Commuication, Information Technology and Automation > Tech/Electronics

Dedicated GPS devices vs smartphones for (moto) navigation

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This is helpful thanks. I use my phone for almost everything paved now. With the auto traffic updates it's key. I still use paper maps for most off road stuff....I do like gps (handheld) for telling me exactly where I am when i have a ? but I like the old school way. When I'm in Maine there is no cell coverage so the phone is out anyway. But I know Google maps (which has alot of it) is still not as accurate re bridges out etc as DeLorme. I dunno how well DeLorme is in other parts of the country on that stuff but being the bible in Maine (where they started) I still use it. I have about 15 versions going back 35 years now.

I miss the old free topo maps. I should get some updated versions but now you have to order and pay for them. Before they were free.


--- Quote from: JR on February 11, 2017, 04:50:16 PM ---I miss the old free topo maps. I should get some updated versions but now you have to order and pay for them. Before they were free.

--- End quote ---

JR National Geographic has them all (most?) Online for free now....

I like them!

I had back country on my last phone and liked it. Lately, since I'm usually in an area I'm somewhat familiar with, I just use Google. If I'll be in a remote area with little to no service, I make sure to download the offline area  before leaving the house. The topo isn't great, but the Earth is really handy.

Sent from a spaceship


Hey, how about writing up which case your dad should mount on his Tiger and DR-650 to mount his horrible I-Phony.


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