Raising twin boys

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Welcome and congratulations Dave- in a couple of years when they won't sleep- benadryl and a ride in the car with the heat on will do the trick!


--- Quote from: cudakidd53 on September 09, 2015, 01:37:37 PM ---Welcome and congratulations Dave- in a couple of years when they won't sleep- benadryl and a ride in the car with the heat on will do the trick!

--- End quote ---
For your sake they take it lol.
I almost forgot about vitamin "B"..

Or the baby carrier on top of the dryer while running...

Congrats. There is no greater blessing from the Lord and no greater responsibility to Him, that to bring children into the world.  Raising children according to His word in today's world is really difficult and will challenge both you and your wife.

Looking forward to all,  as I see it now I am sure the blessings will be visible in the distant future and at the moment will feel like  pain and agony.  By their fruits ye shall know them

Keeping the early morning rolling, the afternoon hours snoring, the late night hours feeling the powers.

Welcome and what a great build thread.


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