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Offline Flyin6

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What happens when Trump leaves office?
« on: February 08, 2019, 06:54:01 PM »
What if the Deep State wins? Survival in a Post-Trump Heavily Centralized Socialist Police State
Put aside your personal feelings, good or bad, about President Trump for a moment. The undeniable fact is, he won't be President forever. At some point Trump's Presidency will end - by impeachment, coup, death, defeat in 2020, or when his second term expires in 2024.

Regardless of when or how Trump leaves office, the deep state, the political class, the DC insiders. the collectivists, the socialists, the political & social activists, and the anti-Western elites in business, academia & the media will still be there. They will not have given up. They will not have gone away. And they will be extremely enthusiastic and energized to get their agenda back on track. So, how do we prepare for the consequences of the elites and deep state regaining full control once again?

The Rise of a Highly-Centralized, Politically-Correct, Socialist/Fascist Police State

Its not hard to predict where the Elites are wanting to take us. Just look at where Obama was pushing us. And where Hillary was going to push us had she won in 2016. And where the Dems are openly saying they will push us. Just look at where recent social, political, business, and technological trends are taking us.  Just look at the open hostility towards traditional values and beliefs. Just look at the attempts by Big Tech to shut out conservative and Christian voices, or any voice that doesn't totally embrace the politically-correct leftist agenda. Just look at the messages being beamed into our heads on a daily basis by movies, TV, music, and other aspects of pop culture. And I could go on and on. Those of us who are not aware of where they are wanting to take us can only have chosen to be willfully ignorant.

Here's what is coming our way once the Elites regain full control:

Economic Issues
Higher taxes on the middle class (probably much, much higher)
Higher taxes on big business and the wealthy (but with plenty of loopholes for their tax attorneys to wiggle through)
Higher taxes on small business (but without the loopholes)
Much higher level of environmental regulations
Much higher level of social justice regulations
Continuing growth of the National Debt
Renewed attempts at Nationalized Healthcare
All the above will lead to much slower economic growth and higher unemployment, as well as a shrinking middle-class
Loss of Privacy / Greater Police State Surveillance
Even greater power and influence for Big Tech and large corporations
Greater cooperation between government, Big Tech, and large corporations, to our detriment
Government will grandstand against Big Tech, but they want your data (and control over information) just as badly as Big Tech does, so they won't actually do anything stop Big Tech, as long as Big Tech mostly cooperates with their plans
New technologies enabling greater and more effective police state surveillance (facial recognition, closer monitoring of Internet activities, tracking of cars, cell phones, even chips in our trash cans to enforce environmental regulations, among other things)
A Chinese-style social rating system, in which you will need to exhibit certain politically-approved behaviors in order to get loans, get jobs, get a passport, get housing, get into college, and do almost anything in life - ultimate control by the government over you life
Loss of Freedoms (for our own good)
Loss of Free Speech rights, primarily through "hate speech" and "anti-bullying" laws, along with cooperation of Big Tech to suppress politically incorrect speech (another reason government will never really move against Big Tech)
Most millennials have already been turned against Free Speech, having been taught that it is just an excuse for "hate." This trend will continue.
Loss of Freedom of Religion (again, in the name of stopping "hate") along with continually redefining it as mere freedom of worship (see my 2015 article on this subject)
Loss of a Free Press as government allows Big Tech to do their dirty work by deplatorming, demonetizing, and otherwise freezing out all but the "main-stream" (corporate) media
Loss of Second Amendment rights (note the increasing popularity of "Red Flag" laws to get guns out of the hands of people with "mental health  issues" along with the American Psychological Association's recent declaration that "traditional masculinity" such as ambition and competitiveness is harmful - they plan to take away our guns without ever having to repeal the Second Amendment)
Other Issues
Weaker military
Open borders, uncontrolled immigration
Attacks on patriotism
Attacks on traditional Western culture, values and beliefs
 Attacks on the traditional family unit and traditional gender roles
I could make this list much longer, but you get the point.  Here is what should really scare you: None of the above is "conspiracy theory." It is actual trends and actual openly-stated plans. All of it has been happening, is still happening, and will only happen much more after the Elites regain control.

