable replacement for fossil fuel for decades. Sorry, but it’s just a fact, and I like the Tesla’s. I also like my diesel truck, so that’s a wash. Should Putin extend his land grab then more and more people will suffer, and Europe will destabilize. Add to that my two boys who dream of becoming Army Rangers soon will be at risk. I’d like for them to wear that coveted tab, but somewhere around the continental US, pretty please. I don’t want to see American blood spilled in some god forsaken place with a name none of us can even pronounce.

Could I get a little help here? Could we all get busy getting rid of these fools and begin righting our ship? Worse things are coming. After the movie review suggested earlier, give Ezekiel 38 a read. Gog is Russia BTW…
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

Offline Sammconn

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Re: CIEMR: The greatest Existential threat of our time
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2022, 11:56:16 AM »
I just don't want to wind up missing a digit or limb.  I can sometimes get in a hurry to get results.


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