Texas Prom 2019

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So not sure if this is the correct place but I’m posting it here and Nate move it if you need to...

As some of you know years ago and I’m still not sure why to this day Don approached me and said you need to speak to this guy Ashley from Texas. Honestly, I rolled my eyes similar to the day Don called my shop and the wife told me I needed to stop my weekly 3.5 hour mowing job to call him back. So since then Ashley and I have become pretty good cross country friends, to the point Don thinks we’re related. In the meantime my oldest you know Baylee has become friends with Ashley’s oldest Lexi.

So fast forward to I think it was Weds night this last week. Ashley texts and he’s pretty hot under the collar. Lexi has a boyfriend who decided to dump her a week prior to prom. Add to it the fact that she goes to a small school in little Gary east Texas. Her friends all have dates and after exhausting all resources went back to the clown bf to ask if they could just go to prom as friends. Guy hadn’t even rented a tux. So Dad (Ashley) has a valid reason to be upset in my book. As it were Lexi was now not going to the big dance. You get the idea, hair and nail appointments made and dress bought.

So as we’re texting about this I said “well, Baylee has a dress or twenty.” Immediately Ashley states I wouldn’t ask her to fly down here. To which my reply was “it’s just a short plane ride.” He then does the most stand up Dad thing ever and says if she’ll come I’ll buy the ticket. So I call Baylee up and tell her what’s up, no hesitation she says “I want to go!” So we clear the program with momma and rest is history.

Baylee flew to Shreveport Friday evening and it just so happens Monday is a day off of school for Baylee. She will be back in Denver at 8:30 am. Couple poser shots for you crusty old guys....

Way to go!  Kids can be cruel. Glad it all worked out and she will have a much better time.

Here in MN today my son had prom as well plus it's my wife and I 22nd anniversary

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What a great story!  Way to go gents. You were that close I’d have been happy to help bury the body....

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Bob Smith:
Very nice ending for such a mess to start with.

Heck yeah!    Much rather my baby girl go to prom with a kick A friend than some dipshiz boy with ill intent

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