PERSONAL READINESS > Politics/Know the Facts

Trouble on the horizon for Canadians??

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Great video  :likebutton:

That’s a great video. And if you take it a step further, how much will the federal government spend on those 1000000 immigrants in our country, and I’m talking on legal fees, enforcement, welfare, etc. how much more food could that same amount do in their home countries?  How many people could be supported with $1,000,000 here?  Let’s lowball the amount needed to support a family of four and say $40000.  So for $1,000,000, that supports 100 people at most, if they were all healthy, working lawful four person families. You take that same $1,000,000 to Africa and how many people can you provide for?  If they are really making under $2 per day, then at $750 per year per person, you could support 1333 people and their quality of life would be greatly improved and they could make improvements I. Their home countries as that money would then Flow to merchants who could hire people who could then support their families and so on and so on. But unfortunately too many people don’t think that way.

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Good points Dave. I think it is wise to cite an old wise saying, "Just follow the money."

In this case, we follow the effects of all these illegal immigrants along with the lesser legal ones and we can see there is a huge cost involved. I believe the powers to be itching for a one-world government needs to dilute the exceptionalism of the American nation, and more importantly, the spirit of its people. The communist education system now is doing an effective job of changing the thinking of the Christian-based nuclear family toward one of ushering in an attitude of general acceptance of everyone and all ideas.
Anyone with a brain knows that is wrong and destructive, but the youthful inexperienced mind is easily influenced. That same mind and the person who owns it can do significant damage to our culture before life's lessons start to interfere with the falsehoods these youth have been taught.

These people vote. Then the system becomes more and more crippled by all these invaders, who not only cost us money but dilute our culture. Just me, I don't want other cultures coming here and assuming dominance over our native people. I think that someone has masterfully crafted a plan to dilute and ultimately destroy America. Without America, a socialist European union could be freed up to usher in change. The social problems, coming water and food shortages will cause strife, suffering, and wars. that's when the real depopulation comes to bear. The elites want to kill off around 5/6 of the world population, denuder America, Russia, and China. They want to create a more manageable situation where they can continue their elitist lifestyles.

They may see it as some master plan they crafted, but it is in reality the devil's plan. Using man to destroy man and defeat light and truth everywhere. We the people do not win, sadly, but someday, our king does!


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