What to say when your daughters date shows up,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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Sure this has come up a few times, but this is the best I have ever heard.

Introduce yourself, just as would be the norm. As you talk to the lad, you place your arm around his shoulder and say;

"son, whatever you do with my daughter tonight, I will do to you tomorrow"

Then of course show him your guns!!!  8)

My oldest daughter's first real date was a boy from church....that didn't stop me from handing gim a .45 round and expounding on its benefits....."Aren't 45's great.. it's slow and doesn't just zip through the rolls around tearing flesh and organs all to pieces....have fun at the movies!" Ha.

I made a point of cleaning the FAL and Ar on the coffee table, in shorts, boots, and a greasy t-shirt one time. All that did was force them to date behind my back. Now, 3 of them have serious relationships with some educated city boys that treat me (and them) with great respect. i like the fact that they are clean cut, respectful, yada yada, but wish they were a bit more redneck so that I could actually converse with them.I guess you can't have everything.

The maiden camping trip coming up should be a hoot. they are bringin the boys, and they have never camped before.


--- Quote from: KensAuto on August 07, 2015, 10:48:46 AM ---I made a point of cleaning the FAL and Ar on the coffee table, in shorts, boots, and a greasy t-shirt one time. All that did was force them to date behind my back. Now, 3 of them have serious relationships with some eduacated city boys that treat me (and them) with great respect. i like the fact that they are clean cut, respectful, yada yada, but wish they were a bit more redneck so that I could actually converse with them.I guess you can't have everything.

The maiden camping trip coming up should be a hoot. they are bringin the boys, and they have never camped before.

--- End quote ---

That should be a magical weekend! I took my sister's boyfriend fishing once. After tying his lines and baiting his hook I decided that he needed to be the "net guy" for the rest of the day. it was nice having another limit in the boat however.

I have 3 sisters. My Dad worked 2-3 jobs at any given time and mom was sweet but naïve. When the senior basketball team captain asked my freshman sister, who he didn't even really know, to homecoming, I was instantly on guard. This is in October for us, and Dad an I were prepping for an early morning departure over to Banks lake, potholes area of Coulee City for some serious waterfowl and upland hunting when he showed up to take her to the dance. I was legitimately putting the 870 back together after stripping it down for a once through as it had been a full off season since I shot it last, I really wasn't trying to be intimidating, just worked out that way. I asked him where they were going to dinner, and he struggled to remember the name. Asked if he was buying dinner and he said, "well we were thinking about going dutch". I racked the slide and set it down; "I don't really think my 15 year old sister should be paying for dinner do you?" My dad quietly chuckled. "well no, I guess you're right that would be weird." I pointed out that she had an 11:00 curfew to which he responded, "but the dance isn't over until midnight..." "guess you guys should leave around 10:30 then to make sure you're not late?". She was dropped off at 9:30, and didn't speak to me for a week. Turns out as soon as they got to the dance he ditched her for some other hapless girl and wound up with a statutory rape charge. (His Ritchie Rich country club parents' lawyer beat the charge). As much grief as I caught for it with my sister it was worth every bit of it.


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