After Trump won the Presidency in 2016, most preppers breathed a sigh of relief and slowed-down their prepping, if not stopping it altogether. The reality is, Trump's victory did nothing more than perhaps buy us a little more time to prep. The dangers have only been delayed, not eliminated.

Fighting Back Against the Elites and the Deep State

Do I think all hope is lost? No. But it is not going to be easy to stop what is coming. It is going to take more than just winning an election. The forces we are fighting are deeply committed, deeply entrenched, and highly motivated. They have power, money, and influence. And they have the numbers in key positions (they control most corporate boards, most of the mainstream media, most of academia, and most of the government bureaucracy).

Here is what we need to be doing to fight back: Get out of the system. The less dependent you are on the system, the more you will be able to resist what is coming. Elections matter, even if it is to only buy time, so get informed and vote! Control of the Judiciary is critical. Judgeships matter deeply. Be very active in local politics and talk to local officials. Influence your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and fellow church members. Men, lead your family and teach your children. Don't give in to worldly ways, modern sensibilities, and political correctness.

Be especially wary of polices and laws that can be used as a "backdoor" to limit or take away our Freedoms. Hate speech laws allow the government to define "hate" however they wish. School anti-bullying policies more often are used to prevent your children from wearing a patriotic shirt ("bullying" immigrants) rather than stopping a real bully from taking your kid's lunch money. Red Flags laws have "gun confiscation" written all over them, especially in light of the APA's recent willingness to define traditional masculine traits as harmful. 
Survival in a Highly-Centralized, Politically-Correct, Socialist/Fascist Police State

Self-reliance is the key. The more self-reliant you and your family are, the less you will be affected by what is coming. Do everything you can to build as much self-reliance as you can while there is still time. I've written a lot on self-reliance, so check out those articles.

Get out of the system. The less you need the system, the less you will be controlled by it. Examples:
Homeschooling is better than private schools is better than public schools.
Working for yourself is better than working for a small business is better than working for a large corporation.
Owning out-right is better than paying a mortgage is better than renting.
A credit union is better than a small regional  bank is better than a big national bank.
Paying cash is better than a credit card.
Taking care of your health is better than needing a hospital.
Living in a small rural community is better than living in a city is better than living in a mega-city.
And the list could go on and on. Its not easy getting out of the system, and may be impossible to do so completely, but shed yourself of as much of the system as you can.

Privacy is paramount. The more I study what is going on, the more I realize the importance of privacy, and how difficult it is to guard.  I also think privacy is one of the most overlooked aspects of prepping. Think about and take steps to protect your privacy, both online and in real life.

From my article Operational Security - Part 3: Countermeasures:  "Children, especially young children, tell EVERYTHING to their friends, schoolmates, teachers, neighbors, and other parents (even if you've told them not to). Be especially aware of what you reveal to them, and remember that they do have ears and overhear a lot more than you might think. Remind them often that privacy is important and that they shouldn't share certain information with others. There have been many news stories in recent years of schools quizzing students about their home life, including asking about topics such as the parent's political views and if there are guns in the home. Tell your kids to answer "I don't know, you'll have to ask mommy and daddy about that" and to tell you who was asking those type questions. Review this with them often (they quickly forget)."
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren

Offline Bigdave_185

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Re: What happens when Trump leaves office?
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2019, 02:18:15 AM »
Don for President 2024 or sooner!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Offline Flyin6

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Re: What happens when Trump leaves office?
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2019, 10:23:15 AM »
Don for President 2024 or sooner!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'd die a mysterious death long before anything close to that got underway. Pense is a possibility. General Petraeus could work, or General Powell. Franklin Graham would hold the line, and I find Lindsay Graham sometimes interesting...

To be our president, I think one needs a good solid love of God, and a good solid hatred for the Democratic party platform.
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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