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Author Topic: CIEMR Did they just shear the wrong sheep?  (Read 374 times)

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CIEMR Did they just shear the wrong sheep?
« on: May 11, 2020, 11:36:52 AM »
Did they just shear the wrong sheep?
Don Harward

Did this overreaching government go a little too far? Has the silent Christian core of this nation started to stir a little, more than a little? Did the communists disguised as democrats underestimate the power and the might of real freedom loving Americans? Did they think that enough of us had been transformed into sheep that the numbers were now manageable and the “Flock” was ready for the next step, shearing or culling? Or what some of them are calling “The new normal?”

I am beginning to think so and by golly it has me a little bit giddy this mornin’ as I sip on my favorite Swedish coffee blend. (Yea, I admit I’m a bit of a girl when it comes to the quoffee, I like it all fo-fo’d up!) I feel so good, in fact, I’m going for the Belvita breakfast cookies too!
All this forced control has done a couple of things to the population, conditioning if you will. It has further trained the mindless sheep to do what they are told to. Do not question the authority which is all wise and all knowing. Just do as they say, wear your mask (Or don’t wear it depending on the day and what the latest talking head is preaching) stand six feet apart and shelter down where you can catch up on all the mindless shows that soil our television and corrupts our minds.

This overreaching government said we can’t go to church. Now I for one thought that was a tactical error on the part of the enemy. And oh by the way, whatever office they occupy, it matters not. Anyone who acts contrary to that precious document that I swore on my very life to uphold and protect, I readily identify as an enemy. Like I’ve said many times, I am a simple guy in that way. You punch me in the nose, I’m going to react. You threaten my family or my friends, and I am going to react. You interfere with the kingdom of God in this nation, and I am going to react. You try and turn this nation into a communist state, and brother or sister, be it known far n’ wide, I am going to react.

And apparently there are many of us in this great nation who are cut from the same patriotic bolt of cloth. So people were allowed to stand six feet apart and go grocery shopping. Stand six feet apart and go to hardware stores. We could stand six feet apart to buy gas and in Kentucky we could stand six feet apart and go buy liquor and even continue getting abortions all because the government deemed that those activities are essential services. Buying a fifth of gin apparently in the mind of those who RULE over us is essential. Never mind the spirit of alcoholism that liquor stores feed into, it is essential. But not churches. We can’t seat you six feet apart and allow you to seek the grace that only comes from the throne. We can’t hermetically seal you in a capsule and seat you in God’s house because, well because it’s just not allowed. And the smart people who have the wisdom to guide us safely through this storm because they got one hundred more people (Dead or alive) to vote for them decided it is better to go get drunk than to seek the peace and salvation of a loving Jesus.

Are things a bit backwards? Are things a bit out of whack? Do you have the same feeling I have, “What the heck has happened to normal? Where did these people come from, and why is the need for transvestites to serve in the Marine Corps more important than rebuilding infrastructure? Well all of us of sound mind know exactly what is going on. A group of evil people, possibly communist, or possibly well-organized opportunists working for the one world government thing, I don’t know.

But I think they just made a big mistake. I think they underestimated the Christians in America. They told us not to go to church because this COVID virus might make us sick and some of might possibly die. Far less, in fact than die in car accidents, or from drug overdoses, or from the other flu, but in the minds of the all-knowing leadership, those facts are not important.

Freedom loving people are fed up with this nonsense. We are fed up with some contrived pandemic causing our life’s work and savings and plans and way of life to so suddenly change. Wouldn’t we all have been better off if everyone just got sick while those healthy enough to work did so and saved our economy? If we actually filled up all the beds in all the emergency hospital that never saw a single soul actually had people in them, wouldn’t that have been better than making everyone jobless and shoving tens of millions into unemployment limbo?

But all of that is not what I am really writing about this morning. I am writing about the fight. I thought there was a great revival of Christianity rising in our nation, and I strongly believe it is coming and it is happening now. The hunger for God is coming like we have never seen in any of our lifetimes, and it is coming because we were deprived what we all want so much. To worship him, to be in his house, to commune with our brothers and sisters, and to experience the wonderful love of our father surrounding us in our houses of worship.

A bunch of churches got together and mine was one of the “Lead the fleet” houses of God who fought back. Along with a freedom foundation of liberty lovin’ real Americans, mostly attorneys, we filed suit against (in our case) the governor of Kintuckee, and we won! Darn right, we channeled the love of God and his power through freedom loving Americans and we beat back tyranny. These attorneys filed suit against the governor making a case that if you make abortion clinics and liquor stores so called “essential services” and you then in the next breath say “Oh and you can’t go to church,” Then by golly that is not quite fair and may be a bit biased. The actual argument was much more eloquently woven, but you get the idea. This all happened in a matter of just days.

Our governor,  Andy Beshear who claims he is a deacon in his church had his team of attorneys face off against our small contingent in a lower court arguing the case where an activist judge ruled that the whiner Christians need to go home and stop questioning the wisdom of the all-knowing governor. But the attorneys arguing for the church would have none of that and appealed. They did that last Friday at around 1400 (two PM for all you civilians). Our team appealed to the appellate court which was set to depart for the weekend, but the judge decided to hear the case anyway, on Saturday. That was very unexpected but the case was heard and that judge threw out the lower court’s activist judge’s decision and decided that Churches were just as good as liquor stores and by golly if you preferred to go to worship the king of all that is, in lieu of snatchin’ up a bottle of tequila, well, then, so be it.
And that’s not all folks, there’s more. The just defeated governor king of the tuck mandated that, if there was to be church, he could no longer stop it, but there would be no singing! Did you hear me? No singing! Really, no singing, no rejoicing, no spirit filled/overflowing people badly missing the commune of their church home sitting silent in their seats while the pastor reads psalm 91? Fat chance, and holy smokes, what a service. It wasn’t just a service, it was a virtual eruption of the spirit of God filling up that place. Heck, I’m going to go back and check for cracks in adjacent buildings, there was so much energy coming out of that place. I think I grew younger, got better lookin’ and dropped some unwanted pounds just being there! Was there singing and rejoicing you ask? Yea, there was a lot of that going on!

And I saw something. I saw something that outside of the military I have seldom seen. I saw hundreds of people (All six feet apart mind you) standing and singing and praising and coming unglued with pent up spiritual energy, and I saw that connected directly to a mission statement delivered by the pastor. He preached about just how long, how much longer are we going to stand for a repressive government telling us, free people what we can and can’t do. The spirit of freedom and the love for Jesus was married and formed into a sword, and that weapon became pointed directly at the powers of evil in our government. There is a movement forming out of all of this.

I tell you there is an energy rising. Born from the love of God and salvation and steeped in the freedoms so many Americans have paid so dearly for. I think the other side may have overplayed their hand. They have awakened a sleeping giant, to use the phrase spoken by Japanese admiral Yamamoto after the attack on Pearl Harbor, and “given it a terrible resolve” to complete his famous phrase. This Coronavirus pandemic which causes people to get sick and some to die was the masquerade that the left, thought they could use to corral the sheep into the pens and pastures they wanted them to occupy. To prepare them for the new normal as the governor of Rhode Island first stated. But in that flock there was a few of us who haven’t swallowed the poison pill. Remember that three and one half percent of us defeated the British military and once freed this nation from an overreaching government in the form of an English monarchy. Remember that Gideon attacked a vastly superior army with only 300. It could happening again.
When this current government we all live under took our sheep in for shearing, I think they just may have sheared a few of the wrong sheep…

Remember, Jesus is the lamb…

God Bless America

« Last Edit: September 23, 2020, 08:25:50 PM by Flyin6 »
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
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