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CIEMR: What are you allowed to keep?
« on: January 05, 2021, 01:57:32 PM »
What are you allowed to keep?
By Donald Harward                           5 Jan 2021

Tomorrow I expect to see things I have never seen before.

This is America's 1776 moment all over again. There has been a well-planned and somewhat well executed election fraud aimed at tipping the scales toward a socialist victory. America as a republic could very well slide over the edge toward a totalitarian system where we say “a-woman” instead of “Ah-Men” at the end of a prayer, where meeting to pray at all will become very difficult. When the demoncrats remove tax free status from churches, how many will remain open? When weapons are registered, controlled and eventually confiscated because they offend some snowflake in California, where will we be?

When stating an opinion that runs counter to that of the radical left becomes criminalized and made a hate crime, what will we look like? With a totally governmentally controlled education system that is a child of the cancel culture, will the truth have a chance? Imagine your granddaughter graduating from high school and not believing Jews were rounded up and murdered by the millions during World War 2!

We stand at the eve of the possible setting of the sun on the idea that is America, land of the free, home of the brave. I don't think the population of this country is either well educated, or well informed. They also seem to lack critical thinking skills and tend to be followers in a growing herd mentality. I can see a satanic underbelly to our government that is out in the open in places. Why aren't we, a nation under God killing the thing?

We aren't because we are too scared, too stupid, are unwilling to fight, and just plain too comfortable with our lives of opulence. Goodness could be tossed onto the waste heap of history if this flawed election is allowed to stand. If we stand by and permit this aberration of justice to continue, babies will be killed with more freedom as all manner of abortion is legislated into existence. You who believe in just two sexes may become purveyors of hate under some new law. You will see groups start to resist and fight back. Indeed we will see freedom fighters once again in America, but given the juggernaut of our modern military machine they won't stand a chance.

Tomorrow we either stand for freedom, or we surrender it to the beast, simple as that. We have no more time. We don't have a midterm election to displace the ruling demoncrats in congress. In the two years before the next election, they will plunge a spear into the heart of a Christian nation. What we enjoy today, will become a smoking hole in the ground somewhere. And thinking about it, maybe that is what we deserve. If we are indeed this stupid, to look right at direct evidence of fraudulent vote counting and ignore it, should such a people be allowed to continue in the name of God? Or would we be better described to be a people who live in some gray area somewhere between Satan and God.

Thing is, there is no such gray area, but frightened people blind to the truth will never see the truth. One either chooses God through Jesus or he chooses Satan, that's it. A one or a zero, a left or a right, an on or an off, without even the narrowest of fences to straddle. Tomorrow is the day, it will be decided.

My dad was a quiet man who you may have mistaken for an average guy devoid of anything unremarkable to point to. But one day while I was rummaging through mom's cedar chest, beneath her wedding dress, I found a brown jacket. This thing had some bars on the shoulders, and a set of propellers on the neck flaps. There were colored ribbons on the thing and a set of silver wings affixed above the color. I presented this to the man when he was sitting at his desk in the bedroom, and the mood completely changed.

I saw a different man look down at me as he gathered up that uniform and set it on his knees and he looked at me differently. The reverence with which he held that jacket and the manner with which he looked at me and chose his words gave me a sense that we had entered a state of being on hallowed ground. I could see almost without a single word being uttered that there was something great and high, and of deep respect and honor that settled in and around us. I saw a thing in that man that taught me that there was an order to things. Some were set above others. Some mattered more than others and some only existed in a rarified place that few ever get to see. My father had learned something in that unknown to me at that time, place. It changed him and although I lived with this day to day man who went off to work in his Chevy and returned to eat supper and read the day’s copy of the Baltimore Sun, something rested inside him that was much higher.

I don’t know, maybe some psychologist can put some sense to it, but that must have tweaked the interest in me to learn more about that “thing” I saw. I suppose since it was the uniform of an Army Officer I held, maybe that was where I’d find my answers. And, true to the fact that my dad belonged to that elite group of men who dared to test impossible odds as a B-17 pilot, I, to wore those Silver wings in some very bad places. I got to see my share of good, honorable, and brave men. They came from Texas and California, from Georgia and Wyoming and so many other places. Some had accents so thick I had to ask them to repeat what in the heck they just said, and others communicated everything with just a wink or a stare.

I learned of honor. I learned of fear, and I saw great men do incredible things, and I always felt that it was their love of country that got them there, but perhaps it was fear, or trying to protect their buddy, or just wanting to get the hell out of there that drove them to the extraordinary, but they did it.
Men like that have built and maintained this nation through the trials of a couple centuries. But those men seem to be few in number these days. Perhaps that’s still OK, because if you know anything about Asymmetric warfare, just a few can make quite a difference if we take a mind to do so. Our ranks are thinned and we see few extending an arm to help us stand for our country. We see some knelling in protest, and others standing with the kneelers simply because they fear retribution. They are the spineless many and judging from even the legitimate vote, their numbers are great.

So I wonder if a nation of the free and home of some brave deserve all that good men have given so much to ensure. Well, of course that nation does. But that is not the nation which stands idly by while a constitution which has protected its people for centuries gets swept away with a single vote. No, this nation may well deserve what it is about to get.

To be sure the lazy, and the evil, and the worthless inhabitants of this nation will enjoy party time for a short while. They will see the evil Christians crushed again and again. They will see pastors jailed, and men wearing Congressional medals of Honor, discredited because despite their heroic deed, they can’t accept surrendering their firearms. Some in America would see such a man jailed or worse and on the other hand give credit and honor to a juvenile delinquent.

A left leaning socialist nation will tax itself into oblivion. It will take all that we ants have worked so hard for and give it freely to fattened grasshoppers who will eat themselves to death. With a corrupted election that does not reflect the will of its people, whatever that will is, the nation will not and probably should not exist.

These grasshoppers will not see the Chinese or the EU or the UN coming. They will simply become aware some day when some Chinese captain who is now the commander of your village shreds every last remnant of your freedom. I know, you’re thinking that is not possible, right?
America is the richest nation in natural resources on earth aside from the Congo which has the most on the planet. Do you think the Chinese are just going to leave all this open for grabs if they can just swoop in and grab it? And how could such a condition ever come about you ask?

Do you honestly think free and patriotic Americans will just stand by and let this aberration of justice sweep our nation away? Never happen. Patriots will say to hell with this and fight. Not protest, but take up arms. Not sit by while BLM people burn city blocks, no they will respond with force. Armed conflict will break out everywhere. Cities full of police will not have control over vast stretches of highways that run through that 97% of the America that voted for Trump. Without highways, cities will starve, riot, kill each other, and burn. The nation will fall into a state of warfare and martial law. A socialist/communist president will call for help from the UN and that’s when we see blue helmets showing up.

When that happens it will be game on. Anyone with a pair will be shucking the bolt on that Remington hunting rifle defending what is theirs.
This surely sounds pretty far-fetched to most of you, right? Kind of like Japan sinking our navy from thousands of miles away, or a few lunatics dropping the world trade towers. But if you can’t see what I am predicting here, then you may not be thinking.

So I’ll close with a question: What are you allowed to keep?
Think about it…
You only get to keep what you are willing to fight for!

God, Please protect our nation…
Site owner    Isaiah 6:8, Psalm 91 
NSDQ      Author of the books: Distant Thunder and Thoren


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